

If you get Commands out of sync; you can’t run this command now in your client code, you are calling client functions in the wrong order.

This can happen, for example, if you are using mysql_use_result() and try to execute a new query before you have called mysql_free_result().

It can also happen if you try to execute two queries that return data without calling mysql_use_result() or mysql_store_result() in between.

地址为:Commands out of sync

执行了一个存储过程, 需要将结果集取完,然后才能调用下一个返回结果集的命令。



BEGINselect * from gamebase where Accountid = AccID;


newConnection.SetStatement("CALL LoadGameBase(1)");
newConnection.Execute();auto resultSet = newConnection.GetResultSet();
while (resultSet.Next())
{int accountID = resultSet.GetInt(1);std::string accountName = resultSet.GetString(2);double curGold = resultSet.GetDouble(3);std::cout << accountID << " " << accountName << " " << curGold << std::endl;

上面这种执行方式就会报错为"Commands out of sync…"


newConnection.SetStatement("CALL LoadGameBase(1)");
{auto resultSet = newConnection.GetResultSet();while (resultSet.Next()){int accountID = resultSet.GetInt(1);std::string accountName = resultSet.GetString(2);double curGold = resultSet.GetDouble(3);std::cout << accountID << " " << accountName << " " << curGold << std::endl;}
while (newConnection.GetMoreResults());



newConnection.SetStatement("CALL LoadGameBase(1)");
newConnection.Execute();while (newConnection.GetMoreResults())
{auto resultSet = newConnection.GetResultSet();while (resultSet.Next()){int accountID = resultSet.GetInt(1);std::string accountName = resultSet.GetString(2);double curGold = resultSet.GetDouble(3);std::cout << accountID << " " << accountName << " " << curGold << std::endl;}



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