
poissinv(0.7211,5)ans = 6Critical Values of Distribution functions. betainv - Beta inverse cumulative distribution function. binoinv - Binomial inverse cumulative distribution function. chi2inv - Chi square inverse cumulative distribution function. evinv - Extreme value inverse cumulative distribution function. expinv - Exponential inverse cumulative distribution function. finv - F inverse cumulative distribution function. gaminv - Gamma inverse cumulative distribution function. geoinv - Geometric inverse cumulative distribution function. gevinv - Generalized extreme value inverse cumulative distribution function. gpinv - Generalized Pareto inverse cumulative distribution function. hygeinv - Hypergeometric inverse cumulative distribution function. icdf - Specified inverse cumulative distribution function. logninv - Lognormal inverse cumulative distribution function. nbininv - Negative binomial inverse distribution function. ncfinv - Noncentral F inverse cumulative distribution function. nctinv - Noncentral t inverse cumulative distribution function. ncx2inv - Noncentral Chi-square inverse distribution function. norminv - Normal (Gaussian) inverse cumulative distribution function. poissinv - Poisson inverse cumulative distribution function.




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