gradle maven

In this post, we are going to discuss gradle vs maven. We will also see how to run gradle commands from Command Prompt”.

在这篇文章中,我们将讨论gradle vs maven。 我们还将看到如何从“命令提示符”中运行gradle命令。

We have already compared maven vs gradle in What is Gradle and Gradle Tutorial posts. Here we will look more into gradle commands and corresponding maven commands.

在“ 什么是Gradle和Gradle教程”帖子中,我们已经比较了maven vs gradle。 在这里,我们将进一步研究gradle命令和相应的maven命令。

We are going to use Gradle Spring MVC example program to demonstrate most of the gradle commands in this post.

我们将使用Gradle Spring MVC示例程序来演示本文中的大多数gradle命令。

Gradle vs Maven (Gradle vs Maven)

Both gradle and maven are build and dependency management tools. We will look into following points in comparing gradle vs maven.

gradle和maven都是构建和依赖项管理工具。 在比较gradle与maven时,我们将研究以下几点。

  1. Gradle vs Maven Commands
    Gradle vs Maven命令
  2. Install Gradle Project To Maven Repo
  3. Maven vs Gradle Build Script Major Elements
    Maven vs Gradle构建脚本主要元素
  4. Maven vs Gradle Commands In Brief
    Maven vs Gradle命令简介

Gradle vs Maven命令 (Gradle vs Maven Commands)

As we all are already very much familiar with maven build tool, it’s better to compare maven commands with gradle commands to learn gradle easily.


In this section, we will try to take each maven command and find out the counterpart in gradle.


Like Maven, We can run gradle commands by using some IDEs like Eclipse IDE, Spring STS IDE, IntelliJ IDEA etc. and also from command prompt.

像Maven一样,我们可以通过使用某些IDE(例如Eclipse IDE,Spring STS IDE,IntelliJ IDEA等)以及从命令提示符下运行gradle命令。

To know version: First and foremost thing we should know is our software version so that we can understand which features we can use in our application development.

要知道版本 :首先,我们应该知道的是我们的软件版本,以便我们能够了解可以在应用程序开发中使用的功能。

To know version of maven, we need to use the following maven command:


mvn --version

To know version of gradle, we need to use the following gradle command:


gradle --version

To create JAR/WAR/EAR
To deploy our application into any Web or Application servers, we need to create our application JAR/WAR/EAR files.

要将应用程序部署到任何Web或应用程序服务器中,我们需要创建应用程序JAR / WAR / EAR文件。

To create JAR/WAR/EAR, we need to use the following maven command:

要创建JAR / WAR / EAR,我们需要使用以下maven命令:

mvn package

To create JAR/WAR/EAR in gradle, we need to use the following gradle command:

要在gradle中创建JAR / WAR / EAR,我们需要使用以下gradle命令:

gradle assemble

Before executing this command, open command prompt at our project root directory and execute “dir” command to see the content of the current working directory.

在执行此命令之前,请在我们项目的根目录中打开命令提示符,然后执行“ dir”命令以查看当前工作目录的内容。

Here we can observe that other than “src” folder, we have nothing. Execute gradle assemble command now.

在这里我们可以看到,除了“ src”文件夹外,我们什么都没有。 立即执行gradle assemble命令。

Here we can see “BUILD SUCCESSFUL”. This command, first compiles all source files and then creates war file. Now again execute “dir” command to see the content of the current working directory.

在这里我们可以看到“ BUILD SUCCESSFUL”。 此命令首先编译所有源文件,然后创建war文件。 现在再次执行“ dir”命令以查看当前工作目录的内容。

We can observe newly generate war file at ${PROJECT_ROOT_DIR}/build/libs/ as shown below.

我们可以在$ {PROJECT_ROOT_DIR} / build / libs /中观察到新生成的war文件,如下所示。

We can observe compiled *.class files at ${PROJECT_ROOT_DIR}/build/classes/main/[our-package-structure]/*.class.

我们可以在${PROJECT_ROOT_DIR}/build/classes/main/[our-package-structure]/*.class 。class中观察已编译的* .class文件。

To run Unit Tests
To run only JUnit tests without creating our application JAR/WAR/EAR file, we need to use the following commands:

要仅运行JUnit测试而不创建我们的应用程序JAR / WAR / EAR文件,我们需要使用以下命令:

To compile and run unit tests:


mvn test
gradle test

To Skip Unit Tests
To skip JUnit tests and do required other tasks, we need to use the following commands:


mvn install -DskipTests
mvn install -Dmaven.test.skip=true
gradle -x test install

To run JUnits and create JAR/WAR/EAR
To run JUnit tests first then create our application JAR/WAR/EAR files, we need to use the following commands:

运行JUnits并创建JAR / WAR / EAR
要首先运行JUnit测试,然后创建我们的应用程序JAR / WAR / EAR文件,我们需要使用以下命令:

To compile, tests and assemble:


mvn test package
gradle build

NOTE: In both maven and gradle, we can pipe two or more commands and execute them at once as shown above.


To clean
It’s always recommended to clean everything before compile and build our application code.


To delete build directory:


mvn clean
gradle clean

To Install
To compile, build and install to local maven repository, we need to use following commands.


mvn install
gradle install

To deploy Web Application
To deploy application WAR/EAR file into server, we need to use following commands.

要将应用程序WAR / EAR文件部署到服务器中,我们需要使用以下命令。

mvn deploy

To run on Jetty embedded server:


mvn jetty:run

Gradle has separate commands for each server to run created WAR/WAR file.

Gradle对于每个服务器都有单独的命令来运行创建的WAR / WAR文件。

To run our Web Application with already created WAR file in an embedded Jetty server:

要在嵌入式Jetty服务器中使用已创建的WAR文件运行我们的Web应用程序 ,请执行以下操作:

gradle jettyRun

To build WAR file, deploy and run it in an embedded jetty server:


mvn jetty:run-war
gradle jettyRunWar

To create JAR file
To create JAR file from compiled class files, we need to use following command.


mvn jar
gradle jar
gradle libs

Eclipse IDE Commands
To Generate a Project and all Eclipse required files.

Eclipse IDE命令

mvn eclipse:eclipse
gradle eclipse

To clean all Eclipse required files:


mvn eclipse:clean
gradle cleanEclipse

将Gradle项目安装到Maven回购 (Install Gradle Project To Maven Repo)

We can use gradle install command to build and install our application JAR/WAR file to our local maven repository.

我们可以使用gradle install命令来构建应用程序JAR / WAR文件并将其安装到本地Maven存储库。

We cannot execute “gradle install” command with our previous gradle project example from Gradle Spring MVC” because we have not specified any maven plugins in build.gradle file.

我们无法在Gradle Spring MVC的上一个gradle项目示例中执行“ gradle install”命令,因为我们没有在build.gradle文件中指定任何maven插件。

Now we will change our build.gradle file to include this functionality. Please follow these simple steps.

现在,我们将更改build.gradle文件以包含此功能。 请按照以下简单步骤操作。

  1. Add maven plugin to build.gradle file
  2. apply plugin: 'maven'
  3. Add GroupId and our JAR/WAR file version
    添加GroupId和我们的JAR / WAR文件版本
  4. Add build.gradle file root elements as shown below.


    group = "com.journaldev"
    version = "1.0"

    If we don’t specify version element here, then it uses war file version declaration as shown below.


    war {baseName = 'SpringMVCExample'version = '1.0.0-BUILD-SNAPSHOT'

    That’s it. Now our gradle install will copy application jar/war file to maven repository too.

    而已。 现在,我们的gradle安装也将应用程序jar / war文件也复制到maven存储库。

  5. Our complete and new build.gradle file
  6. apply plugin: "java"
    apply plugin: "eclipse"
    apply plugin: "war"
    apply plugin: 'maven'sourceCompatibility = 1.7group = "com.journaldev"
    version = "1.0"war {baseName = 'SpringMVCExample'version = '1.0.0-BUILD-SNAPSHOT'
    }repositories {mavenCentral()
    }dependencies {compile("org.springframework:spring-context:4.0.0.RELEASE")compile("org.springframework:spring-webmvc:4.0.0.RELEASE")compile("org.aspectj:aspectjrt:1.7.4")compile("javax.inject:javax.inject:1")compile("javax.servlet:servlet-api:2.5")compile("javax.servlet:jstl:1.2")compile("javax.servlet.jsp:jsp-api:2.1")   compile("org.slf4j:slf4j-api:1.7.5")compile("org.slf4j:jcl-over-slf4j:1.7.5")compile("org.slf4j:slf4j-log4j12:1.7.5")compile("log4j:log4j:1.2.15")testCompile("junit:junit:4.7")
  7. Execute “gradle install” command
  8. Observe our Local Maven Repository

Maven vs Gradle构建脚本主要元素 (Maven vs Gradle Build Script Major Elements)

If we observe both maven’s pom.xml and gradle’s build.gradle file, we can find the following things.


Maven Elements Gradle Elements
<groupId> Gradle’s “group” Element
<artifactId> Gradle’s “baseName” Element
<version> Gradle’s “version” Element
Maven元素 Gradle元素
<groupId> Gradle的“群组”元素
<artifactId> Gradle的“ baseName”元素
<版本> Gradle的“版本”元素
  • Like Maven, we can integrate existing ANT tasks in Gradle and use them in our projects.
  • Like Maven, we can create our own project specific Gradle tasks and use them in our projects.
  • We can even Integrate Maven tasks with Gradle build tool.

Maven vs Gradle命令 (Maven vs Gradle commands)

The following table lists all important maven and gradle commands.


Maven Command Gradle Command
mvn package gradle assemble
mvn test gradle test
mvn clean gradle clean
mvn –help gradle –help
mvn install gradle install
mvn –version gradle –version
Maven命令 Gradle命令
mvn包 Gradle组装
MVN测试 摇动测试
MVN清洁 Gradle清洁
mvn –帮助 gradle –帮助
mvn安装 gradle安装
mvn –version gradle –version

It’s a brief comparison between Maven vs Gradle build tools. It’s not enough to include everything in one post to list all commands with suitable examples. I hope we have given enough basics to dig into these two tools further to become an expert.

这是Maven与Gradle构建工具之间的简要比较。 仅在一篇文章中包含所有内容以列出所有带有适当示例的命令是不够的。 我希望我们已经提供了足够的基础知识,可以进一步研究这两个工具,从而成为专家。

Reference: Official user guide

参考: 官方用户指南


gradle maven

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