Malware Analysis


  • Malware Analysis
    • **History of Malware**
      • task1 Introduction
      • task2 The Creeper Program
      • task3 Reaper
      • task4 Wabbit
      • task5 ANIMAL
      • task6 Elk Cloner
      • task7 The Morris Internet Worm
      • task8 Cascade
      • task9 Thanks for reading!
    • MAL:Malware Introductory
      • Task1 What is the Purpose of Malware Analysis?
      • Task2 Understanding Malware Campaigns
      • Task3 Identifying if a Malware Attack has Happened
      • Task4 Static Vs. Dynamic Analysis
      • Task5 Discussion of Provided Tools & Their Uses
      • Task6 Connecting to the Windows Analysis Environment (Deploy)
      • Task7 Obtaining MD5 Checksums of Provided Files
      • Task8 Now lets see if the MD5 Checksums have been analysed before
      • Task9 Identifying if the Executables are obfuscated / packed
      • Task10 What is Obfuscation / Packing?
      • Task11 Visualising the Differences Between Packed & Non-Packed Code
      • Task12 Introduction to Strings
      • Task13 Introduction to Imports
      • Task14 Practical Summary
    • Basic Malware RE
      • Task1 Introduction
      • Task2 Strings :: Challenge 1
      • Task3 Strings :: Challenge 2
      • Task4 Strings 3 :: Challenge 3

History of Malware

task1 Introduction

Read the above.

task2 The Creeper Program

1.Read the above.

2.Who re-designed the Creeper Virus?

Ray Tomlinson

3.How is data transferred through a network?

Packet Switching

4.Who created the first concept of a virus?

John von Neumann

5.What text did the Creeper program print to the screen?

I’m the creeper, catch me if you can!

6.What does ARPANET stand for?

The Advanced Research Projects Agency Network

7.Which team created the network control program?

Network Working Group

8.What is the first virus commonly known as?


task3 Reaper

1.Read the above.

2.Who created Reaper?

Ray Tomlinson

3.What type of malware may Reaper be known as?


4.What was the first ever anti-virus program known as?


5.What was Bob Thomas’ main project to develop?

resource-sharing capability

6.Research: What does API stand for?

Application Programming Interface

task4 Wabbit

1.Read the information.

2.What is a modern day fork bomb also known as?

denial of service attack

3.Was Rabbit one of the first malicious programs? (Y/N)


4.What did the name “Wabbit” derive from?

looney tunes cartoons

task5 ANIMAL

1.Read the above.

2.When was PERVADE added to ANIMAL?


3.Did John think this was a good idea? (Y/N)


4.What computers did the program spread across?


5.What type of malware is ANIMAL also known as?


6.Who built the wooden horse?

the Greeks

task6 Elk Cloner

1.Read the above.

2.Which US Military regiment caught the virus?

US Navy

3.How many lines long is the Elk Cloner poem?


4.When was Elk Cloner written?


5.Is a boot sector virus more or less common in modern technology?


6.How long did it take Richard to write the program?

2 weeks

7.Which Operating System was affected?

Apple II

task7 The Morris Internet Worm

1.Read the above.

2.What commands were a very big way that allowed Morris to access the computers?

Berkeley r-commands

3.Who was one the first person prosecuted for the computer misuse act?

Robert Tappan Morris

4.What type of attack is a “Fork Bomb”?

denial of service

5.When was this worm released?


6.How many computers did it infect within 15 hours?


7.What does rsh mean?

remote shell

8.Under which act was Morris arrested for?

1988 Computer Fraud and Abuse act

task8 Cascade

1.Read the above.

2.What was the name of this virus?


3.What file extensions would this virus infect?


4.How many variants of there virus were possibly found?


5.What operating system would the virus run on?


6.Which Operating System/Frame Work would Cascade try to avoid?


7.How many bytes would be added onto your file if it got infected?


task9 Thanks for reading!


MAL:Malware Introductory

Task1 What is the Purpose of Malware Analysis?

Ah, now I kinda understand…


  • Point of Entry入口点
  • 运行条件
  • 执行过程
  • 预防与检测

Task2 Understanding Malware Campaigns

1.What is the famous example of a targeted attack-esque Malware that targeted Iran?


Stuxnet(震网)病毒 蠕虫病毒,定向攻击基础设施

2.What is the name of the Ransomware that used the Eternalblue exploit in a “Mass Campaign” attack?


Wannacry(永恒之蓝)病毒 利用漏洞MS17-010

Task3 Identifying if a Malware Attack has Happened


1.Delivery 攻击

2.Execution 感染

3.Maintaining persistence

4.Persistence 持久化

5.Propagation 传播

1.Name the first essential step of a Malware Attack?


2.Now name the second essential step of a Malware Attack?


3.What type of signature is used to classify remnants of infection on a host?

Host-Based Signature

4.What is the name of the other classification of signature used after a Malware attack?

Network-Based Signature


-Host-Based Signature

-Network-Based Signature

Task4 Static Vs. Dynamic Analysis

I understand the two broad categories employed when analysing potential malware!

Task5 Discussion of Provided Tools & Their Uses

Lets proceed

  • Dependency Walker (depends)
  • PeID
  • PE Explorer
  • PEview
  • ResourceHacke
  • IDA Freeware
  • WinDbg

Task6 Connecting to the Windows Analysis Environment (Deploy)

Username: Analysis

Password: Tryhackme123!

I’ve logged in!

Task7 Obtaining MD5 Checksums of Provided Files


CMD下 certutil -hashfile 文件名 MD5/SHA1/SHA256

1.The MD5 Checksum of aws.exe


2.The MD5 Checksum of Netlogo.exe


3.The MD5 Checksum of vlc.exe


Task8 Now lets see if the MD5 Checksums have been analysed before

1.Does Virustotal report this MD5 Checksum / file aws.exe as malicious? (Yay/Nay)


2.Does Virustotal report this MD5 Checksum / file Netlogo.exe as malicious? (Yay/Nay)


3.Does Virustotal report this MD5 Checksum / file vlc.exe as malicious? (Yay/Nay)



Task9 Identifying if the Executables are obfuscated / packed

1.What does PeID propose 1DE9176AD682FF.dll being packed with?

Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0

2.What does PeID propose AD29AA1B.bin being packed with?

Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0

Task10 What is Obfuscation / Packing?

What packer does PeID report file “6F431F46547DB2628” to be packed with?

FSG 1.0 dulek/xt

Task11 Visualising the Differences Between Packed & Non-Packed Code

Cursed obfuscation!

Task12 Introduction to Strings

1.What is the URL that is outputted after using “strings”

strings “Tasks\Task12\67844c01”

2.How many unique “Imports” are there?


Task13 Introduction to Imports

How many references are there to the library “msi” in the “Imports” tab of IDA Freeware for “install.exe

打开IDA,选择Task13/install.exe,选择pe64.dll格式打开;点击view-open subviews-Imports,即可看到9个参考msi文件


Task14 Practical Summary

1.What is the MD5 Checksum of the file?


2.Does Virustotal report this file as malicious? (Yay/Nay)


3.Output the strings using Sysinternals “strings” tool.

What is the last string outputted?


4.What is the output of PeID when trying to detect what packer is used by the file?

Nothing Found

Basic Malware RE

Password for the ZIP is MalwareTech

Task1 Introduction

Read the above

Task2 Strings :: Challenge 1

What is the flag of which that MD5 gets generated?


Task3 Strings :: Challenge 2

What is the flag of which that MD5 gets generated?


Task4 Strings 3 :: Challenge 3

What is the flag of which that MD5 gets generated?



  1. The instance handle (hInstance) is NULL.
  2. The identifier (uID) is set to the stack variable uID.
  3. The read buffer (lpBuffer) is set to the stack variable Buffer.
  4. The buffer size (cchBufferMax) is set to 1023 (0x3FF).


mov eax, 1         ; eax = 1
shl eax, 8         ; eax = 1 << 8 = 256
xor edx, edx       ; edx = 0
inc edx            ; edx = 0 + 1 = 1
shl edx, 4         ; edx = 1 << 4 = 16
or eax, edx        ; eax = 256 or 16 = 272
mov [ebp+uID], eax ; uID = 272

使用Resource Hacker打开Strings3.exe_,找到编号为272的字符串即为flag

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