本文翻译自:Parsing boolean values with argparse

I would like to use argparse to parse boolean command-line arguments written as "--foo True" or "--foo False". 我想使用argparse解析布尔命令行参数,写为“ --foo True”或“ --foo False”。 For example: 例如:

my_program --my_boolean_flag False

However, the following test code does not do what I would like: 但是,以下测试代码无法满足我的要求:

import argparse
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="My parser")
parser.add_argument("--my_bool", type=bool)
cmd_line = ["--my_bool", "False"]
parsed_args = parser.parse(cmd_line)

Sadly, parsed_args.my_bool evaluates to True . 可悲的是, parsed_args.my_bool计算结果为True This is the case even when I change cmd_line to be ["--my_bool", ""] , which is surprising, since bool("") evalutates to False . 即使当我将cmd_line更改为["--my_bool", ""] ,也是如此,这很令人惊讶,因为bool("")评估为False

How can I get argparse to parse "False" , "F" , and their lower-case variants to be False ? 如何获取argparse来解析"False""F"及其小写变体为False




I think a more canonical way to do this is via: 我认为更规范的方法是通过:

command --feature


command --no-feature

argparse supports this version nicely: argparse很好地支持此版本:

parser.add_argument('--feature', dest='feature', action='store_true')
parser.add_argument('--no-feature', dest='feature', action='store_false')

Of course, if you really want the --arg <True|False> version, you could pass ast.literal_eval as the "type", or a user defined function ... 当然,如果您真的想要--arg <True|False>版本,则可以将ast.literal_eval传递为“类型”,或者传递用户定义的函数...

def t_or_f(arg):ua = str(arg).upper()if 'TRUE'.startswith(ua):return Trueelif 'FALSE'.startswith(ua):return Falseelse:pass  #error condition maybe?


I was looking for the same issue, and imho the pretty solution is : 我一直在寻找相同的问题,恕我直言,漂亮的解决方案是:

def str2bool(v):return v.lower() in ("yes", "true", "t", "1")

and using that to parse the string to boolean as suggested above. 并按照上面的建议使用它来将字符串解析为布尔值。


There seems to be some confusion as to what type=bool and type='bool' might mean. 关于type=booltype='bool'含义似乎有些困惑。 Should one (or both) mean 'run the function bool() , or 'return a boolean'? 一个(或两个)是否意味着“运行功能bool()或”返回布尔值”? As it stands type='bool' means nothing. 就目前而言, type='bool'毫无意义。 add_argument gives a 'bool' is not callable error, same as if you used type='foobar' , or type='int' . add_argument给出一个'bool' is not callable错误,就像您使用type='foobar'type='int'

But argparse does have registry that lets you define keywords like this. 但是argparse确实具有注册表,可让您定义这样的关键字。 It is mostly used for action , eg `action='store_true'. 它主要用于action ,例如`action ='store_true'。 You can see the registered keywords with: 您可以通过以下方式查看已注册的关键字:


which displays a dictionary 显示字典

{'action': {None: argparse._StoreAction,'append': argparse._AppendAction,'append_const': argparse._AppendConstAction,
...'type': {None: <function argparse.identity>}}

There are lots of actions defined, but only one type, the default one, argparse.identity . 定义了许多动作,但只有一种类型,默认类型为argparse.identity

This code defines a 'bool' keyword: 这段代码定义了一个'bool'关键字:

def str2bool(v):#susendberg's functionreturn v.lower() in ("yes", "true", "t", "1")
p = argparse.ArgumentParser()
p.register('type','bool',str2bool) # add type keyword to registries
p.add_argument('-b',type='bool')  # do not use 'type=bool'
# p.add_argument('-b',type=str2bool) # works just as well
p.parse_args('-b false'.split())

parser.register() is not documented, but also not hidden. parser.register()未记录,但也未隐藏。 For the most part the programmer does not need to know about it because type and action take function and class values. 在大多数情况下,程序员不需要了解它,因为typeaction采用函数和类值。 There are lots of stackoverflow examples of defining custom values for both. 有很多为这两者定义自定义值的stackoverflow示例。

In case it isn't obvious from the previous discussion, bool() does not mean 'parse a string'. 万一从前面的讨论bool()不出来, bool()并不意味着“解析字符串”。 From the Python documentation: 从Python文档中:

bool(x): Convert a value to a Boolean, using the standard truth testing procedure. bool(x):使用标准真值测试过程将值转换为布尔值。

Contrast this with 与之对比

int(x): Convert a number or string x to an integer. int(x):将数字或字符串x转换为整数。


除了@mgilson所说的以外,还应该注意还有一个ArgumentParser.add_mutually_exclusive_group(required=False)方法,这使得琐碎地同时使用--flag--no-flag变得很简单。 。


class FlagAction(argparse.Action):# From http://bugs.python.org/issue8538def __init__(self, option_strings, dest, default=None,required=False, help=None, metavar=None,positive_prefixes=['--'], negative_prefixes=['--no-']):self.positive_strings = set()self.negative_strings = set()for string in option_strings:assert re.match(r'--[A-z]+', string)suffix = string[2:]for positive_prefix in positive_prefixes:self.positive_strings.add(positive_prefix + suffix)for negative_prefix in negative_prefixes:self.negative_strings.add(negative_prefix + suffix)strings = list(self.positive_strings | self.negative_strings)super(FlagAction, self).__init__(option_strings=strings, dest=dest,nargs=0, const=None, default=default, type=bool, choices=None,required=required, help=help, metavar=metavar)def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None):if option_string in self.positive_strings:setattr(namespace, self.dest, True)else:setattr(namespace, self.dest, False)


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