
Giveaway of the Day is an interesting site and sometimes they offer some decent programs for free. However, there is always a catch, they try to include crapware during the app install. We’ll show you how to avoid the extra junk during the install process.

“每日赠品”是一个有趣的网站,有时他们会免费提供一些不错的程序。 但是,总会有一个陷阱,他们会在应用安装过程中尝试包含垃圾软件。 我们将向您展示如何在安装过程中避免多余的垃圾。

The first thing they try to install is Software Informer. Notice they say it’s (recommended) and some might think they need to install this as part of the free program, but you don’t. Make sure you select No on this screen.

他们尝试安装的第一件事是Software Informer。 请注意,他们说这是(推荐),有些人可能认为他们需要将其作为免费程序的一部分进行安装,但您不需要这样做。 确保在此屏幕上选择否。

What is Software Informer?


It is a utility that is designed to give you information about software installed on your computer when it is out of date. The problem is that it doesn’t do a very good job and gives several false positives about updates. If you want to make sure your software is updated, use an HTG recommended program like Secunia PSI which we have previously covered in this article.

它是一个实用程序,旨在为您提供有关计算机上已过时的软件的信息。 问题在于它做得不好,并且对更新产生了一些误报。 如果要确保您的软件已更新,请使用HTG推荐的程序,例如Secunia PSI,我们之前已经在本文中进行了介绍 。

By default it sits in an awkward place on your desktop and in the Notification Area and pops new GOTD downloads. One of the reasons they give to install it is it notifies when GOTD has a new program available… well you don’t need that because there is a new one up everyday at 2am CST.

默认情况下,它位于桌面和通知区域中的尴尬位置,并弹出新的GOTD下载。 他们提供安装它的原因之一是,它会在GOTD推出新程序时通知您……您不需要这样做,因为CST每天凌晨2点都有新程序。

Another interesting thing I found is that it is a Beta version of the program. It doesn’t tell you that at all, and I know a lot of users don’t want apps still in beta stage on their PC.

我发现的另一件有趣的事是它是该程序的Beta版本。 它一点也没有告诉您,而且我知道许多用户不希望应用程序仍在PC上处于beta阶段。

The other thing you may not want is the GOTD site added to your bookmarks. This option is checked by default, so make sure to uncheck the boxes if you don’t want them. It appears under the software app install screen and you’ll see it after the free app they’re giving away installs. Notice there is another attempt to install Software Informer here as well.

您可能不想要的另一件事是将GOTD网站添加到书签中。 默认情况下,此选项为选中状态,因此,如果不需要,请确保取消选中这些复选框。 它显示在软件应用程序安装屏幕下,您将在他们免费提供安装的免费应用程序后看到它。 请注意,这里还有另一种尝试安装Software Informer的尝试。



We’re not anti-GOTD as they sometimes have quality free commercial software. Just be careful not to install the extra junk if you don’t want it. You will be offered Software Informer and the bookmarks every time you download something from them. For more on avoiding junk in your software installs check out our article…Rants: We Hate the Scam of Bundled Crapware.

我们不是反GOTD的,因为他们有时会提供免费的优质商业软件。 只是要小心,不要安装多余的垃圾。 每次您从书签中下载内容时,都会为您提供Software Informer和书签。 有关避免在您的软件中安装垃圾的更多信息,请查看我们的文章…… Rants:我们讨厌捆绑式垃圾软件的骗局 。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/6391/avoid-crapware-with-giveaway-of-the-day-free-software/



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