
<div id="content">内如果有多个panel,每次只能显示一个panel,关闭后才能显示另外一个panel。



  1. css property - overflow:hidden - When set, this will disable auto-wiring of the scroller. Usefull for panels that need to auto expand, like carousels or google maps
  2. selected="true" - When set, this will make the panel the default panel that gets loaded.
  3. modal="true" - When set, this turns the panel into a modal window that takes up 100% of the screen (can be changed via CSS).
  4. data-header="id" - when set, it will load the custom <header> tag with that ID for that panel
  5. data-footer="id" - when set, it will load the custom <footer> tag with that ID for that panel
  6. data-nav="id" - when set, it will load the custom <nav> tag with that ID for that panel
  7. data-defer="filename.html" - This will load content into the panel from a remote page/url. This is useful for separating out content into different files. af.ui.ready is not available until all files are loaded asynchronously.
  8. data-tab="anchor_id" - This will set the selected tab in the bottom navbar to the id. Useful for when you update your panel via JS and not clicking a bottom tab.
  9. data-load="func_name" - This is the string name of a function to run when the panel is loaded. The div is passed in as a parameter so you can use a single function and act upon other attributes.
  10. data-unload="func_name" - This is the string name of a function to run when the panel is unloaded

data-header="id"  自定义header

data-footer="id"  自定义footer

data-nav="id"     左侧的导航条

data-defer="filename.html"  可以根据设置的地址给panel加载内容。

data-tab="anchor_id"   在此panel显示时,将选中footer中id为anchor_id的选项。

data-load="func_name"  在panel加载后,执行的方法。这个方法在panel每次正好在当前页面时都会执行。

data-unload="func_name"  在panelunload后执行的方法,也就是离开本panel时执行

title="home"   可以设定header的显示的内容。

   selected="true" 可以是这个panel变成默认的panel

<divclass="panel"id="about"style="overflow:hidden"> </div><!-- no scrolling -->
<divclass="panel"id="login"selected="true"> </div><!-- Default loaded panel -->
<divclass="panel"id="login"modal="true"> </div><!-- Modal window -->
<divclass="panel"id="about"data-header="default"> </div><!-- Change the header -->
<divclass="panel"id="login"data-footer="none"> </div><!-- This removes the footer!-->
<divclass="panel"id="login"data-nav="settings"> </div><!-- Change the side nav menu -->
<divclass="panel"id="login"data-tab="settings"> </div><!-- Change the selected tab to settings -->
<divclass="panel"id="login"data-defer="app/login"> </div><!-- Load the login content from the HTTP request of app/login -->
<divclass="panel"id="login"data-load="showCount"data-counter='5'> </div><!-- execute showCount when the panel is loaded -->
<script> function showCount(div){alert($(div).data('counter'));} </script>
<divclass="panel"id="loggin"data-unload="showCount"data-counter='3'> </div><!-- execute showCount when the panel is unloaded -->



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