
by Alaina Kafkes

由Alaina Kafkes

如何找到您的开源Goldilocks区域 (How to Find Your Open Source Goldilocks Zone)

不太容易。 不是太难。 正好。 (Not too easy. Not too hard. Just right.)

A few Fridays ago, I decided to participate in an amazing initiative that my friend Maxcell Wilson helped bring to life called Open Source Friday. The premise is simple: contribute to open source, because it’s Friday and why not? But for me, finding a suitable issue was anything but simple.

几个星期五之前,我决定参加一个很棒的倡议,我的朋友Maxcell Wilson帮助实现了一项名为Open Source Friday的倡议。 前提很简单:为开源做贡献,因为它是星期五,为什么不呢? 但是对我来说,找到合适的问题绝非易事。

Frustrated by hours of scrolling through issues, I ended up making a pull request that was valued by the maintainers, yes. But that didn’t challenge me like I had hoped.

经过数小时的滚动浏览而感到沮丧,我最终提出了一个提请请求,维护者非常重视,是的。 但这并没有像我希望的那样挑战我。

Contributing to open source is as much an opportunity to give back as it is to learn. I fulfilled only the former that Friday.

贡献于开源不仅是学习的机会,也是回报的机会。 那个星期五我只完成了前者。

What made the search for a suitable issue so difficult?


As someone who has already had a few pull requests merged, I found that issues labeled “beginner” didn’t seem challenging enough. But as soon as I took “beginner” out of my search criteria, it felt hard to gauge the difficulty of issues with other labels or no labels at all.

当一个已经合并了一些拉取请求的人合并时,我发现标记为“初学者”的问题似乎没有足够的挑战性。 但是,一旦我从搜索标准中剔除“初学者”,就很难衡量其他标签或根本没有标签的问题的难度。

Even worse, some of these more advanced issues had jargon-filled descriptions that turned me off from contributing.


How could I find my Goldilocks issue — one that stretched my skillset just right — in the chasm between beginner and advanced?


I gave up on my search for my Goldilocks issue on that fateful Open Source Friday. But ever since then, I’ve been brainstorming strategies to help myself and others find our Goldilocks issues.

在那个决定性的开源星期五,我放弃了对Goldilocks问题的搜索。 但是自那时以来,我一直在集思广益,以帮助自己和其他人发现我们的Goldilocks问题。

Here’s my four-pronged approach:


策略1:从已加星标的存储库开始。 (Strategy #1: Start with your starred repositories.)

If you starred a repository, you probably care about it. Perhaps you’ve used it before in a personal project. Perhaps it just seemed cool at the time. Whatever it is, the thing that caused you to star a repository may in turn motivate you to contribute to it.

如果您为存储库加注星标,则可能会在意它。 也许您以前在个人项目中使用过它。 也许当时看起来很酷。 无论是什么,导致您启动存储库的事物可能反过来激发您为该存储库做出贡献。

Plus, browsing your starred repositories for open issues feels less overwhelming and impersonal than turning to the gamble that is GitHub’s search bar.


策略2:利用您的个人网络找到值得信赖的开源社区。 (Strategy #2: Leverage your personal network to find trustworthy open source communities.)

Do you follow someone on Twitter who maintains an open source project? Do you have a friend who recently tackled an issue? Ask them about their experiences in open source! Use their guidance in order to find warm, accepting open source communities that are willing to answer your questions and review your code when you work on one of their project’s issues.

您是否在Twitter上关注维护开源项目的某人? 您最近有一个朋友解决这个问题吗? 向他们询问他们在开源方面的经验! 使用他们的指导来寻找热情,接受的开源社区,当您处理他们的项目之一时,他们愿意回答您的问题并查看您的代码。

If you don’t have any connections in open source, at the very least you can look for projects with a code of conduct. Because the community vibe can make or break your open source experience, finding a supportive environment matters.

如果您在开源中没有任何联系,那么至少您可以寻找具有行为准则的项目。 由于社区氛围可以成就或破坏您的开放源代码体验,因此寻找支持性环境至关重要。

策略3:如果您不想再处理文档,请继续进行测试。 (Strategy #3: If you don’t want to work on documentation again, move on to tests.)

Writing documentation is a common rite of passage for beginners in open source.


I don’t wish to downplay the importance of good documentation — after all, a well-documented repository is the hallmark of a project worth contributing to — but in order to push yourself as a programmer, it is crucial to code.


Writing tests gives you the chance familiarize yourself with the project’s codebase and demonstrate your understanding of it by addressing testing for all possible cases. Getting more comfortable with a large codebase can even ease you into future open source contributions.

编写测试使您有机会熟悉项目的代码库,并通过针对所有可能的情况进行测试来证明您对代码库的理解。 更加熟悉大型代码库甚至可以使您轻松参与将来的开源贡献。

策略4:检查维护人员的React速度。 (Strategy #4: Check how responsive maintainers are.)

Do maintainers acknowledge new issues in a reasonable amount of time? Do maintainers frequently discuss the project with contributors via GitHub, Slack, or Gitter?

维护人员是否在合理的时间内确认新问题? 维护者是否经常通过GitHub,Slack或Gitter与贡献者讨论该项目?

Communication is key in maintainer-contributor relations. The nature and number of exchanges you have with a maintainer — or, at least, with a frequent contributor — will have a huge impact on your open source experience.

沟通是维护者与提供者之间关系的关键。 您与维护者或至少与频繁的贡献者进行的交流的性质和数量将对您的开源体验产生巨大的影响。

Choose to contribute to projects that have maintainers and frequent contributors who are willing to collaborate with you especially if you start to struggle to make your contribution. Set yourself up in an environment where you don’t have to be afraid to ask questions!

选择为那些拥有维护者和频繁贡献者并愿意与您合作的项目做出贡献,尤其是当您开始努力做出贡献时。 在不必害怕提问的环境中进行设置!

我如何应用这些技巧来查找Goldilocks问题 (How I applied these tips to find my Goldilocks issue)

I decided to put my own advice to the test and find my Goldilocks issue.

我决定对测试提出自己的建议,并找到我的 Goldilocks问题。

The first strategy suited me perfectly: upon scanning through my starred repositories, I found an issue within Socratic’s mathsteps that has pushed me to get comfortable diving into large JavaScript codebases. What’s more, I’ve been lucky to work with maintainer Evy Kassirer who is wonderful at handling the barrage of questions I ask.

第一个策略非常适合我:在浏览已加星标的存储库时,我发现Socratic的数学步骤中存在一个问题 ,促使我逐渐适应大型JavaScript代码库。 而且,我很幸运能与维护者Evy Kassirer一起工作,他非常擅长处理我提出的各种问题。

Lucky you: it looks like Friday is another Open Source Friday (every Friday is Open Source Friday). With these four strategies in mind, go seek out your Goldilocks issue and contribute to open source!

幸运的是:看起来星期五是另一个开源星期五( 每个星期五都是开源星期五 )。 请牢记这四个策略,去寻找您的 Goldilocks问题并为开源做出贡献!

Enjoy what you read? Spread the love by liking and sharing this piece. Have thoughts or questions? Reach out to me on Twitter or in the comments below. Thanks for reading!

享受阅读的内容吗? 通过分享和分享这段爱情来传播爱。 有想法或问题吗? 在Twitter或以下评论中与我联系。 谢谢阅读!




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