A【Clam and fish】贪心

There is a fishing game as following:

The game contains nn stages, numbered from 11 to nn.

There are four types of stages (numbered from 00 to 33):

type 00: There are no fish and no clam in this stage.

type 11: There are no fish and one clam in this stage.

type 22: There are one fish and no clam in this stage.

type 33: There are one fish and one clam in this stage.

In each stage, you can do exactly one of the following four actions.

If there is a clam in the stage, you can use this clam to make one pack of fish bait. And the number of packs of fish bait you have is increased by one. You can use this pack of fish bait to catch fish after this stage.

If there is one fish in the stage, you can catch this fish without any fish bait. After this stage, the number of packs of fish bait you have is not changed.

If you have at least one pack of fish bait. You can always catch one fish by using exactly one pack of fish bait even if there are no fish in this stage. After this stage, the number of packs of fish bait you have is decreased by one.

You can do nothing.

Now, you are given nn and the type of each stage. Please calculate the largest number of fish you can get in the fishing game.

The first line contains one integer t (1 \le t \le 2.5 \times 10^51≤t≤2.5×10
) — the number of test cases.

There are two lines in each test. The first line contains one integer n (1 \le n \le 2 \times 10^61≤n≤2×10
), indicating the number of stages in this game. The second line contains a string with length n. The i-th character of this string indicates the type of the i-th stage.

The sum of n across the test cases doesn’t exceed 2 \times 10^62×10
For each test case print exactly one integer — the maximum number of fish you can catch in the game configuration.

One possible scenario you can catch two fishes is as follow:

stage 1: Do nothing.
stage 2: Make a pack of fish bait.
stage 3: Catch a fish by a pack of fish bait.
stage 4: Catch the fish that appears in the stage.

就是2 3这两种情况,直接fish++就好,碰到0,有饵就fish++,碰到1就bait++。最后sum=fish+bait/2;(/2的意义就是:举个例子,11两次,一次制饵一次钓鱼是获得

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