# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-import jsondict_sample = dict(Bulls='Michael Jordan',Celtics='Larry Bird',Lakers='Jerry West')dict_sample_chinese = dict(Bulls='米高佐敦',Celtics='大鸟伯德',Lakers='Logo男')# dict instance to json files
with open('sample1.json', 'w') as f:json.dump(dict_sample_chinese, f, ensure_ascii=False)# dict instance to str
json_str_from_dict = json.dumps(dict_sample)
print(json_str_from_dict)# dict from json files
with open('sample1.json', 'r') as f:dict_from_json_files = json.load(f)
print(dict_from_json_files)# dict from str
dict_from_json_str = json.loads(json_str_from_dict)

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