nodejs 6.9.1安装完成后,验证npm是否安装成功时提示:

bin/npm: line 1: ../lib/node_modules/npm/bin/npm-cli.js: No such file or directory 


curl | sudo sh




# A word about this shell script:
# It must work everywhere, including on systems that lack
# a /bin/bash, map 'sh' to ksh, ksh97, bash, ash, or zsh,
# and potentially have either a posix shell or bourne
# shell living at /bin/sh.
# See this helpful document on writing portable shell scripts:
# The only shell it won't ever work on is cmd.exe.if [ "x$0" = "xsh" ]; then# run as curl | sh# on some systems, you can just do cat> which is a bit cuter.  But on others, &1 is already closed,# so catting to another script file won't do anything.# Follow Location: headers, and fail on errorscurl -f -L -s > npm-install-$$.shret=$?if [ $ret -eq 0 ]; then(exit 0)elserm npm-install-$$.shecho "Failed to download script" >&2exit $retfish npm-install-$$.shret=$?rm npm-install-$$.shexit $ret
fi# See what "npm_config_*" things there are in the env,
# and make them permanent.
# If this fails, it's not such a big deal.
configures="`env | grep 'npm_config_' | sed -e 's|^npm_config_||g'`"npm_config_loglevel="error"
if [ "x$npm_debug" = "x" ]; then(exit 0)
elseecho "Running in debug mode."echo "Note that this requires bash or zsh."set -o xtraceset -o pipefailnpm_config_loglevel="verbose"
export npm_config_loglevel# make sure that Node.js exists
node=`which node 2>&1`
if [ $ret -eq 0 ] && [ -x "$node" ]; then(exit 0)
elseecho "npm cannot be installed without Node.js." >&2echo "Install Node.js first, and then try again." >&2echo "" >&2echo "Maybe Node.js is installed, but not in the PATH?" >&2echo "Note that running as sudo can change envs." >&2echo ""echo "PATH=$PATH" >&2exit $ret
fi# set the temp dir
if [ "x$TMP" = "x" ]; thenTMP="/tmp"
rm -rf "$TMP" || true
mkdir "$TMP"
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; thenecho "failed to mkdir $TMP" >&2exit 1
if [ -z "$tar" ]; thentar="${npm_config_tar}"
if [ -z "$tar" ]; thentar=`which tar 2>&1`ret=$?
fiif [ $ret -eq 0 ] && [ -x "$tar" ]; thenecho "tar=$tar"echo "version:"$tar --versionret=$?
fiif [ $ret -eq 0 ]; then(exit 0)
elseecho "No suitable tar program found."exit 1
fi# Try to find a suitable make
# If the MAKE environment var is set, use that.
# otherwise, try to find gmake, and then make.
# If no make is found, then just execute the necessary commands.# XXX For some reason, make is building all the docs every time.  This
# is an annoying source of bugs. Figure out why this happens.
MAKE=NOMAKEif [ "x$MAKE" = "x" ]; thenmake=`which gmake 2>&1`if [ $? -eq 0 ] && [ -x "$make" ]; then(exit 0)elsemake=`which make 2>&1`if [ $? -eq 0 ] && [ -x "$make" ]; then(exit 0)elsemake=NOMAKEfifi
fiif [ -x "$make" ]; then(exit 0)
else# echo "Installing without make. This may fail." >&2make=NOMAKE
fi# If there's no bash, then don't even try to clean
if [ -x "/bin/bash" ]; then(exit 0)
finode_version=`"$node" --version 2>&1`
if [ $ret -ne 0 ]; thenecho "You need Node.js to run this program." >&2echo "node --version reports: $node_version" >&2echo "with exit code = $ret" >&2echo "Please install Node.js before continuing." >&2exit $ret
if [ -z "$t" ]; then# switch based on Node.js version.# note that we can only use strict sh-compatible patterns $node_version in0.[01234567].* | v0.[01234567].*)echo "You are using an outdated and unsupported version of" >&2echo "Node.js ($node_version).  Please update Node.js and try again." >&2exit 99;;*)echo "install npm@latest"t="latest";;esac
fi# need to echo "" after, because Posix sed doesn't treat EOF
# as an implied end of line.
url=`(curl -SsL$t; echo "") \| sed -e 's/^.*tarball":"//' \| sed -e 's/".*$//'`ret=$?
if [ "x$url" = "x" ]; thenret=125# try without the -e arg to sed.url=`(curl -SsL$t; echo "") \| sed 's/^.*tarball":"//' \| sed 's/".*$//'`ret=$?if [ "x$url" = "x" ]; thenret=125fi
if [ $ret -ne 0 ]; thenecho "Failed to get tarball url for npm/$t" >&2exit $ret
fiecho "fetching: $url" >&2cd "$TMP" \&& curl -SsL "$url" \| $tar -xzf - \&& cd "$TMP"/* \&& (ver=`"$node" bin/read-package-json.js package.json version`isnpm10=0if [ $ret -eq 0 ]; thenif [ -d node_modules ]; thenif "$node" node_modules/semver/bin/semver -v "$ver" -r "1"thenisnpm10=1fielseif "$node" bin/semver -v "$ver" -r ">=1.0"; thenisnpm10=1fififiret=0if [ $isnpm10 -eq 1 ] && [ -f "scripts/" ]; thenif [ "x$skipclean" = "x" ]; then(exit 0)elseclean=nofiif [ "x$clean" = "xno" ] \|| [ "x$clean" = "xn" ]; thenecho "Skipping 0.x cruft clean" >&2ret=0elif [ "x$clean" = "xy" ] || [ "x$clean" = "xyes" ]; thenNODE="$node" /bin/bash "scripts/" "-y"ret=$?elseNODE="$node" /bin/bash "scripts/" </dev/ttyret=$?fifiif [ $ret -ne 0 ]; thenecho "Aborted 0.x cleanup.  Exiting." >&2exit $retfi) \&& (if [ "x$configures" = "x" ]; then(exit 0)elseecho "./configure $configures"echo "$configures" > npmrcfi) \&& (if [ "$make" = "NOMAKE" ]; then(exit 0)elif "$make" uninstall install; then(exit 0)elsemake="NOMAKE"fiif [ "$make" = "NOMAKE" ]; then"$node" cli.js rm npm -gf"$node" cli.js install -gffi) \&& cd "$BACK" \&& rm -rf "$TMP" \&& echo "It worked"ret=$?
if [ $ret -ne 0 ]; thenecho "It failed" >&2
exit $ret


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