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一、计算机专用名词翻译: (将给出的英语名词术语译成汉语, 每题1.5分,共30分)

1、application software

2、structured query language (SQL)

3、Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) 4、uniform resource locator (URL) 5、Web site address 网址

6、graphical user interface (GUI) 7、network operating system (NOS) 8、accelerated graphics port (AGP) 9、read-only memory (ROM) 10、arithmetic-logic unit (ALU) 11、central processing unit(CPU) 12、Universal Serial Bus (USB) 13、digital video camera 14、optical scanner 15

、audio-output device 16、laser printer

17、Liquid Crystal Display monitor ( LCD) 18、sequential access 19、file compression 20、hard disk



1. The most important system software program is the ______. a. word processorb. database management system c. operating system d. application software

2. The most common input devices are the______ and the ______ . a. keyboard, printer b. mouse, monitor c. printer, monitor d. keyboard, microphone e. mouse, keyboard

3. The term______ refers to the widespread use of mobile communication devices.

a. IT b. Wireless Revolution c. PDA d. RAM e. WWW

4. Web site addresses are also called ______.

a. HTML b. home pages d. hyperlinks c. URLs e. none of the above

5. In a relational database, data is organized into ______. a. fields b. columns c. records d. tables e. rows

6. The file and object is linked from is called the ______. a. destination fileb. origin file c. layout file d. support file e. source file

7. Service programs are another name for ______.

a. operating systems b. utilities d. device drivers d.. language translators e. interfaces

8.Language translators convert human language into ______. a. machine language b. UNIX c. service programs c. operating systems e. none of the above

9. The ______ operating system was originally designed to run on minicomputers in network environments.

a. Windows b. Mac OS c. UNIX d. Sherlock e. Norton

10. Norton System Works is a ______.

a. Web service b. troubleshooting program c. utility d. utility suite e. none of the above

11. Microcomputers process data and instructions in ______. a. milliseconds b. microseconds c. nanoseconds d. picoseconds e. all of the above

12. Type of RAM that is NOT temporary of ______.

a. virtual memory b. Flash RAM c. cache memory d. virtual and cache memory e. none of the above

13. A(n)______ , also called a data bus, connects the parts of the CPU together. a. adapter card b. parallel port c. serial port d. ISA e. bus line

14. ______ perform an operation when held down with another key. a. Toggle keys b. Combination keys c. Wand readers d. Monitors e. Touch screens

15. A handheld, book-sized device used to read downloaded content is a ______.

a. wand reader b. e-book c. light pen d. graphic tablet e. digital notebook

16. Speakers and headphones are the most widely used ______ devices.

a. audio-input b. audio c. audio-output d. multifunctional e. personal

17. A network computer is also known as a(n) ______.

a. thin client b. intelligent terminal c. dumb terminal d. Net PC e. Web terminal

18. Before a disk without tracks and sectors can be used for storage, it must be ______.

a. opened b. compressed c. expanded d. initialized e. scanned

19. Groups of inexpensive hard-disk drives grouped together and treated as a

single large-capacity hard disk are called ______.

a. disk caches b. versatile disks c. RAIDs d. DVDs e. hard-disk packs

20. ______ can provide over two hours of high quality video and sound comparable to that found in theaters.

a. CD-RW b. CD c. CD-ROM d. DVD-R e. DVD-ROM


1. Part of an information system that allow computers to connect and share information.

2. End user software.

3. Translates data and programs that humans can understand into a form that the computer can process.

4. Rectangular area that can contain a document, program, or message.

5. Programming language for the document files that are used to display Web pages.

6. Instructions for calculations.

7. Individual application programs that are sold together as a group.

8. Consists of a tiny circuitboard etched on a stamp-sized square of silicon. 9. A plastic card, the size of a regular credit card, with an embedded chip. 10. Connects the parts of the CPU to each other.

11. A computer’s ability to run more than one application at a time. 12. An operating system located on a single stand-alone hard disk. 13. One popular, and free, version of the UNIX operating system. 14. These keys turn features on or off.


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