
(a)写一个程序产生服从d维正态分布N(μ,Σ)N(\mu, \Sigma)的随机样本。
(b)写一个程序计算一给定正态分布及先验概率P(ωi)P(\omega_i)的判别函数(gi(x)=−12(x−μi)tΣ−1i(x−μi)−d2ln2π−12ln|Σi|+lnP(ωi)g_i(x) = -\frac{1}{2}(x - \mu_i)^t\Sigma_i^{-1}(x - \mu_i) - \frac{d}{2}ln2\pi - \frac{1}{2}ln|\Sigma_i| + lnP(\omega_i))。

CH2_1_a.m: Generate random vectors from the multivariate normal distribution.

function r = CH2_1_a(u, sigma, n)
% function r = CH2_1_a(u, sigma, n)
% Generate random vectors from the multivariate normal distribution.
% Inputs:
%   u     - Mean of distribution
%   sigma - Covariance matrix of distribution
%   n     - Number of vectors
% Outputs:
%   r     - Matrix of random vectorsr = mvnrnd(u, sigma, n);

CH2_1_a_test.m: Generate two normal distributions and plot.

% generate a normal distribution
u1 = [0, 0];
sigma1 = [2 0; 0 2];
r1 = CH2_1_a(u1, sigma1, 500);
plot(r1(:, 1), r1(:, 2), 'r+');
hold on;% generate another normal distribution
u2 = [5, 5];
sigma2 = [.5 0; 0 2];
r2 = CH2_1_a(u2, sigma2, 500);
plot(r2(:, 1), r2(:, 2), '*');
xlabel('x1'), ylabel('x2');

CH2_1_b.m: Discriminant function of a normal distribution given prior probability.

function g = CH2_1_b(x, u, sigma, P)
% function g = CH2_1_b(x, u, sigma, P)
% Discriminant function of a normal distribution given prior probability.
% Inputs:
%   x     - Input vector
%   u     - Mean of distribution
%   sigma - Covariance matrix of distribution
%   P     - Prior probability
% Ouputs:
%   g     - Discriminant result g = -0.5*(x - u)'*inv(sigma)*(x - u) - size(u, 1)/2.0*log(2*pi) - 0.5*log(det(sigma)) + log(P);

CH2_1_c.m: Calculate the Euclidean distance between two vectors.

function E_dist = CH2_1_c(x1, x2)
% function E_dist = CH2_1_c(x1, x2)
% Calculate the Euclidean distance between two vectors.
% Inputs:
%   x1     - Vector x1
%   x2     - Vector x2
% Outputs:
%   E_dist - Euclidean distanceE_dist = sqrt(sum((x1 - x2).^2));

CH2_1_d.m: Calculate the Mahalanobis distance of a vector.

function M_dis = CH2_1_d(x, u, sigma)
% function M_dis = CH2_1_d(x, u, sigma)
% Calculate the Mahalanobis distance of a vector.
% Inputs:
%   x      - Input Vector
%   u      - Mean of distribution
%   sigma  - Covariance matrix of distribution
% Outputs:
%   M_dis  - Mahalanobis distanceM_dis = sqrt((x - u)'*inv(sigma)*(x - u));

(a)假设前面两个类别的先验概率相等(P(ω1)=P(ω2)=1/2P(\omega_1) = P(\omega_2) = 1/2,且P(ω3)=0)P(\omega_3) = 0),仅利用x1x_1特征值为这两类判别设计一个分类器。
(f)讨论所得的结论。特别是,对于一有限的数据集,是否有可能在更高的数据维数下经验误差会增加? 可能

CH2_2.m: Generate classification model of two classes, then calculate the classification error and the Bhattacharyya bound.

function [model, error, Bbound] = CH2_2(patterns, targets, c1, c2, P1, P2, dim)
% function [model, error, Bbound] = CH2_2(patterns, targets, c1, c2, P1, P2, dim)
% Generate classification model of two classes, then calculate the classification
% error and the Bhattacharyya bound.
% Inputs:
%   patterns - Input matrix
%   targets  - Input matrix classes
%   c1       - Class1
%   c2       - Class2
%   P1       - Prior probability of c1
%   P2       - Prior probability of c2
%   dim      - Dimensions of input vector
% Outputs:
%   model    - Classification model
%   error    - Classification error
%   Bbound   - Bhattacharyya bound%% Generate classification model
% matrices of two classes
x1 = patterns(1:dim, targets == c1);
x2 = patterns(1:dim, targets == c2);
% mean of two matrices
u1 = mean(x1, 2);
u2 = mean(x2, 2);
% covariance matrix of two matrices
sigma1 = cov(x1');
sigma2 = cov(x2');
% generate model
model.u1 = u1;
model.u2 = u2;
model.sigma1 = sigma1;
model.sigma2 = sigma2;
model.P1 = P1;
model.P2 = P2;%% Calculate the classification error
col1 = size(x1, 2);
col2 = size(x2, 2);
result1 = zeros(col1, 1);
result2 = zeros(col2, 1);
% classification result
for i = 1:col1if CH2_1_b(x1(:, i), model.u1, model.sigma1, model.P1) >=  CH2_1_b(x1(:, i), model.u2, model.sigma2, model.P2)result1(i) = c1;elseresult1(i) = c2;end
for i = 1:col2if CH2_1_b(x2(:, i), model.u2, model.sigma2, model.P2) >=  CH2_1_b(x2(:, i), model.u1, model.sigma1, model.P1)result2(i) = c2;elseresult2(i) = c1;end
% classification error
error_num = size(find(result1 == c2), 1) + size(find(result2 == c1), 1);
error = error_num/(col1 + col2);%% Bhattacharyya bound
Bbound = Bhattacharyya(u1, sigma1, u2, sigma2, P1);

CH2_2_test.m: Plot classification error and Bhattacharyya bound.

load CH2.mat
error_vec = zeros(3, 1);
Bbound_vec = zeros(3, 1);
% calculate classification error and Bhattacharyya bound
for i = 1:3[model, error, Bbound] = CH2_2(patterns, targets, 1, 2, 0.5, 0.5, i);model_cell{i} = model;error_vec(i) = error;Bbound_vec(i) = Bbound;
% plot
plot(1:3, error_vec, '--ro', 1:3, Bbound_vec, '-g*');
legend('classification error', 'Bhattacharyya bound');


CH2_3.m: Plot classification error and Bhattacharyya bound.

load CH2.mat
error_vec = zeros(3, 1);
Bbound_vec = zeros(3, 1);
% calculate classification error and Bhattacharyya bound
% same to CH2_2_test
% modify two classes and two prior probabilities
for i = 1:3[model, error, Bbound] = CH2_2(patterns, targets, 1, 3, 0.5, 0.5, i);model_cell{i} = model;error_vec(i) = error;Bbound_vec(i) = Bbound;
% plot
plot(1:3, error_vec, '--ro', 1:3, Bbound_vec, '-g*');
legend('classification error', 'Bhattacharyya bound');

4.考虑上机题2中的3个类别,设P(ωi)=1/3P(\omega_i) = 1/3。
(a)以下各测试点与上机练习2中各类别均值间的Mahalanobis距离分别是多少:(1,2,1)t,(5,3,2)t,(0,0,0)t,(1,0,0)t(1, 2, 1)^t, (5, 3, 2)^t, (0, 0, 0)^t, (1, 0, 0)^t。
(c)若设P(ω1)=0.8,P(ω2)=P(ω3)=0.1P(\omega_1) = 0.8, P(\omega_2) = P(\omega_3) = 0.1,再对以上测试点进行分类。

CH2_4.m: Calculate the Mahalanobis distance with three classes, then classify the vectors.

function [M_dist, class] = CH2_4(x, patterns, targets, P)
% function [M_dist, class] = CH2_4(x, patterns, targets, P1, P2, P3)
% Calculate the Mahalanobis distance with three classes, then classify the
% vectors.
% Inputs:
%   x         - Input vector
%   patterns  - Input matrix
%   targets   - Input matrix classes
%   P         - Prior probability of class 1,2,3
% Outputs:
%   M_dist    - Mahalanobis distance
%   class     - classification result%% Mahalanobis distance
m = size(patterns, 1);
for i = 1:mp = patterns(:, targets == i);u{i} = mean(p, 2);sigma{i} = cov(p');
for i = 1:mM_dist(i) = CH2_1_d(x, u{i}, sigma{i});
end%% classification
class = 0; max_g = -Inf;
for i = 1:mg = CH2_1_b(x, u{i}, sigma{i}, P(i));if g > max_gclass = i;max_g = g;end

CH2_4_test.m: Test CH2_4.m with four vectors.

load CH2.mat
v = [1 2 1; 5 3 2; 0 0 0; 1 0 0]';
%% P = [1/3 1/3 1/3]
P = [1/3 1/3 1/3];
fprintf('The prior probability of three classes is : [1/3 1/3 1/3]\n');
for i = 1:size(v, 2)x = v(:, i);[M_dist, class] = CH2_4(x, patterns, targets, P);fprintf('The Mahalanobis distance between vector %d and three classes is %f, %f, %f\n', ...i, M_dist(1), M_dist(2), M_dist(3));fprintf('Vector %d belongs to class %d\n\n', i, class);
%% P = [0.8 0.1 0.1]
P = [0.8 0.1 0.1];
fprintf('The prior probability of three classes is : [0.8 0.1 0.1]\n');
for i = 1:size(v, 2)x = v(:, i);[M_dist, class] = CH2_4(x, patterns, targets, P);fprintf('The Mahalanobis distance between vector %d and three classes is %f, %f, %f\n', ...i, M_dist(1), M_dist(2), M_dist(3));fprintf('Vector %d belongs to class %d\n\n', i, class);

(a)写一个程序,从一均匀分布U(xl,xux_l, x_u)中产生n个随机整数。(有些计算机系统在其函数库中包含了这样的函数调用。)
(b)现在写一个程序,从范围−100≤xl<xu≤+100-100\leq x_l 中随机取xlx_l和xux_u,以及在范围0<n≤10000 中随机取n的值(样本数)。

CH2_5.m: The script is to prove that the average of a large number of independent random variables follows Gauss distribution.

% The script is to prove that the average of a large number of
% independent random variables follows Gauss distribution.% 10^4, 10^5, 10^6 samples
% 1. randomly pick xl and xu, -100 <= xl < xu <= 100
% 2. randomly pick n, 0 <= n <= 1000
% 3. randomly pick n numbers from [xl xu]
% 4. calculate the average of the n numbers
for i = 4:6h = zeros(1, 0);y = zeros(1, 0);while size(h, 2) < 10^ix = randi([-100 100], 1, 2);if min(x) == max(x)continue;endxl = min(x);xu = max(x);n = randi([0 1000], 1, 1);v = randi([xl xu], 1, n);y = [y mean(v)];h = [h y];end% histsubplot(2, 2, i - 3);hist(y, 50);xlabel('x'), ylabel('num of x');title(['10^',num2str(i),' samples']);fprintf('10^%d samples:\n', i);fprintf('mean:%f  std:%f\n\n', mean(y), std(y));

p(x|ω1)∼N((10),I)p(x|\omega_1) \sim N(\begin{pmatrix} 1 \\ 0 \end{pmatrix}, I)和p(x|ω2)∼N((−10),I)p(x|\omega_2) \sim N(\begin{pmatrix} -1 \\ 0 \end{pmatrix}, I)
且P(ω1)=P(ω2)=0.5P(\omega_1) = P(\omega_2) = 0.5。说明贝叶斯判决边界。
(c)产生n = 100个点(50个ω1\omega_1类点点,50个ω2\omega_2类的点),并计算经验误差。
(d)对于不断增加的n值重复以上步骤,100≤n≤1000100 \leq n \leq 1000,步长量为100,并绘出所得的经验误差。
(e)讨论所得的结论。特别是,经验误差是否可能比Bhattacharyya或Chernoff界还大。 可能

CH2_6.m: Calculate the classification error of two classes.

function [error, Bbound, Cbound] = CH2_6(u1, sigma1, u2, sigma2, P1, P2)
% function error = CH2_6(u1, sigma1, u2, sigma2, P1, P2)
% Calculate the classification error of two classes.
% Inputs:
%   u1     - Mean of class1
%   sigma1 - Covariance matrix of class1
%   u2     - Mean of class2
%   sigma2 - Covariance matrix of class2
%   P1     - Prior probability of class1
%   P2     - Prior probability of class2
% Outputs:
%   error  - Classification error
%   Bbound - Bhattacharyya bound
%   Cbound - Chernoff bound%% plot Gauss distribution
% Gauss distribution
[x1_1, x1_2] = meshgrid(linspace(-4, 6, 100)', linspace(-5, 5, 100)');
x1 = [x1_1(:) x1_2(:)];
p1 = P1*mvnpdf(x1, u1', sigma1);
surf(x1_1, x1_2, reshape(p1, 100, 100));
hold on;
[x2_1, x2_2] = meshgrid(linspace(-6,4,100)', linspace(-5,5,100)');
x2 = [x2_1(:) x2_2(:)];
p2 = P2*mvnpdf(x2, u2', sigma2);
surf(x2_1, x2_2, reshape(p2, 100, 100));
xlabel('x1'), ylabel('x2'), zlabel('p');
% Obviously, surf x1 = 0 is the Bayes decision boundary.%% classification error, Bhattacharyya bound, Chernoff bound
Bbound = Bhattacharyya(u1, sigma1, u2, sigma2, P1);
Cbound = Chernoff(u1, sigma1, u2, sigma2, P1);
for n = 100:100:1000r1 = CH2_1_a(u1, sigma1, n/2);r2 = CH2_1_a(u2, sigma2, n/2);% error1_2: number of class1 misclassified to class2% error2_1: number of class2 misclassified to class1error1_2 = 0;error2_1 = 0;for i = 1:size(r1, 1)% class1 misclassified to class2if(CH2_1_b(r1(i, :)', u1, sigma1, P1) < CH2_1_b(r1(i, :)', u2, sigma2, P2))error1_2 = error1_2 + 1;end% class2 misclassified to class1if(CH2_1_b(r2(i, :)', u2, sigma2, P2) < CH2_1_b(r2(i, :)', u1, sigma1, P1))error2_1 = error2_1 + 1;endenderror(n/100) = (error1_2 + error2_1)/n;
plot(100:100:1000, Bbound*ones(1, 10), '-r*', ...100:100:1000, Cbound*ones(1, 10), '--bo', ...100:100:1000, error, '-.gs');
xlabel('n'), ylabel('error');
legend('Bhattacharyya bound', 'Chernoff bound', 'Classification error');

CH2_6_test.m: Test CH2_6.m.

u1 = [1 0]';
sigma1 = [1 0; 0 1];
u2 = [-1 0]';
sigma2 = [1 0; 0 1];
[error, Bbound, Cbound] = CH2_6(u1, sigma1, u2, sigma2, 0.5, 0.5);

7.考虑两个一维正态分布p(x|ω1)∼N(−0.5,1)p(x|\omega_1) \sim N(-0.5, 1)及p(x|ω2)∼N(+0.5,1)p(x|\omega_2) \sim N(+0.5, 1),且P(ω1)=P(ω2)=0.5P(\omega_1) = P(\omega_2) = 0.5。
(b)用一个误差函数erf(⋅)erf (\cdot) 的形式表示实际误差率。(1−erf(2√/4))/2(1 - erf(\sqrt {2}/4))/2

CH2_7.m: Calculate the Bhattacharyya bound, estimated error and a series of classification error of two Gauss distribution.

function [Eerror, Bbound, Cerror] = CH2_7(u1, sigma1, u2, sigma2, P1, P2)
% function [Eerror, Bbound, Cerror] = CH2_7(u1, sigma1, u2, sigma2, P1, P2)
% Calculate the Bhattacharyya bound, estimated error and a
% series of classification error of two Gauss distribution.
% Inputs:
%   u1     - Mean of class1
%   sigma1 - Covariance matrix of class1
%   u2     - Mean of class2
%   sigma2 - Covariance matrix of class2
%   P1     - Prior probability of class1
%   P2     - Prior probability of class2
% Outputs:
%   Eerror - Estimated error
%   Bbound - Bhattacharyya bound
%   Cerror - Classification error%% calculate the curve intersection point
eq1 = ['y = ' num2str(P1) '*1/sqrt(2*pi*' num2str(sigma1) ')*exp(-(x - '  num2str(u1) ')^2/(2*' num2str(sigma1) '))'];
eq2 = ['y = ' num2str(P2) '*1/sqrt(2*pi*' num2str(sigma2) ')*exp(-(x - '  num2str(u2) ')^2/(2*' num2str(sigma2) '))'];
[inter_x, inter_y] = solve(eq1, eq2);
inter_x = double(inter_x);
inter_y = double(inter_y);%% plot Gauss distribution
% Gauss distribution
x = (-5:0.1:5)';
y1 = P1*1/sqrt(2*pi*sigma1)*exp(-(x - u1).^2/(2*sigma1));
y2 = P2*1/sqrt(2*pi*sigma2)*exp(-(x - u2).^2/(2*sigma2));
plot(x, [y1 y2]);
hold on;
plot(inter_x, inter_y, 'rx', 'LineWidth', 2, 'MarkerSize', 10);
for i = 1:size(inter_x, 1)text(inter_x(i) + 0.2, inter_y(i), ['\leftarrow (' num2str(inter_x(i)) ', ' ...num2str(inter_y(i)) ')']);
xlabel('x'), ylabel('y');
legend(['N(' num2str(u1) ', ' num2str(sigma1) ')'], ['N(' num2str(u2) ', ' num2str(sigma2) ')'], 'intersection point');%% Bhattacharyya bound
Bbound = Bhattacharyya(u1, sigma1, u2, sigma2, P1);%% estimated error using numerical integration
% the intersection area of two Gauss distribution means error
syms x;
if size(inter_x, 1) == 1Eerror = double(int(P1*1/sqrt(2*pi*sigma1)*exp(-(x - u1)^2/(2*sigma1)), inter_x, Inf)) + ...double(int(P2*1/sqrt(2*pi*sigma2)*exp(-(x - u2)^2/(2*sigma2)), -Inf, inter_x));
else if size(inter_x, 1) == 2Eerror = double(int(P1*1/sqrt(2*pi*sigma1)*exp(-(x - u1)^2/(2*sigma1)), inter_x(1), inter_x(2))) + ...double(int(P2*1/sqrt(2*pi*sigma2)*exp(-(x - u2)^2/(2*sigma2)), -Inf, inter_x(1))) + ...double(int(P2*1/sqrt(2*pi*sigma2)*exp(-(x - u2)^2/(2*sigma2)), inter_x(2), Inf));  end
end%% classification error
m = 1;
vec = [10 50 100 200 500 1000];
for n = vecr1 = CH2_1_a(u1, sigma1, round(P1*2*n));r2 = CH2_1_a(u2, sigma2, 2*n - round(P1*2*n));% error1_2: number of class1 misclassified to class2% error2_1: number of class2 misclassified to class1error1_2 = 0;error2_1 = 0;for i = 1:size(r1, 1)% class1 misclassified to class2if(CH2_1_b(r1(i, :)', u1, sigma1, P1) < CH2_1_b(r1(i, :)', u2, sigma2, P2))error1_2 = error1_2 + 1;endendfor j = 1:size(r2, 1)% class2 misclassified to class1if(CH2_1_b(r2(j, :)', u2, sigma2, P2) < CH2_1_b(r2(j, :)', u1, sigma1, P1))error2_1 = error2_1 + 1;end endCerror(m) = (error1_2 + error2_1)/(2*n);m = m + 1;
plot(2*vec, Eerror*ones(1, size(vec, 2)), '--gv', ...2*vec, Bbound*ones(1, size(vec, 2)), '-.b*', 2*vec, Cerror, '-kd');
xlabel('n'), ylabel('error');
legend('Estimated error', 'Bhattacharyya bound', 'Classification error');

CH2_7_test.m: Test CH2_7.m.

u1 = -0.5;
sigma1 = 1;
u2 = 0.5;
sigma2 = 1;
P1 = 0.5;
P2 = 0.5;
[Eerror, Bbound, Cerror] = CH2_7(u1, sigma1, u2, sigma2, P1, P2);

(a)p(x|ω1)∼N(−0.5,2)p(x|\omega_1) \sim N(-0.5, 2)及p(x|ω2)∼N(+0.5,2)p(x|\omega_2) \sim N(+0.5, 2),P(ω1)=2/3P(\omega_1) = 2/3及P(ω2)=1/3P(\omega_2) = 1/3。
(b)p(x|ω1)∼N(−0.5,2)p(x|\omega_1) \sim N(-0.5, 2)及p(x|ω2)∼N(+0.5,2)p(x|\omega_2) \sim N(+0.5, 2),P(ω1)=1/2P(\omega_1) = 1/2及P(ω2)=1/2P(\omega_2) = 1/2。
(c)p(x|ω1)∼N(−0.5,3)p(x|\omega_1) \sim N(-0.5, 3)及p(x|ω2)∼N(+0.5,1)p(x|\omega_2) \sim N(+0.5, 1),P(ω1)=1/2P(\omega_1) = 1/2及P(ω2)=1/2P(\omega_2) = 1/2。

CH2_8_a.m: Test CH2_7.m with two Gauss distribution.

u1 = -0.5;
sigma1 = 2;
u2 = 0.5;
sigma2 = 2;
P1 = 2/3;
P2 = 1/3;
[Eerror, Bbound, Cerror] = CH2_7(u1, sigma1, u2, sigma2, P1, P2);

CH2_8_b.m: Test CH2_7.m with two Gauss distribution.

u1 = -0.5;
sigma1 = 2;
u2 = 0.5;
sigma2 = 2;
P1 = 1/2;
P2 = 1/2;
[Eerror, Bbound, Cerror] = CH2_7(u1, sigma1, u2, sigma2, P1, P2);

CH2_8_c.m: Test CH2_7.m with two Gauss distribution.

u1 = -0.5;
sigma1 = 3;
u2 = 0.5;
sigma2 = 1;
P1 = 1/2;
P2 = 1/2;
[Eerror, Bbound, Cerror] = CH2_7(u1, sigma1, u2, sigma2, P1, P2);

Bhattacharyya.m: Find the Bhattacharyya bound given means and covariances of single gaussian distributions.

function Perror = Bhattacharyya(u1, sigma1, u2, sigma2, P1)
% function Perror = Bhattacharyya(mu1, sigma1, mu2, sigma2, p1)
% Find the Bhattacharyya bound given means and covariances of single
% gaussian distributions.
% Inputs:
%   u1         - Mean of class1
%   sigma1     - Covariance matrix of class1
%   u2         - Mean of class2
%   sigma2     - Covariance matrix of class2
%   P1         - Probability of class1
% Outputs
%   Perror      - Error boundk_half = 1/8*(u2 - u1)'*inv((sigma1 + sigma2)/2)*(u2 - u1) + 1/2*log(det((sigma1+sigma2)/2)/sqrt(det(sigma1)*det(sigma2)));
Perror = sqrt(P1*(1 - P1))*exp(-k_half);

Chernoff.m: Find the Chernoff bound given means and covariances of single gaussian distributions.

function Perror = Chernoff(u1, sigma1, u2, sigma2, P1)
% function Perror = Chernoff(u1, sigma1, u2, sigma2, P1)
% Find the Chernoff bound given means and covariances of single gaussian distributions.
% Inputs:
%   u1         - Mean of class1
%   sigma1     - Covariance matrix of class1
%   u2         - Mean of class2
%   sigma2     - Covariance matrix for class2
%   P1         - Prior probability of class1
% Outputs
%   Perror      - Error boundbeta = linspace(0, 1, 100);
k = zeros(1, length(beta));% calculate k(beta)
for i = 1:length(beta),k(i) = beta(i)*(1 - beta(i))/2*(u2 - u1)'*inv(beta(i)*sigma1 + (1 - beta(i))*sigma2)*(u2 - u1) + ...1/2*log(det(beta(i)*sigma1 + (1 - beta(i))*sigma2)/(det(sigma1)^beta(i)*det(sigma2)^(1 - beta(i))));
end% find the minimum of exp(-k)
[m, index] = min(exp(-k));
min_beta = beta(index);Perror = P1^min_beta*(1 - P1)^(1 - min_beta)*exp(-k(index));
% fprintf('min beta:%f\n', min_beta);
% plot(beta, exp(-k));

《模式分类》第二版 第二章课后编程题相关推荐

  1. 【C Primer Plus第二章课后编程题】

    [C Primer Plus第二章课后编程题] 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.1 #include <stdio.h> int main (void) ...

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    数据结构(C语言)第二版 第一章课后答案 这本书,我以后也会用,所以趁着考完试做个整理,顺便分享出来.电子资源发不出来,放评论区吧,有需要自取. 1. 简述下列概念:数据.数据元素.数据项.数据对象. ...

  3. 尚学堂Java学习第四章课后编程题作业参考答案

    我只是一个学习java 的初学者哈哈哈,代码写的都很烂,望大佬们指点指点. #尚学堂第三章:java面向对象基础 ##课后作业编程题一: 题目:1. 编写 Java 程序用于显示人的姓名和年龄.定义 ...

  4. Web前端开发精品课HTML CSS JavaScript基础教程第十四章课后编程题答案

    编程题: 下面有一段代码,请在这段代码的基础上使用正确的选择器以及这两章学到的字体样式.文本样式来实现图14-13所示的效果. <!DOCTYPE html> <html> & ...

  5. Web前端开发精品课HTML CSS JavaScript基础教程第六章课后编程题答案

    编程题: 利用这样一章学到的知识,制作如图6-10所示的表格效果,并且要求代码语义化. 用VS2013新建ASP.NET空网站,添加新项,建立HTML文件,向其加入以下代码: <!DOCTYPE ...

  6. Web前端开发精品课HTML CSS JavaScript基础教程第四章课后编程题答案

    编程题 利用这一章学到的各种文本标签,把图4-25所示的网页效果做出来. 用VS2013新建ASP.NET空网站,添加新项,建立HTML文件,向其加入以下代码: <!DOCTYPE html&g ...

  7. Web前端开发精品课HTML CSS JavaScript基础教程第五章课后编程题答案

    编程题: 图5-15所示为一个问卷调查的网页,请制作出来.要求:大标题用h1标签:小题目用h3标签:前两个问题使用有序列表:最后一个问题使用无序列表. 用VS2013新建ASP.NET空网站,添加新项 ...

  8. C++ Primer Plus(第六版) 第4章 课后编程题

    1.输出下列的信息:名字包含多个字母:程序中将下调整成绩,向上调整一个字母 What is your first name? Betty Sue What is your last name? Yew ...

  9. java 2 实用教程(第五版)第六章课后编程题:设计一个动物声音模拟器,希望模拟器可以模拟许多的动物的叫声。

    内容:1.编写接口Animal Animal接口有两个抽象方法:cry()和getAnimalName(),即要求实现该接口的各种具体动物类给出自己的叫声和种类名称. 2.编写模拟器类Simulato ...

  10. java 2 实用教程(第五版)第五章课后编程题:设计一个动物声音模拟器,希望模拟器可以模拟许多的动物的叫声。

    public abstract class Animal {        abstract void cry() ;        abstract String    getAnimalName( ...


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