8 Box model盒模型

8.1 Box dimensions 盒子的大小

Each box has a content area (e.g., text, an image, etc.) and optional surrounding padding, border, and margin areas; the size of each area is specified by properties defined below. The following diagram shows how these areas relate and the terminology used to refer to pieces of margin, border, and padding:

每一个盒子都包含一个内容区域(例如文本,图片等等)和围绕在内容周围的可选padding, border, 和 margin区域;每个区域的大小由下面定义的属性来指定。下图说明了这些区域之间的关系和用于表示margin, border, 和 padding每一部分的术语:

The margin, border, and padding can be broken down into top, right, bottom, and left segments (e.g., in the diagram, "LM" for left margin, "RP" for right padding, "TB" for top border, etc.).

margin, border, 和 padding都可以分为top, right, bottom, 和 left四部分(例如,在上图中,"LM"表示左边的margin,"RP" 表示右边的padding, "TB" 表示顶部的border,等等)。

The perimeter of each of the four areas (content, padding, border, and margin) is called an "edge", so each box has four edges:

四个区域(content, padding, border, 和 margin)每部分的周长被称作边缘,所以每个盒子有四个边缘:

content edge or inner edge 内容区域的边缘

The content edge surrounds the rectangle given by the width and height of the box, which often depend on the element's rendered content. The four content edges define the box's content box.


padding edge 内部填充区域的边缘

The padding edge surrounds the box padding. If the padding has 0 width, the padding edge is the same as the content edge. The four padding edges define the box's padding box.


border edge 边框的边缘

The border edge surrounds the box's border. If the border has 0 width, the border edge is the same as the padding edge. The four border edges define the box's border box.


margin edge or outer edge 外部填充区域的边缘

The margin edge surrounds the box margin. If the margin has 0 width, the margin edge is the same as the border edge. The four margin edges define the box's margin box.


Each edge may be broken down into a top, right, bottom, and left edge.


The dimensions of the content area of a box — the content width and content height — depend on several factors: whether the element generating the box has the 'width' or 'height' property set, whether the box contains text or other boxes, whether the box is a table, etc. Box widths and heights are discussed in the chapter on visual formatting model details.

一个盒子的内容区域的大小——内容的宽度和内容的高度——取决于几个因素:生成盒子的元素是否设置了宽度和高度,盒子是否包含文本或其他盒子,盒子是否是一个table,等等。盒子的宽度和高度将在visual formatting model details中讨论。

The background style of the content, padding, and border areas of a box is specified by the 'background' property of the generating element. Margin backgrounds are always transparent.


8.2 Example of margins, padding, and borders 举例说明边框区域,内部和外部填充区域

This example illustrates how margins, padding, and borders interact. The example HTML document:

下面的例子介绍了margins, padding, 和 borders 之间是怎样互相影响的。HTML文档例子:




<TITLE>Examples of margins, padding, and borders</TITLE>

<STYLE type="text/css">

UL {

background: yellow;

margin: 12px 12px 12px 12px;

padding: 3px 3px 3px 3px;

/* No borders set  没有设置边框*/


LI {

color: white;                /* text color is white */

background: blue;            /* Content, padding will be blue */

margin: 12px 12px 12px 12px;

padding: 12px 0px 12px 12px; /* Note 0px padding right */

list-style: none             /* no glyphs before a list item */

/* No borders set */


LI.withborder {

border-style: dashed;

border-width: medium;        /* sets border width on all sides */

border-color: lime;






<LI>First element of list

<LI class="withborder">Second element of list is

a bit longer to illustrate wrapping.




results in a document tree with (among other relationships) a UL element that has two LI children.


The first of the following diagrams illustrates what this example would produce. The second illustrates the relationship between the margins, padding, and borders of the UL elements and those of its children LI elements. (Image is not to scale.)

下面的第一个图表阐明了这个例子将生成什么。第二个例子介绍了UL元素的margins, padding, 和 borders和子元素LI之间的关系。

Note that:

  • The content width for each LI box is calculated top-down; the containing block for each LI box is established by the UL element.
  • The margin box height of each LI box depends on its content height, plus top and bottom padding, borders, and margins. Note that vertical margins between the LI boxes collapse.
  • The right padding of the LI boxes has been set to zero width (the 'padding' property). The effect is apparent in the second illustration.
  • The margins of the LI boxes are transparent — margins are always transparent — so the background color (yellow) of the UL padding and content areas shines through them.
  • The second LI element specifies a dashed border (the 'border-style' property).

8.3 Margin properties: 'margin-top', 'margin-right', 'margin-bottom', 'margin-left', and 'margin'外部填充区域的属性

Margin properties specify the width of the margin area of a box. The 'margin' shorthand property sets the margin for all four sides while the other margin properties only set their respective side. These properties apply to all elements, but vertical margins will not have any effect on non-replaced inline elements.


The properties defined in this section refer to the <margin-width> value type, which may take one of the following values:



Specifies a fixed width.



The percentage is calculated with respect to the width of the generated box's containing block. Note that this is true for 'margin-top' and 'margin-bottom' as well. If the containing block's width depends on this element, then the resulting layout is undefined in CSS 2.1.

百分比的计算与生成盒子的包含块有关。注意该规则同样适用于'margin-top' 和 'margin-bottom'。如果包含块的宽度取决于这个元素,那么CSS2.1中没有定义其最终布局。


See the section on calculating widths and margins for behavior.

请查看calculating widths and margins。

Negative values for margin properties are allowed, but there may be implementation-specific limits.


'margin-top', 'margin-bottom'

Value: <margin-width> | inherit
Initial: 0
Applies to: all elements except elements with table display types other than table-caption, table and inline-table

可应用在除diaply属性显示为table-caption, table 和 inline-table的table元素外的其他任何元素。

Inherited: no
Percentages: refer to width of containing block
Media: visual
Computed value: the percentage as specified or the absolute length

These properties have no effect on non-replaced inline elements.


'margin-right', 'margin-left'

Value: <margin-width> | inherit
Initial: 0
Applies to: all elements except elements with table display types other than table-caption, table and inline-table

可应用在除diaply属性显示为table-caption, table 和 inline-table的table元素外的其他任何元素。

Inherited: no
Percentages: refer to width of containing block


Media: visual
Computed value: the percentage as specified or the absolute length


These properties set the top, right, bottom, and left margin of a box.



h1 { margin-top: 2em }


Value: <margin-width>{1,4} | inherit
Initial: see individual properties


Applies to: all elements except elements with table display types other than table-caption, table and inline-table

可应用在除diaply属性显示为table-caption, table 和 inline-table的table元素外的其他任何元素。

Inherited: no
Percentages: refer to width of containing block


Media: visual
Computed value: see individual properties


The 'margin' property is a shorthand property for setting 'margin-top', 'margin-right', 'margin-bottom', and 'margin-left' at the same place in the style sheet.

在样式表的相同位置,'margin'属性是设置'margin-top', 'margin-right', 'margin-bottom', and 'margin-left'的简写属性。

If there is only one component value, it applies to all sides. If there are two values, the top and bottom margins are set to the first value and the right and left margins are set to the second. If there are three values, the top is set to the first value, the left and right are set to the second, and the bottom is set to the third. If there are four values, they apply to the top, right, bottom, and left, respectively.



body { margin: 2em }         /* all margins set to 2em */

body { margin: 1em 2em }     /* top & bottom = 1em, right & left = 2em */

body { margin: 1em 2em 3em } /* top=1em, right=2em, bottom=3em, left=2em */

The last rule of the example above is equivalent to the example below:

body {

margin-top: 1em;

margin-right: 2em;

margin-bottom: 3em;

margin-left: 2em;        /* copied from opposite side (right) */


8.3.1 Collapsing margins 填充区域的塌陷

In this specification, the expression collapsing margins means that adjoining margins (no non-empty content, padding or border areas or clearance separate them) of two or more boxes (which may be next to one another or nested) combine to form a single margin.


In CSS 2.1, horizontal margins never collapse.


Vertical margins may collapse between certain boxes:


  • Two or more adjoining vertical margins of block-level boxes in the normal flow collapse. The resulting margin width is the maximum of the adjoining margin widths. In the case of negative margins, the maximum of the absolute values of the negative adjoining margins is deducted from the maximum of the positive adjoining margins. If there are no positive margins, the absolute maximum of the negative adjoining margins is deducted from zero. Note. Adjoining boxes may be generated by elements that are not related as siblings or ancestors.
  • Vertical margins between a floated box and any other box do not collapse (not even between a float and its in-flow children).
  • Vertical margins of elements that establish new block formatting contexts (such as floats and elements with 'overflow' other than 'visible') do not collapse with their in-flow children.
  • Margins of absolutely positioned boxes do not collapse (not even with their in-flow children).
  • Margins of inline-block elements do not collapse (not even with their in-flow children).
  • If the top and bottom margins of a box are adjoining, then it is possible for margins to collapse through it. In this case, the position of the element depends on its relationship with the other elements whose margins are being collapsed.

    • If the element's margins are collapsed with its parent's top margin, the top border edge of the box is defined to be the same as the parent's.
    • Otherwise, either the element's parent is not taking part in the margin collapsing, or only the parent's bottom margin is involved. The position of the element's top border edge is the same as it would have been if the element had a non-zero bottom border.

An element that has clearance never collapses its top margin with its parent block's bottom margin.


Note that the positions of elements that have been collapsed through have no effect on the positions of the other elements with whose margins they are being collapsed; the top border edge position is only required for laying out descendants of these elements.


  • Margins of the root element's box do not collapse.

The bottom margin of an in-flow block-level element is always adjoining to the top margin of its next in-flow block-level sibling, unless that sibling has clearance.


The top margin of an in-flow block box is adjoining to its first in-flow block-level child's top margin if the element has no top border, no top padding, and the child has no clearance.


The bottom margin of an in-flow block box with a 'height' of 'auto' is adjoining to its last in-flow block-level child's bottom margin if the element has no bottom padding or border.

如果一个在普通文档流中的块级元素没有底部内部填充区域和边框且该元素'height' 为 'auto',那么该元素的底部外部填充区域将与其在同一文档流内的最后一个块级子元素的底部外部填充区域相邻。

An element's own margins are adjoining if the 'min-height' property is zero, and it has neither top or bottom borders nor top or bottom padding, and it has a 'height' of either 0 or 'auto', and it does not contain a line box, and all of its in-flow children's margins (if any) are adjoining.


When an element's own margins collapse, and that element has clearance, its top margin collapses with the adjoining margins of subsequent siblings but that resulting margin does not collapse with the bottom margin of the parent block.


Collapsing is based on the used value of 'padding', 'margin', and 'border' (i.e., after resolving any percentages). The collapsed margin is calculated over the used value of the various margins.

塌陷基于'padding', 'margin', 和 'border'的使用值(也就是在百分比解析之后的值)。塌陷将通过各种外部填充区域的使用值来计算。

Please consult the examples of margin, padding, and borders for an illustration of collapsed margins.

请参考examples of margin, padding, and borders关于外部填充区域塌陷的介绍。

8.4 Padding properties: 'padding-top', 'padding-right', 'padding-bottom', 'padding-left', and 'padding'内部填充区域属性

The padding properties specify the width of the padding area of a box. The 'padding' shorthand property sets the padding for all four sides while the other padding properties only set their respective side.


The properties defined in this section refer to the <padding-width> value type, which may take one of the following values:

参考< padding -width>值的类型,本节内容所定义的属性将会取下面列表中的一个值:


Specifies a fixed width.



The percentage is calculated with respect to the width of the generated box's containing block, even for 'padding-top' and 'padding-bottom'. If the containing block's width depends on this element, then the resulting layout is undefined in CSS 2.1.

百分比宽度的计算与所生成盒子的包含块宽度有关,即使对于'padding-top' 和 'padding-bottom'属性。如果包含块的宽度依赖于这个元素,那么CSS2.1并未定义最终布局。

Unlike margin properties, values for padding values cannot be negative. Like margin properties, percentage values for padding properties refer to the width of the generated box's containing block.


'padding-top', 'padding-right', 'padding-bottom', 'padding-left'

Value: <padding-width> | inherit
Initial: 0
Applies to: all elements except table-row-group, table-header-group, table-footer-group, table-row, table-column-group and table-column

可应用在除了 table-row-group, table-header-group, table-footer-group, table-row, table-column-group and table-column元素外的其他所有元素。

Inherited: no
Percentages: refer to width of containing block


Media: visual
Computed value: the percentage as specified or the absolute length


These properties set the top, right, bottom, and left padding of a box.



blockquote { padding-top: 0.3em }


Value: <padding-width>{1,4} | inherit
Initial: see individual properties
Applies to: all elements except table-row-group, table-header-group, table-footer-group, table-row, table-column-group and table-column

可应用在除了 table-row-group, table-header-group, table-footer-group, table-row, table-column-group and table-column元素外的其他所有元素。

Inherited: no
Percentages: refer to width of containing block


Media: visual
Computed value: see individual properties


The 'padding' property is a shorthand property for setting 'padding-top', 'padding-right', 'padding-bottom', and 'padding-left' at the same place in the style sheet.

'padding'属性是设置'padding-top', 'padding-right', 'padding-bottom', and 'padding-left'四个属性的简写属性,在同一个样式表的同一位置设置该属性与设置其他四个属性作用相同。

If there is only one component value, it applies to all sides. If there are two values, the top and bottom paddings are set to the first value and the right and left paddings are set to the second. If there are three values, the top is set to the first value, the left and right are set to the second, and the bottom is set to the third. If there are four values, they apply to the top, right, bottom, and left, respectively.


The surface color or image of the padding area is specified via the 'background' property:



h1 {

background: white;

padding: 1em 2em;


The example above specifies a '1em' vertical padding ('padding-top' and 'padding-bottom') and a '2em' horizontal padding ('padding-right' and 'padding-left'). The 'em' unit is relative to the element's font size: '1em' is equal to the size of the font in use.


8.5 Border properties 边框属性

The border properties specify the width, color, and style of the border area of a box. These properties apply to all elements.


Note. Notably for HTML, user agents may render borders for certain user interface elements (e.g., buttons, menus, etc.) differently than for "ordinary" elements.


8.5.1 Border width: 'border-top-width', 'border-right-width', 'border-bottom-width', 'border-left-width', and 'border-width'

The border width properties specify the width of the border area. The properties defined in this section refer to the <border-width> value type, which may take one of the following values:



A thin border.



A medium border.



A thick border.



The border's thickness has an explicit value. Explicit border widths cannot be negative.


The interpretation of the first three values depends on the user agent. The following relationships must hold, however:


'thin' <='medium' <= 'thick'.

Furthermore, these widths must be constant throughout a document.


'border-top-width', 'border-right-width', 'border-bottom-width', 'border-left-width'

Value: <border-width> | inherit
Initial: medium
Applies to: all elements
Inherited: no
Percentages: N/A
Media: visual
Computed value: absolute length; '0' if the border style is 'none' or 'hidden'

绝对的宽度;如果border的样式为'none' 或 'hidden',那么其宽度为'0'。

These properties set the width of the top, right, bottom, and left border of a box.



Value: <border-width>{1,4} | inherit
Initial: see individual properties


Applies to: all elements


Inherited: no
Percentages: N/A
Media: visual
Computed value: see individual properties



This property is a shorthand property for setting 'border-top-width', 'border-right-width', 'border-bottom-width', and 'border-left-width' at the same place in the style sheet.

该属性是设置'border-top-width', 'border-right-width', 'border-bottom-width', 和 'border-left-width'的简写属性,在同一文档的同一位置,他们的作用相同。

If there is only one component value, it applies to all sides. If there are two values, the top and bottom borders are set to the first value and the right and left are set to the second. If there are three values, the top is set to the first value, the left and right are set to the second, and the bottom is set to the third. If there are four values, they apply to the top, right, bottom, and left, respectively.



In the examples below, the comments indicate the resulting widths of the top, right, bottom, and left borders:


h1 { border-width: thin }                   /* thin thin thin thin */

h1 { border-width: thin thick }             /* thin thick thin thick */

h1 { border-width: thin thick medium }      /* thin thick medium thick */

8.5.2 Border color: 'border-top-color', 'border-right-color', 'border-bottom-color', 'border-left-color', and 'border-color'

The border color properties specify the color of a box's border.


'border-top-color', 'border-right-color', 'border-bottom-color', 'border-left-color'

Value: <color> | transparent | inherit
Initial: the value of the 'color' property


Applies to: all elements


Inherited: no
Percentages: N/A
Media: visual
Computed value: when taken from the 'color' property, the computed value of 'color'; otherwise, as specified


Value: [ <color> | transparent ]{1,4} | inherit
Initial: see individual properties
Applies to: all elements
Inherited: no
Percentages: N/A
Media: visual
Computed value: see individual properties

The 'border-color' property sets the color of the four borders. Values have the following meanings:



Specifies a color value.



The border is transparent (though it may have width).


The 'border-color' property can have from one to four component values, and the values are set on the different sides as for 'border-width'.


If an element's border color is not specified with a border property, user agents must use the value of the element's 'color' property as the computed value for the border color.



In this example, the border will be a solid black line.


p {

color: black;

background: white;

border: solid;


8.5.3 Border style: 'border-top-style', 'border-right-style', 'border-bottom-style', 'border-left-style', and 'border-style'

The border style properties specify the line style of a box's border (solid, double, dashed, etc.). The properties defined in this section refer to the <border-style> value type, which may take one of the following values:

border style属性指定了一个盒子的边框样式(例如实线,点线等等)。本节中定义的属性将去下面列表中的一个值:


No border; the computed border width is zero.



Same as 'none', except in terms of border conflict resolution for table elements.

同'none'属性,除了table elements中的border conflict resolution所描述的。


The border is a series of dots.



The border is a series of short line segments.



The border is a single line segment.



The border is two solid lines. The sum of the two lines and the space between them equals the value of 'border-width'.



The border looks as though it were carved into the canvas.


The opposite of 'groove': the border looks as though it were coming out of the canvas.


The border makes the box look as though it were embedded in the canvas.


The opposite of 'inset': the border makes the box look as though it were coming out of the canvas.

All borders are drawn on top of the box's background. The color of borders drawn for values of 'groove', 'ridge', 'inset', and 'outset' depends on the element's border color properties, but UAs may choose their own algorithm to calculate the actual colors used. For instance, if the 'border-color' has the value 'silver', then a UA could use a gradient of colors from white to dark gray to indicate a sloping border.

所有边框都画在盒子的背景上面。属性为'groove', 'ridge', 'inset', 和 'outset'的边框颜色取决于该元素的border color 属性,但是浏览器可能会选择它们自己的算法来计算真实的颜色。例如,如果'border-color'属性值为'silver',那么浏览器就可能会使用一个由白向深灰的渐变色来描绘这个边框。

'border-top-style', 'border-right-style', 'border-bottom-style', 'border-left-style'

Value: <border-style> | inherit
Initial: none
Applies to: all elements
Inherited: no
Percentages: N/A
Media: visual
Computed value: as specified


Value: <border-style>{1,4} | inherit
Initial: see individual properties
Applies to: all elements
Inherited: no
Percentages: N/A
Media: visual
Computed value: see individual properties

The 'border-style' property sets the style of the four borders. It can have from one to four component values, and the values are set on the different sides as for 'border-width' above.



#xy34 { border-style: solid dotted }

In the above example, the horizontal borders will be 'solid' and the vertical borders will be 'dotted'.


Since the initial value of the border styles is 'none', no borders will be visible unless the border style is set.

因为border style的初始值为'none',所以如果不设置边框的样式,元素将不会显示边框。

8.5.4 Border shorthand properties: 'border-top', 'border-right', 'border-bottom', 'border-left', and 'border'

'border-top', 'border-right', 'border-bottom', 'border-left'

Value: [ <border-width> || <border-style> || <'border-top-color'> ] | inherit
Initial: see individual properties
Applies to: all elements
Inherited: no
Percentages: N/A
Media: visual
Computed value: see individual properties

This is a shorthand property for setting the width, style, and color of the top, right, bottom, and left border of a box.



h1 { border-bottom: thick solid red }

The above rule will set the width, style, and color of the border below the H1 element. Omitted values are set to their initial values. Since the following rule does not specify a border color, the border will have the color specified by the 'color' property:


H1 { border-bottom: thick solid }


Value: [ <border-width> || <border-style> || <'border-top-color'> ] | inherit
Initial: see individual properties
Applies to: all elements
Inherited: no
Percentages: N/A
Media: visual
Computed value: see individual properties

The 'border' property is a shorthand property for setting the same width, color, and style for all four borders of a box. Unlike the shorthand 'margin' and 'padding' properties, the 'border' property cannot set different values on the four borders. To do so, one or more of the other border properties must be used.

'border'属性是设置一个盒子边框宽度,颜色和样式的简写属性。不像'margin' 和 'padding'属性,'border'属性不能为四个边框设置不同颜色。如果想这么做,必须使用一个或更多的其他边框属性。


For example, the first rule below is equivalent to the set of four rules shown after it:


p { border: solid red }

p {

border-top: solid red;

border-right: solid red;

border-bottom: solid red;

border-left: solid red


Since, to some extent, the properties have overlapping functionality, the order in which the rules are specified is important.



Consider this example:


blockquote {

border: solid red;

border-left: double;

color: black;


In the above example, the color of the left border is black, while the other borders are red. This is due to 'border-left' setting the width, style, and color. Since the color value is not given by the 'border-left' property, it will be taken from the 'color' property. The fact that the 'color' property is set after the 'border-left' property is not relevant.


8.6 The box model for inline elements in bidirectional context 在上下环境中行内元素的盒模型

For each line box, UAs must take the inline boxes generated for each element and render the margins, borders and padding in visual order (not logical order).


When the element's 'direction' property is 'ltr', the left-most generated box of the first line box in which the element appears has the left margin, left border and left padding, and the right-most generated box of the last line box in which the element appears has the right padding, right border and right margin.

When the element's 'direction' property is 'rtl', the right-most generated box of the first line box in which the element appears has the right padding, right border and right margin, and the left-most generated box of the last line box in which the element appears has the left margin, left border and left padding.



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    什么是浏览器兼容问题?所谓的浏览器兼容性问题,是指因为不同的浏览器对同一段代码有不同的解析,造成页面显示效果不统一的情况.在大多数情况下,我们的需求是,无论用户用什么浏览器来查看我们的网站或者登陆我们 ...

  4. flex 平铺布局_CSS3 Flex布局(伸缩布局盒模型)学习

    CSS3 Flex布局(伸缩布局盒模型)学习 转自:http://www.xifengxx.com/web-front-end/1408.html CSS2定义了四种布局:块布局.行内布局.表格布局盒 ...

  5. css设置input框长度_干货极致分享浅谈CSS属性,有趣的盒模型。网友:哎呦不错哦!...

    盒模型的组成大家肯定都懂,由里向外content,padding,border,margin. 盒模型是有两种标准的,一个是标准模型,一个是IE模型. 从上面两图不难看出在标准模型中,盒模型的宽高只是 ...

  6. CSS3 Flex布局(伸缩布局盒模型)学习

    CSS3 Flex布局(伸缩布局盒模型)学习 转自:http://www.xifengxx.com/web-front-end/1408.html CSS2定义了四种布局:块布局.行内布局.表格布局盒 ...

  7. css3盒模型、过渡、转换介绍

    CSS3中盒模型: 前面CSS中学到的盒子模型给padding.border会撑开盒子的大小,实际大小要通过计算才能得到,为了解决这个问题,CSS3推出了box-sizing属性来解决此问题,当box ...

  8. CSS基础语法和盒模型

    CSS基础语法和盒模型 CSS简介 Cascading Style Sheet 层叠样式表 用于给HTML标签添加样式 CSS3是CSS的最新版本 增加了大量的样式/动画/3D特效以及移动端特性 前端 ...

  9. 【前端】【html5/css3】前端学习之路(二)(CSS3新选择器/CSS3盒模型/CSS3过渡效果)

    一.CSS3新增选择器 1.结构(位置)伪类选择器 :first-child :选取属于其父元素的首个子元素的指定选择器 :last-child :选取属于其父元素的最后一个子元素的指定选择器 :nt ...


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