
1)一个总的大话题——describe sth/sb/an experience
① who, what, where, when…
② who, what, where, how often, when, how you know…
③ what you do/did, how you do/did it, what sth is about…
④ why, how you feel/felt…





when it happened?
where you were?
who you were with?
why you were scared?(describe an occasion when you were scared)

① 首先提取答案中的关键词(what),回答大标题。
② 然后介绍自己回答的关键词。
③ 整理小标题中的关键词(who, where, when, why)。
④ 分析题目中缺乏的要素是什么(what happened)。
⑤ 将所有要素补齐然后进行回答。

as far as I’m concerned, what I’m afraid of the most must be the roller coaster(直接回答), which is the must-go place in an amusement park(简单介绍). As a result, I really afraid of being in an amusement park. The last time I rode roller coaster was last summer vacation, if I remember it correctly, it was the day right after my final exam(when).

At that day, I had a day off, so that I could stay all day long with my friends. A very good friend of mine(who) sent me a voice message on WeChat said that they decided to go to the amusement park(where), which was the worst scenario to be honest. However, it was hard for me to say no to my friends, who told me that ideally amusement park would give people an adrenalin rush. So we went to the amusement park, and went straight to the roller coaster area, I have never tried it before, but they all kept egging me on. All I can remember about roller coaster is that it scared the living daylights of me.(what happened) This kind of game is not suitable for me at all, I would never get used to it.(why)



how you felt about it?(describe an occasion when you were scared)

① 特别害怕
② 自豪,是一次全新的体验
③ 让人有勇气去体验各种不一样的事
about how I feel about it, well… first of all, I was really scared, which is for sure the most impressive feeling of this experience, I will never ride the roller coaster again, the screaming that I made while I was on this machine made me the center of attention. However, secondly, as a matter of fact, I’m proud of myself. Riding roller coaster is a brand new experience for me, which push me make my worst nightmare come true. Last but not least, after doing it, I feel like I could anything no matter how diffcult this thing is.


as for, regarding, about后面直接接问题
as for/regarding/about what I felt about it…
there are several/tons of/wide variety of feelings that I felt…


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