Question 1

Can you name the special functions a C++ compiler can create implicitly?
tip answer

Question 2

What are the two ways to achieve automatic type conversion from type X to type Y?
tip answer

Question 3

Which of one of these represents an assignment operation?

  1. C c1 = c2;
  2. c3 = c4;
  3. both

tip answer

Question 4

Given the class Qz4:

class Qz4 {
enum{ arr_l=5 };
int *arr; // array of int
int seed;
char *name;
Qz4(char *str, int i) : name(str), seed(i) {
arr = new int[arr_l];
for(int i=0;i<arr_l;arr[i]=seed + i++);
~Qz4() {
delete [] arr;
cout << "arr destroyed for " << name << endl;
void print_arr() {
cout << name << ":" << endl;
for(int i=0;i<arr_l;i++) cout << "Element #" << i << "=" << get_arr(i) << endl;
void set_arr(int idx, int val) {
int get_arr(int idx) {
return arr[idx];

Can you predict the output of the program below?

int main() {
Qz4 q1("Q1",0), q2("Q2",10);
q1.set_arr(0, 32);
q2.set_arr(1, 56);



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