
void split(char * p,char * str){/*传入一个数组进行p和一个以什么进行分割的str,返回切片后的值*/ int i = 0, j = 0;char tmp[32][32] = {0};char *p1 = (char *)malloc(1024);while((p1 = strchr(p, *str)) != NULL) //10行{strncpy(tmp[i], p, strlen(p) - strlen(p1));p = p1 + 1;i ++;}strncpy(tmp[i], p, strlen(p));for(j = 0; j <= i; j++){lr_output_message("tmp[%d] = %s\n", j, tmp[j]);}
}Action (){char p[] = "www.baidu.com,www.taobao.com,www.csdn.com,www.python.org";char str[] = ","; //分割的字符串 split(p,str);return 0;

运行后第10行出现指针报错:operands of = have illegal types `pointer to char’ and `int’ ,百思不得其解,dev-C++中运行一切正常,各种排查后发现传参确实符合要求,但第10行给指针变量赋值时未对strchr返回的值进行强制类型转换(等于直接给指针变量赋值(太粗心了-_-!!))


void split(char * p,char * str){/*传入一个数组进行p和一个以什么进行分割的str,返回切片后的值*/ int i = 0, j = 0;char tmp[32][32] = {0};char *p1 = (char *)malloc(1024);while((p1 = (char *)strchr(p, *str)) != NULL) //必须使用(char *)进行强制类型转换{strncpy(tmp[i], p, strlen(p) - strlen(p1));p = p1 + 1;i ++;}strncpy(tmp[i], p, strlen(p));for(j = 0; j <= i; j++){lr_output_message("tmp[%d] = %s\n", j, tmp[j]);}
}Action (){char p[] = "www.baidu.com,www.taobao.com,www.csdn.com,www.python.org";char str[] = ","; //分割的字符串 split(p,str);return 0;
loadrunner中执行结果:Starting iteration 1.Starting action Action.Action.c(19): tmp[0] = www.baidu.comAction.c(19): tmp[1] = www.taobao.comAction.c(19): tmp[2] = www.csdn.comAction.c(19): tmp[3] = www.python.orgEnding action Action.Ending iteration 1.

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