
Get started with OpenStack

The OpenStack services

The OpenStack architecture

Conceptual architecture

Logical architecture

Get started with OpenStack


The OpenStack project is an open source cloud computing platform for all types of clouds, which aims to be simple to implement, massively scalable, and feature rich. Developers and cloud computing technologists from around the world create the OpenStack project.

OpenStack项目是适用于所有类型云的开源云计算平台,其目标是易于实现,可大规模扩展且功能丰富。 来自世界各地的开发人员和云计算技术人员创建了OpenStack项目。

OpenStack provides an Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) solution through a set of interrelated services. Each service offers an Application Programming Interface (API) that facilitates this integration. Depending on your needs, you can install some or all services.

OpenStack通过一组相互关联的服务提供了基础架构即服务(IaaS)解决方案。 每个服务都提供一个促进此集成的应用程序编程接口(API)。 根据您的需求,您可以安装部分或全部服务。

The OpenStack services

The OpenStack project navigator lets you browse the OpenStack services that make up the OpenStack architecture. The services are categorized per the service type and release series.

OpenStack项目导航器可让您浏览组成OpenStack体系结构的OpenStack服务。 服务按服务类型和发布系列分类。

The OpenStack architecture

The following sections describe the OpenStack architecture in more detail:

  • Conceptual architecture
  • Logical architecture

Conceptual architecture


The following diagram shows the relationships among the OpenStack services:

Logical architecture


To design, deploy, and configure OpenStack, administrators must understand the logical architecture.

As shown in Conceptual architecture, OpenStack consists of several independent parts, named the OpenStack services. All services authenticate through a common Identity service. Individual services interact with each other through public APIs, except where privileged administrator commands are necessary.

如概念架构所示,OpenStack由几个独立的部分组成,称为OpenStack服务。 所有服务都通过公共身份服务进行身份验证。 个别服务通过公共API相互交互,除非需要特权管理员命令。

Internally, OpenStack services are composed of several processes. All services have at least one API process, which listens for API requests, preprocesses them and passes them on to other parts of the service. With the exception of the Identity service, the actual work is done by distinct processes.

在内部,OpenStack服务由几个进程组成。 所有服务都有至少一个API进程,该进程侦听API请求,对其进行预处理,然后将其传递给服务的其他部分。 除身份服务外,实际工作由不同的流程完成。

For communication between the processes of one service, an AMQP message broker is used. The service’s state is stored in a database. When deploying and configuring your OpenStack cloud, you can choose among several message broker and database solutions, such as RabbitMQ, MySQL, MariaDB, and SQLite.

为了在一种服务的进程之间进行通信,使用了AMQP消息代理。 服务的状态存储在数据库中。 在部署和配置OpenStack云时,您可以在几种消息代理和数据库解决方案中进行选择,例如RabbitMQ,MySQL,MariaDB和SQLite。

Users can access OpenStack via the web-based user interface implemented by the Horizon Dashboard, via command-line clients and by issuing API requests through tools like browser plug-ins or curl. For applications, several SDKs are available. Ultimately, all these access methods issue REST API calls to the various OpenStack services.

用户可以通过Horizon Dashboard实现的基于Web的用户界面,命令行客户端以及通过浏览器插件或Curl之类的工具发出API请求来访问OpenStack。 对于应用程序,可以使用几个SDK。 最终,所有这些访问方法都会向各种OpenStack服务发出REST API调用。

The following diagram shows the most common, but not the only possible, architecture for an OpenStack cloud:

OpenStack概念结构与逻辑架构:Conceptual architecture and Logical architecture相关推荐

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