
对软件构建过程中所产生的错误(build process bugs)进行实证研究。

5个开源项目:CXF, Camel, Felix,Struts, and Tuscany。

把build process bugs 和 other bugs在3个维度比较:bug severity, bug fix time, the number of files modified to fix a bug。


Ⅰ.the fraction of build process bugs which are above major severity level(严重级别) is lower than that of other bugs.


Ⅱ.the time effort required to fix a build process bug is around 2.03 times more than that of a non-build process bug.


Ⅲ.the number of source files modified to fix a build process bug is around 2.34 times more than that modified for a non-build bug.


S1   Introduction



  • build process bugs 和 non-build bugs的严重级别分布
  • 修复build process bugs 和 non-build bugs所花的时间
  • 修复build process bugs 和 non-build bugs需要修改多少的源码


To collect build process bugs we follow a two step approach: bug report collection and build process bug identification.

Bug Report Collection

5个开源项目,利用JIRA bug tracking systems搜集错误报告:

Build Process Bug Identification

标识Build Process Bug:

  1. 半自动的分析出哪些report是我们需要的;
  2. 从这些报告中,手动分析出哪些是构建过程中产生的错误,哪些不是;

由于并非每一个构建阶段的文件都会出现在构建文件中,因此筛选到最后,left with 3,205 bug reports (642, 836, 811, 343, and 573 for CXF, Camel, Felix, Struts2, and Tuscany, respectively)。

对于所有的错误报告,人工地去检测它是否是构建过程中出现的错误,最后,identified 121 build process bugs (27, 33, 12, 11, and 38 for CXF, Camel, Felix, Struts2,
and Tuscany, respectively).



JIRA在bug report中指定了5中严重等级:Blocker, Critical, Major, Minor, and Trivial.


  1. 无论是构建错误还是非构建错误,他们导致系统严重问题(级别为Blocker和Critical)的错误数量都相对较少;
  2. 导致系统严重问题(级别为Blocker和Critical)的错误中,构建错误的数量小于非构建错误的数量;


用两个时间戳来记录fix time


  1. To fix a bug, the time effort for a build process bug is around 2.03 times the time required to fix a non-build bug.(构建错误的维护时间是非构建错误的维护时间的2.03倍)
  2. the mean fix time of bug reports whose severity levels are either Major, Critical, or Blocker is much longer for build process bugs than for other bugs(严重等级在Major, Critical, or Blocker 的构建错误的平均维护时间要比相应的非构建错误的维护时间要长)



  1. the number of source files modified for build process bugs is much more than that of non-build bugs(修复构建错误所需要修改的源文件数量远远多余非构建错误)
  2. the number of source files modified for bug reports whose severity levels are either Major, Critical, or Blocker is much more for build

process bugs than for other bugs, (严重等级在Major, Critical, or Blocker的构建错误修复所需的源文件数量远远大于非构建错误)




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