下面看看函数Network *ExpandWordNet(MemHeap *heap,Lattice *lat,Vocab *voc,HMMSet *hset)的处理流程。

Network *ExpandWordNet(MemHeap *heap,Lattice *lat,Vocab *voc,HMMSet *hset)
{HMMSetCxtInfo *hci;Network *net;NetNode *node,*wordNode,*chainNode;NetLink netlink;Word thisWord;PronHolder *pInst;LNode *thisLNode;net=(Network*) New(heap,sizeof(Network));net->heap=heap;net->vocab=voc;net->numNode=net->numLink=0;net->chain=NULL;hci=GetHMMSetCxtInfo(hset,TRUE); // 创建/获取HMMSetCXTInfo对象/* First create context arrays and pronunciation instances */nNull=InitPronHolders(net,lat,hci,voc,&holderHeap,frcSil);/* Need to find out the phonetic contexts for all NULL words */if (hci->xc>0 && nNull>0)SetNullContexts(lat,hci->xc);/* Count xwrd links and create word ends */ProcessCrossWordLinks(net->heap,lat,hci->xc);/* Build models on basis of contexts seen */net->teeWords=FALSE;for (i=0; i < lat->nn; i++) {thisLNode = lat->lnodes+i;thisWord = thisLNode->word;if (thisWord==NULL) thisWord=voc->nullWord;if (trace&T_CST) {printf("Building word %s\n",thisWord->wordName->name);}for(pInst=(PronHolder*)thisLNode->sublat;pInst!=NULL;pInst=pInst->next) {/* !NULL consists only of word ends */if (pInst->nphones==0) {/* Flawed */if (hci->xc==0) {/* But we need a pointer for xc==0 cases */wordNode = FindWordNode(NULL,pInst->pron,pInst,n_word);pInst->starts = wordNode;pInst->nstart = 0; /* Stops us adding node into chain twice */}continue;}/* Determine which bits of word are l and r cd */if (hci->xc>0) {for (p=0;p<pInst->nphones;p++)if (GetHCIContext(hci,pInst->phones[p])>=0) break;for (q=pInst->nphones-1;q>=0;q--)if (GetHCIContext(hci,pInst->phones[q])>=0) break;}else {p=0;q=pInst->nphones-1;}pInst->tee=TRUE;/* Make wrd-int cd phones (possibly none!) */CreateWIModels(pInst,p,q,net,hci);if (hci->xc==0) {/* Word internal context only */CreateIEModels(thisWord,pInst,p,q,net,hci);}/* Cross word context */else if (pInst->clen==1) {/* Single phone word means that we need to *//*  build a complete cross-bar of contexts */CreateX1Model(pInst,p,q,net,hci,&holderHeap);}else {/* Cross word context and more than one phone */CreateXEModels(pInst,p,q,net,hci,&holderHeap);}}}   /* Allocate NetLinks from hash table stats. Zero counters */for (i=0; i<WNHASHSIZE; i++) {/* Build links for each word end model */for (node=wnHashTab[i];node!=NULL;node=node->chain) {if (node->nlinks>0){node->links=(NetLink*) New(net->heap,sizeof(NetLink)*node->nlinks);}elsenode->links=NULL;nxl+=node->nlinks;node->nlinks=0;node->aux=0;}}/* Finally put in the cross word links */ProcessCrossWordLinks(NULL,lat,hci->xc);/* First disassemble wnHashTab and link to end nodes as necessary */AddInitialFinal(lat,net,hci->xc); for (i=0; i<WNHASHSIZE; i++) {AddChain(net,wnHashTab[i]);}/* Finally chain all nodes together */for (i=0; i < lat->nn; i++) for (pInst=(PronHolder*)lat->lnodes[i].sublat;pInst!=NULL;pInst=pInst->next) {if (pInst->nstart>0)AddChain(net,pInst->starts);AddChain(net,pInst->chain);AddChain(net,pInst->ends);}/* And then clear up after ourselves */for (i=0; i < lat->nn; i++) lat->lnodes[i].sublat = NULL;DeleteHeap(&holderHeap);/* Count the initial/final nodes/links */net->numLink=net->initial.nlinks;net->numNode=2;/* now reorder links and identify wd0 nodes */for (chainNode = net->chain, ncn=0; chainNode != NULL; chainNode = chainNode->chain,net->numNode++,ncn++) {chainNode->inst=NULL;chainNode->type=chainNode->type&n_nocontext;net->numLink+=chainNode->nlinks;/* Make !NULL words really NULL */if (chainNode->type==n_word && chainNode->info.pron!=NULL &&net->nullWord!=NULL && chainNode->info.pron->word==net->nullWord)chainNode->info.pron=NULL;/* First make n_wd0 nodes */if (chainNode->type & n_hmm)for (i = 0; i < chainNode->nlinks; i++)if ( IsWd0Link(&chainNode->links[i]) ) {chainNode->type |= n_wd0;break;}/* Then put all n_tr0 nodes first */for (i = 0; i < chainNode->nlinks; i++) {/* Don't need to move any initial n_tr0 links */if (chainNode->links[i].node->type & n_tr0) continue;/* Find if there are any n_tr0 ones to swap with */for (j = i+1; j < chainNode->nlinks; j++)if (chainNode->links[j].node->type & n_tr0) break;/* No, finished */if (j >= chainNode->nlinks) break;/* Yes, swap then carry on */netlink = chainNode->links[i];chainNode->links[i] = chainNode->links[j];chainNode->links[j] = netlink;}}return(net);





HMMSetCxtInfo *GetHMMSetCxtInfo(HMMSet *hset, Boolean frcCxtInd)
{HMMSetCxtInfo *hci;LabId labid;MLink ml;if (frcCxtInd)labid=GetLabId("@HCI-CI@",TRUE);elselabid=GetLabId("@HCI-CD@",TRUE);ml=FindMacroName(hset,'@',labid);if (ml==NULL) {hci=NewHMMSetCxtInfo(hset,frcCxtInd);if (!frcCxtInd) DefineContexts(hci);NewMacro(hset,0,'@',labid,hci);}elsehci=(HMMSetCxtInfo *) ml->structure;return(hci);



如果在hset的mtab中没有找到labid也就是“@HCI-CI@”对应的宏,就调用NewHMMSETCxtInfo函数创建一个,但是并不包含具体的信息,然后通过NewMacro(hset,0,'@',labid, hci)来把该对象赋值并添加到hset的mtab上。




         pInst=NewPronHolder(heap,hci,pii[j].pron,pii[j].t,pii[j].phones);pInst->ln = thisLNode;pInst->next = (PronHolder*)thisLNode->sublat;thisLNode->sublat = (SubLatDef*) pInst;if (pInst->nphones<=0) pInst->fct = 0.0;else pInst->fct = thisLNode->score/pInst->nphones;


4)计算跨词连接和word end节点,由ProcessCrossWordLinks函数完成。



/* The network nodes themselves just store connectivity info */
struct _NetNode {NetNodeType type;    /* Type of this node (includes context) */union {HLink  hmm;       /* HMM (physical) definition */Pron   pron;      /* Word represented (may == null) */}info;                /* Extra information specific to type of node */char    *tag;        /* Semantic tagging information */int nlinks;          /* Number of nodes connected to this one */NetLink *links;      /* Array[0..nlinks-1] of links to connected nodes */NetInst *inst;       /* Model Instance (if one exists, else NULL) */   NetNode *chain;int aux;


struct _NetLink{NetNode *node;       /* Node in network */LogFloat like;       /* Transition likelihood */



NetNode *wnHashTab[WNHASHSIZE];



typedef struct pronholder
{LNode *ln;       /* Node that created this instance */Pron pron;       /* Actual pronunciation */short nphones;   /* Number of phones for this instance */LabId *phones;   /* Phone sequence for the instance */int ic;          /* Initial context - cache saves finding for all links */int fc;          /* Final context - cache saves finding for all links */int clen;        /* Number of non-cf phones in pronunciation */NetNode **lc;    /* Left contexts - linked to word initial models */NetNode **rc;    /* Right contexts - linked to word end nodes */int nstart;      /* Number of models in starts chain */int nend;        /* Number of models in ends chain */struct pronholder *next;






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