2010 update: Lo, the Web Performance Advent Calendar hath moved

2010年更新: Lo, Web Performance Advent Calendar已移动

I like 24ways.org's idea of a webdev advent calendar - publishing one article per day from Dec 1st to Dec 24. I thought it would be cool to have the same thing on web performance topics. Our young performance community would benefit from a year-end heartwarming bunch of articles, maybe some motivational, some wrapping up interesting ideas and techniques that popped up in the past year, this kind of stuff. Ideally it would be a co-effort by performance folks from around the world, but lacking the PM skills and time to organize it (and coming up with the idea kinda late) I'll try to start alone, hopefully next year it would be a community effort.

我喜欢24ways.org的webdev出现日历的想法-从12月1日到12月24日每天发表一篇文章。我认为在Web性能主题上做同样的事情很酷。 我们的年轻表演社区将受益于年终令人心动的一堆文章,也许是一些激励人心的文章,一些总结了去年流行的有趣的想法和技术的东西。 理想情况下,这将是来自世界各地的表演者的共同努力,但由于缺乏PM技能和时间来组织它(并且有点晚提出这个想法),我将尝试独自开始,希望明年会社区的努力。

So this is now just a placeholder post, I'll update it with links to the articles as I write them, one per day is the plan, will see how it will work. So watch this space, you can follow me via the RSS feed or Twitter.

因此,这现在只是一个占位符帖子,我将在撰写文章时使用指向文章的链接来更新它,每天计划一次,它将看看它是如何工作的。 因此,请观看此空间,您可以通过RSS feed或Twitter关注我。

I have a preliminary idea of the articles I intend to write, but it's not at all final or complete, so if you want to see an article on something, or you want to write a guest post, please comment or get in touch in email.


  1. The performance roadmap


  2. Performance tools


  3. Required reading


  4. Psychology of performance


  5. Reducing the number of page components


  6. The pain points of having fewer components


  7. Data URIs, MHTML and IE7/Win7/Vista blues

    数据URI,MHTML和IE7 / Win7 / Vista蓝调

  8. Collecting web data with a faster, free server by Christian Heilmann

    使用Christian Heilmann的更快,免费的服务器收集Web数据

  9. Duplicates and near-duplicates


  10. Caching vs. inlining


  11. Reducing the payload: compression, minification, 204s


  12. Big list of image optimization tools


  13. Give PNG a chance (video)


  14. Free-falling waterfalls


  15. JavaScript loading strategies by Ara Pehlivanian

    Ara Pehlivanian的JavaScript加载策略

  16. How To Measure Web Site Performance by Eric Goldsmith

    如何衡量网站性能作者: Eric Goldsmith

  17. Rendering: repaint, reflow/relayout, restyle


  18. DOM access optimization


  19. The new game show: "Will it reflow?"


  20. Extreme JavaScript optimization by Ara Pehlivanian

    Ara Pehlivanian的极端JavaScript优化

  21. Progressive rendering via multiple flushes


  22. iPhone caching


  23. CSS performance: UI with fewer images


  24. The performance business pitch


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翻译自: https://www.phpied.com/performance-advent-calendar-2009/


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