1. non-volatile

2. volatile

1. The term non-volatile is used to indicate that the memory is expected to retain its contents between the user
turning the device “on” or “off”. For the purposes of the CLDC Specification, it is assumed that non-volatile
memory is usually accessed in read mode, and that special setup may be required to write to it. Examples of
non-volatile memory include ROM, Flash and battery-packed SDRAM. The CLDC Specification does not
define which memory technology a device must have, nor does it define the behavior of such memory in a
power-loss scenario.
2. The term volatile is used to indicate that the memory is not expected to retain its contents between the user
turning the device “on” or “off”. For the purposes of the CLDC Specification, it is assumed that volatile
memory can be read and written to directly without any special setup. The most common type of volatile
memory is DRAM.


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