
I blogged about DOSBox five years ago! Apparently I get nostalgic around this time of year when I've got some downtime. Here's what I had to say:

我五年前写了关于DOSBox的博客! 显然,在每年的这个时候,我会有些怀旧。 这就是我要说的:

I was over at my parents' house for the Christmas Holiday and my mom pulled out a bunch of old discs and software from 20+ years ago. One gaame was "Star Trek: Judgment Rites" from 1995. I had the CD-ROM Collector's edition with all the audio from the original actors, not just the floppy version with subtitles. It's a MASSIVE 23 megabytes of content!

我在圣诞节假期的父母家过完了,妈妈从20多年前拿出了一堆旧光盘和软件。 其中一项是1995年的《星际迷航:审判仪式》。我有CD-ROM收藏版,其中包含原始演员的所有音频,而不仅仅是带有字幕的软盘版本。 这是23 MB的巨大内容!

DOSBox has ben providing joy in its reliable service for over 16 years and you should go check it out RIGHT NOW, if only to remind yourself of how good we have it now. DOSBox is an x86 and DOS Emulator - not a virtual machine. It emulates classic hardware like Sound Blaster cards and older graphics standards like VGA/VESA.

DOSBox在其可靠的服务中提供欢乐已超过16年,如果您只是想提醒自己我们现在有多出色,就应该立即检查一下。 DOSBox是x86和DOS模拟器-不是虚拟机。 它模拟了诸如Sound Blaster卡之类的经典硬件以及诸如VGA / VESA之类的较早图形标准。

If a game runs too fast, you can slow it down by pressing Ctrl-F11. You can speed up games by pressing Ctrl-F12. DOSBox’s CPU speed is displayed in its title bar. Type "intro special" for a full hotkey list.

如果游戏运行得太快,可以按Ctrl-F11来降低游戏速度。 您可以通过按Ctrl-F12加快游戏速度。 DOSBox的CPU速度显示在其标题栏中。 输入“ intro special”以获取完整的热键列表。

Note that DOSBox will start up TINY if you have a 4k monitor. There's a few things to you can do about it. First, ALT-ENTER will toggle DOSBox into full screen mode, although when you return to Windows your windows may find themselves resized.

请注意,如果您有4k显示器,则DOSBox将启动TINY。 您可以做一些事情。 首先,ALT-ENTER将DOSBox切换到全屏模式,尽管当您返回Windows时,您的窗口可能会自动调整大小。

For Windowed mode, I used these settings. You can't scale the window when output=surface, so experiment with settings like these:

对于窗口模式,我使用了这些设置。 当output = surface时,您无法缩放窗口,因此请尝试以下设置:

windowresolution=1280 x 1024

These are only the most basic initial changes you'll want to make. There's an enthusiastic community of DOSBox users that are dedicated to making it as perfect as possible. I enjoy this reddit thread debating "pixel perfect" settings. There's also a number of forks and custom builds of DOSBox out there that impose specific settings so be sure to explore and pick the one that makes you happy. It's also important to understand that aspect ratios and the size and squareness of a pixel will all change how your game looks.

这些只是您要进行的最基本的初始更改。 有一个DOSBox用户的热心社区,致力于使它尽可能地完善。 我喜欢这个reddit主题辩论“像素完美”设置。 还有许多DOSBox的分支和自定义版本,它们具有特定的设置,因此请务必探索并选择使您满意的选项。 同样重要的是要了解,长宽比以及像素的大小和方形都会改变游戏的外观。

I tend to agree with them that I don't want a blurry scaler. I want the dots/pixels as they are, simply made larger (2x, 3x, 4x, etc) with crisp edges at a reasonable aspect ratio. An interesting change you can make to your .conf file is the "forced" keyword after your scaler choice.

我倾向于同意他们的观点,即我不想使用模糊的缩放器。 我希望点/像素保持原样,只需将其放大(2x,3x,4x等),并以合理的纵横比使边缘清晰即可。 您可以对.conf文件进行有趣的更改,是在选择缩放器之后使用“ forced”关键字。

Here is scaler=normal3x (no forced)

这是scaler = normal3x(无强制)

and there's scaler-normal3x forced


The instructions say that forced means "the scaler will be used even if the result might not be desired." In this case, it forces the use of the scaler in text mode. Your mileage may vary, but the point is there's options and it's great fun. You may want scanlines or you may want crisp pixels.

指令说,强制表示“即使可能不需要结果,也将使用缩放器”。 在这种情况下,它将强制在文本模式下使用缩放器。 您的里程可能会有所不同,但要点是有很多选择,这很有趣。 您可能需要扫描线,也可能需要清晰的像素。

I've found it all depends on what your memory of DOS is and what you're trying to do is to change the settings to best visualize that memory. My (broken) memory is of CRISP pixels.

我发现这一切都取决于您的DOS内存是什么,而您试图做的是更改设置以最佳地显示该内存。 我的(损坏的)内存为CRISP像素。

Amazing difference!The first thing you should do is add lines like these to the bottom of your dosbox.conf. You'll want your virtual C: drive mounted every time DOSBox starts up!

惊人的不同!您应该做的第一件事是在dosbox.conf的底部添加这样的行。 每次DOSBox启动时,您都希望安装虚拟C:驱动器!

# Lines in this section will be run at startup.
MOUNT C: C:\Users\scott\Dropbox\DosBox

If you want to play classic games but don't want the hassle (or questionable legality) of other ways, I'd encourage you to spend some serious time at They've packaged up a ton of classic games so they "just work."

如果您想玩经典游戏,但又不想其他方式的麻烦(或可疑的合法性),我建议您在https://www.gog.com上花一些时间。 他们打包了很多经典游戏,因此它们“正常工作”。

Enjoy! And THANK YOU to the folks that work on DOSBox for their hard work. It shows and we appreciate it.

请享用! 还要感谢在DOSBox上工作的人们的辛勤工作。 它显示了,我们对此表示赞赏。




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