
You receive a "No matching symbolic info found" error message for Comctl32.dll and Msidle.dll occurs when you debug your application in Visual C++ 6.0

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When debugging your application in Visual C++ 6.0, you might get the following error message

No matching symbolic info found

for Comctl32.dll and Msidle.dll (and perhaps other files). This happens even though you installed the .dbg files from the Vc98\Debug directory of the Visual Studio 6.0 CD-ROM.


The error message is due to the symbol (.dbg) files for the indicated DLLs not being installed or being out-of-date with respect to the DLLs. Installing a version of Internet Explorer may have updated the DLLs with later versions. You can ignore this error message because you should be able to debug your application successfully without these files anyway.

Msidle.dll is a component of the Internet Explorer upgrade, which does not provide symbol files. Internet Explorer upgrades may update Comctl32.dll and other operating system files, making the existing symbol files provided for the original operating system or service pack versions out-of-date with respect to the new DLLs.

Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 Service Pack and later contain newer versions of Comctl32.dll and its symbol file than those shipped on the Visual C++ 6.0 CD-ROM. Installing the latest service pack and its updated symbol files will enable Visual C++ to load those symbols. Currently, the service pack download page also contains a link to download the symbols.

For more information about how to install symbols, please view the following article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

141465 How to install symbols for Dr. Watson error debugging

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