DXperience v2008 vol 2.3 for Visual Studio 2005, 2008

  • DXperience installation (180,606,712bytes)
  • Updated 08/20/2008
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What's Included & New
.NET Product Line - v2008 vol 2.3

New Features/Changes

ASPxGridView and Editors Suite

  • S92042 - Add a capability to set the editor's width/height via corresponding ASPxGridView edit properties
  • S30355 - ASPxButton Horizontal Alignment - new property
  • S30334 - ASPxGridView - Add a capability to define the visibility of a column's FilterRowButton

ASPxperience Suite

  • S30325 - ASPxUploadControl - SSL support

ASPxScheduler Suite

  • Q180798 - Example - provide an example on data binding of the ASPxScheduler to Sybase 15

XtraBars Suite

  • S30425 - Documentation -Ribbon - Describe the ActAsButtonGroup property

XtraEditors Library

  • Q180032 - CheckedComboBoxEdit item collection localization problem
  • S91971 - PopupContainerControl / PopupContainerEdit get rid of flickering and improve resizing
  • S91987 - Provide more user error types in ErrorType enum for DXErrorProvider


  • S91873 - Capability to add elements in the wizard

XtraLayout Suite

  • S30313 - Add the AllowHtmlString property that enables HTML formatting in layout items' captions

XtraReports Suite

  • S91301 - Web - ReportViewer - Disable the Height and Width properties when the AutoSize property is set to True (and change the text displayed on the ReportViewer at design time)

Resolved Issues

All .NET WinForms Components

  • B96248 - If ToolTipController.ToolTipType is set to SuperTip, a tooltip constructed in an event handler isn't shown
  • B96105 - When binding a SplitContainerControl.SplitterPosition to an application setting, any changes to the splitter position are ignored when the form is resized

All ASP.NET Components

  • B95625 - ASPxLabel doesn't follow the ClientVisible setting

ASPxGridView and Editors Suite

  • B96664 - "Unspecified error" may occur in IE when moving columns to/from the Customization Window very quickly
  • S30335 - A Date column must be automatically created for Nullable DateTime properties
  • B95145 - A 'Key Not Found' exception occurs when exporting the ASPxGridView with all grid columns being grouped
  • Q181875 - An error occurs when filtering by an integer column (LinqServerModeDataSource)
  • B96512 - ASPxComboBox - If a list item's Text property value contains the '\r' or '\n' symbol, selecting this item doesn't work on the server
  • B96448 - ASPxComboBox EnableCallbackMode v8.2.2 - only one value is available after selecting and leaving via the tab key
  • B32273 - ASPxgridView - A column's GroupRowTemplate is not available via the design-time Edit Templates dialog
  • B96695 - ASPxGridView - Auto-filter conditions (such as equals, greater, etc) are not restored when loading a saved client layout
  • B96728 - ASPxGridView - If a custom value is selected within a header filter, this value is not highlighted within the item list
  • B95303 - ASPxGridView - Incorrect column resizing if columns are grouped or hidden
  • B95829 - ASPxGridView - JavaScript error if the ConfirmDelete message contains one quote
  • Q109068 - ASPxGridView - StackOverflowException occurs if the GridView's DataBind method is called when the control is not bound to a DataSource
  • Q182150 - ASPxGridView - Template control finder methods fail inside the HtmlEditFormCreated event handler
  • B96518 - ASPxGridView - The last detail row has an extra border
  • B96508 - ASPXGridView loses focus when the last row is deleted
  • B32243 - ASPxGridViewExporter cannot resolve a GridView in a DetailRow template
  • Q33414 - ASPxListBox - Changing the text of the selected list item causes a type cast error
  • B96118 - AutoFilter does not work properly when FilterMode is Text and a value contains the ampersand symbol
  • Q180002 - ComboBox in EditItemTemplate bound to XPObject!Key causes "DataBinding: 'DevExpress.Web.Data.WebCachedDataRow' does not allow indexed access." at runtime
  • B96426 - DateTime values are wrongly filtered when a filter condition is less than, greater than and so on
  • Q180432 - Exporting detail grids of specific nesting levels (such as the second or third) is not allowed
  • B95939 - Header and data rows are not aligned when the grid width is 100% and vertical scrolling is on
  • B32161 - Templates - The client-side validation doesn't work when a grid is placed on a content page
  • B96544 - Zero character ('\0') in data leads to truncated rendering during callbacks in IE


  • Q181254 - ASPxHtmlEditor doesn't work in GroupContentTemplate of ASPxNavBar
  • Q181171 - SpellChecking - OpenOffice dictionaries cannot be used
  • B96230 - The "noscript" tag's content disappears after a callback
  • B32172 - Valid values of enumerative attributes are wrongly removed when validating the editor's HTML code, if values are written in uppercase

ASPxperience Suite

  • Q181011 - ASPxDataView - The built-in pager is not localized using the shipped DevExpress_Web_v8_2.resx global resource file
  • B96047 - ASPxMenu - Bad file reference to the checkmark image in the Soft orange theme (MenuItem.Checked)
  • Q108305 - ASPxUploadControl - secure and nonsecure items on a page
  • B96240 - Designer - the ASPxScheduler Component is not created at design time in ASP.NET web site in VB
  • B95958 - Update progress panel is not rendered if it is inside the ASPxRoundPanel


  • B96085 - PivotGridControl.OptionsPrint.VerticalContentSplitting property is ignored when printing
  • B96709 - Reference to DevExpress.XtraPivotGrid.v8.2.Core is not added to a project

ASPxScheduler Suite

  • B96486 - ASPxScheduler rendering fails if the control is located in a hidden tab of the ASPxPageControl
  • B96290 - Error creating control (C# Web Application)


  • Q180689 - A call to the StartEditNewNode method within the NodeInserted event's handler doesn't put the ASPxTreeList into Edit mode
  • B96601 - A JavaScript error might occur when the key field is Guid and templates are used
  • Q109590 - Display Text / URL for TreeListHyperLinkColumn
  • Q181848 - The ASPxTreeList placed inside an ASPxCallbackPanel might lose its state when consecutive callbacks are performed by the panel
  • B96475 - The TreeListSettingsText.RecursiveDeleteError property value is ignored when setting TreeListSettingsEditing.AllowRecursiveDelete to false and trying to delete a parent node
  • Q180347 - VirtualMode - Values entered into a templated EditForm are not preserved after a round-trip that was initiated by a child control within the template

DXGrid for WPF

  • B96279 - IndexOutOfRangeException while changing column sort order via keyboard
  • Q180783 - Setting a datasource of DXGrid in an ElementHost doesn't work

DXperience ASP.NET

  • B96281 - ProjectConverter - PivotGridExporter on Upgrade to 8.2.1

eXpress Persistent Objects

  • B96211 - If the NestedUnitOfWork.GetNestedObject method is called for a new object that contains a reference to a saved object in its Delayed property, it can throw an exception
  • B96714 - oracle provider not reconnected on orA-03114 error
  • B96316 - When coding an xpo-property, the IDE-autocomplete For "SetPropertyValue" disappears
  • B96405 - XPCollection has troubles with DateTime? sorting
  • B32403 - XPO wizard doesn't correctly generate properties for foreign key columns when working with MS SQL 2005 and higher
  • B96722 - XPQuery fails on conditions like (c => c == parameter)

Installation for .NET

  • B96690 - ToolboxCreator - VS 2008 sp1 - Сannot create toolbox items

XtraBars Suite

  • CS59996 - BeforePopup event should be fired when ItemLinks.Count == 0
  • B94140 - Cannot paste text using the context menu into BarEditItem
  • Q181623 - Disposed ItemLinks are not removed from the BarItem.Links collection
  • B96619 - Invalid button group margin
  • B32345 - It's impossible to show a tooltip for the drop-down button, if the RibbonStyle property is set to SmallWithText
  • B96378 - Ribbon - hint window is displayed at an incorrect place
  • B96133 - Ribbon - OnLinkClick throws an exception when ribbon is folded
  • Q109749 - Ribbon Button Group rendering poorly in Vista 64
  • Q180137 - RibbonControl - the "Run Designer" smart tag is not present
  • B96594 - RibbonPageGroup's name is not correctly copied when cloning the group
  • B96206 - SmallWithTextWidth property does not work

XtraCharts Suite

  • B96485 - Chart Wizard - The ArgumentDataMember and ValueDataMembers properties picker is very slow if a chart's datasource structure is complex
  • B96735 - Filtering - Chart filters of the double type produce an empty chart when using whole numbers as a filter value (e.g. 1)
  • Q181575 - Web - It's impossible to define a file name when exporting a WebChartControl on the client

XtraEditors Library

  • B95225 - Control DropDowns appear behind owned forms when used with Windows Server 2008 RemoteApp
  • B96396 - DateEdit Input string was not in a correct format when Chinese input is used with the Full Shape option
  • B96127 - Font Edit doesn't paint the large height fonts in the dropdown
  • B96571 - FontEdit dropdown does not paint items correctly when HighlightedItemStyle is set to Skinned
  • B95868 - ImageEdit, PictureEdit - WMF files are not loaded correctly
  • B96199 - Label Control - incorrect padding
  • B96428 - Multi-Byte character input issue with the LookupEdit control
  • Q109907 - ProcessNewValue event not fired if the user enters the same value for two times
  • B32338 - Provide a way to disable an item in bound mode ( the CheckedListBoxControl)
  • B32264 - XtraMessageBox - button width is not enough for translated text


  • B32184 - Cannot set background color to transparent
  • B32183 - Clicking the smart tag throws an exception
  • B32376 - Exception within the OnDispose method of the GaugeControl class when its Gauges collection is null
  • B96181 - Gauge Designer Exception: Cannot create instance of class
  • B96184 - Incorrect text Z-order when DigitCout is less than or equal to 0
  • B32260 - Right and left indents are different in digital gauges

XtraGrid Suite

  • B95778 - Behavior of the grid is incorrect with a table having a unique index
  • B96698 - Column's VisibleIndex not reflected with accessibility
  • Q108762 - ExportToXls with PrintFooter and PrintFilterInfo
  • B96635 - LayoutView - Cannot sort data when MultiSelect=True
  • B96682 - LayoutView - field editor is painted incorrectly, when BackColor and BackColor2 are used
  • B95834 - LayoutView Designer is unstable
  • B32251 - LayoutView shows buttons incorrectly when the ShowButtonMode property is ShowAlways
  • B96599 - Master-Detail - detail is not visible when expanding master row
  • B96287 - Server mode - An infinite loop when deleting records
  • Q182044 - ServerMode - In specific situations, when restoring selection the focused row is not correctly restored
  • Q181766 - The FocusLeaveOnTab property doesn't work in the LayoutView
  • B96583 - Unbound Master View Tutorial - Incorrect display of details

XtraLayout Suite

  • B96533 - Button is not dasabled from code in the XtraLayoutControl
  • B95598 - Drop area is incorrectly displayed when the control is within an XtraScrollablePanel
  • B32295 - LayoutControlGroup caption is painted outside the group's header
  • B96469 - Scrollbar not moving to current selection
  • B96652 - Splitter throws an exception when dragged on the xtralayout
  • B96348 - Text clipping in layout item text
  • B96399 - UserControl is displayed incorrectly in LayouControl


  • B96734 - NavigationPane - bottom border is not displayed
  • B96848 - NavigationPane - popup panel size is reset

XtraPivotGrid Suite

  • B96264 - Running Total - Running total values does not include previously collapsed values
  • B96667 - Selection - The CellSelectionChanged event was raised before the selection was changed
  • B96479 - The System.NullReferenceException is thrown when a form's top bar is being double clicked to maximize the form with a PivotGridControl

XtraPrinting Library

  • B95923 - Export to PDF - Add the capability to specify encoding
  • Q105265 - Export to XLS - the '%' button in MS Excel toolbar does not work as expected for exported documents

XtraReports Suite

  • Q181872 - Calculated Fields - If a report is bound to data using DataSourceSchema, calculated fields can be added but are not displayed in the Field List
  • B96576 - Design Time - Collapsing a band while a sub-band is selected crashes Visual Studio
  • B32084 - Design Time - The Preview window in the Summary dialog is displayed incorrectly
  • B32085 - Design Time - The Preview window in the Watermark dialog is displayed incorrectly
  • B31135 - Document Map - BookmarkParent is not properly selected for a child bookmark in the Bookmark TreeList, if the BookmarkParent is repeated several times with the same name
  • Q109937 - End-User Designer - DataBindings smart tag option isn't removed when filtered via the XtraReport.FilterControlProperties event
  • B96247 - End-User Designer - DesignRibbonController - A report should not be automatically recreated when the built-in Preview Tab is deleted and the new PrintRibbonController tab is created
  • Q107810 - End-User Designer - Formatting Toolbar doesn't change style properties of a control, if it has a style and the corresponding StylePriority.Use~ property is set to true
  • B31512 - End-User Designer - When drop the DesignRibbonController onto a form panels are hidden in some cases
  • B96540 - Export to HTML - Exporting into one file doesn't ignore PageHeader and PageFooter's PrintOn properties
  • B96403 - Field List - Adding a calculated field raises an exception, if a datasource is a list
  • B96514 - Mail-Merge - ArgumentException is thrown when the DevExpress.Xpo.DisplayName attribute is applied to the XPObject property
  • B32110 - Parameters - The Parameters dialog is shown before previewing a report via the ShowPreview method, and the Parameters pane isn't shown in preview
  • B96525 - Preview - Sometimes when changing margins in preview, only the first report page becomes visible
  • Q180616 - Preview - The document map is not shown by default if a report contains bookmarks, as it was in previous versions
  • B94887 - Preview - The PreviewClick event is not fired if a control is not placed on the first page
  • Q180832 - Scripts - DevExpress.XtraPivotGrid.v8.2.Core is not referenced by default
  • Q180131 - Serialization - An error occurs if create a report, bind it to data, save to a REPX file, then load a report and show its print preview
  • B95552 - Serialization - An exception is raised in the End-User Designer when loading a report with an XRPivotGrid control bound to the IList datasource from a REPX file
  • B96831 - Serialization - The "object reference not set" error occurs when opening a report created in 8.1.1 for design in 8.2.2
  • S30020 - Styles - The EvenStyle and OddStyle properties are visible in all bands (not only in the Detail band), but these properties aren't applied to these bands
  • B96369 - Web - Report Toolbar - If add a custom button to a toolbar, and try to access it in client-side scripts, the button name is incorrect (it contains an ID added to the end of the name) in v2008 vol 2
  • B32301 - Web - ReportViewer doesn't load scripts and images for auto-formats at Visual Studio design time
  • B95397 - Web - Setting the SessionState's Cookieless option to True causes a problem with displaying XRShape and XRCheckbox controls in a report
  • B95812 - Web - The CanGrow property is handled incorrectly when viewing a report via the ReportViewer
  • B96168 - Web - XtraReport doesn't work in Medium trust site since last update to 8.2.1
  • B32107 - Wizard - If create a Standard report bound to a datasource, and choose a Tabular report layout, all bindings work, but are displayed incorrectly at design time
  • B96463 - Wizard - Summary labels are created with incorrect bindings
  • B96390 - XRPivotGrid - All styles in its Styles collection are displayed as "XRControlStyle" at design time

XtraScheduler Suite

  • Q182042 - BeginGroup on standard context menu item doesn't show menu separator
  • B96383 - Documentation - The Color property declaration is incorrect in the XPO section of the "Data Tables Structure" document
  • B96763 - ViewNavigator and ViewSelector controls - An error occurs when they are dragged to the form from the Toolbox


  • B96452 - SpellCheckerCustomDictioanry - a misspelled word is added twice if the CheckAsYouType mode is active and the word is added using a button

XtraTreeList Suite

  • B96819 - Built-in Drag and Drop doesn't function properly
  • Q180901 - The ValidatingEditor event fires twice

XtraVerticalGrid Suite

  • B96183 - Designer - Visual Studio 2008 crashes when the VGridControl.FixRowHeaderPanelWidth property is set to true
  • B95992 - Editing - The PropertyGridControl doesn't update collections after editing
  • B96732 - Editing - When a property of the Nullable type is being edited an exception is thrown
  • B32082 - In the MultiEditorRow, read-only items are not drawn as grayed out
  • Q180655 - PropertyGridControl - Properties with the ExpandableObjectConverter attribute not refreshed after being set to a no null value
  • B96530 - Stack overflow after upgrade to 8.2.2
  • B96638 - vGridControl breaks Visual Studios localization behavior


  • B96433 - Control placed on wizard page expanded beyond page boundaries if anchored to right and bottom
  • B96483 - PageCommit event does not fire after going back to page and then moving forward again
  • B96158 - Unable to cancel the Cancel Button event


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