

The roof is the most important part of a house.


It's the dome. It's the shelter.


Here, people can look up at the sky and imagine.

01 封顶仪式

Roof-sealing Ceremony


Team TUBSEU photo for roof-sealing ceremony


At July 11 , the third day of the C-house construction,team TUBSEU welcomed a "secret guest". It meandered out, the whole body stretched out, showing his handsome "body". The massive object was the entire prefabricated roof of ark sunshine 2.0, the c-house.


At about 11 a.m., the ceiling was hoisted up,in the witness of the team teachers and students, by crane hoisting, hoisted to the installed building frame.At 12:00am,our C-house successfully sealed the roof.


Lifting the fabricated roof

02 大屋顶背后的故事

The story behind the big roof


Sunshine ark 2.0-- c-house integral assembly roof prefabricated by steel truss in the factory. The area is about 110 square meters, and Weight over 13 tons. It is a large prefabricated component assembled by the factory. The structural system consists of two large steel trusses, six trusses of steel truss and connecting steel beam.


The factory prefabrication and assembly of roof can be divided into five steps: roof structure installation, roof panel installation, laying waterproof rolls, roof fixing installation and roof panel installation. Connect the structural components, envelope components and decoration components of the roof into large components, and realize the rapid construction of the building through the overall lifting of the site.


The assembly interface of roof truss system is supported by ground jack. After hoisting the south and north side truss and six trusses of roof truss to the bottom steel beam respectively, the upper and lower steel beams in the direction of vertical truss are connected to the truss, to form a truss roof system with overall stiffness. Fast assembly of the structural body is ensured by the way of reserved fitting and bolted connection on the structural body.


Assembling the roof structures


As a thermal insulation layer, the roof panel is divided into 10 standard pieces of the same size. hoisted on both sides of the east and west, connected with the structural layer by steel connector. Sealing glue is used between the board joints to ensure the overall thermal insulation performance.


Assembling the roof decks


Waterproof rolling material is laid on the roof panel and fixed with roof panel. The top layer of the roof is the roof structure roof panel on the fixed parts. The roof panel is serrated and drains to the east and west sides respectively.


Paving water-proof coils


Installing the connection


In order to achieve this huge building, In addition to the completion of the factory's prefabricated assembly, there are also many transshipment, Including transshipment of first-class components from factory to site factory, transshipment of roof from site factory to site and transshipment of test hoisting. I have to say this is a big project for this competition.


Transporting the roof to construction site


The roof was covered and the house seemed to belong. It was there. It gave us shelter. It gave us home. The installation of the roof provides good cover for subsequent construction. Within three days, the construction environment of the semi-indoor was rapidly realized, which provided sufficient guarantee for the construction work in the hot rain weather. Doing things on the ground at high altitude and realizing the operation on the ground at high altitude greatly improves the construction safety and work efficiency.






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