
The occurrence of an energy inversion of the signatures of a rotational band in odd-odd deformed nuclei is clear in a number of πh_11/2νh_11/2 bands in A=120-130 nuclei and πh_11/2νi_13/2 bands around A=160. In the latter region, the effect is strongest around N=90 and decreases with larger N, suggesting to some that this is related to a γ effect.(R. Bengtsson, et al.) Nucl. Phys. A415, 189 (1984). Our new data on rotational bands in ^164Tm from a uc(nordball) experiment indicate that the signature inversion is almost absent for the yrast πh_11/2νi_13/2 band, but present in three other structures, including the πh_9/2νi_13/2 band. The selective origin of this effect can be explained in a particle-rotor calculation through the inclusion of a p-n residual interaction.


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