笔记31 笨办法学python练习39可爱的词典

rint("浙江 has: ", cities[states[‘杭州’]])
print("四川 has: ", cities[states[‘成都’]])

在这里插入代码片# create a mapping of state to abbreviation
states = {'湖北': '鄂','广东': '粤','浙江': '浙','四川': '川','湖南': '湘',
}# create a basic set of states and some cities in them
cities = {'鄂': '武汉','粤': '广州','浙': '杭州','川': '成都'
}# add some more cities
cities['粤'] = '深圳'
cities['湘'] = '长沙'# create a mapping of cities to abbreviation
cities_abbrev = {'武汉': '汉','广州': '穗','杭州': '杭','成都': '成','深圳': '深','长沙': '长','北京': '京','上海': '沪'
}# print some cities
print('-' * 10)
print("粤 State has: ", cities['粤'])
print("湘 State has: ", cities['湘'])# print some states
print('-' * 10)
print("湖北's abbreviation is: ", states['湖北'])
print("广东's abbreviation is: ", states['广东'])# do it by using the stwte then cities dict
print('-' * 10)
print("浙江 has: ", cities[states['浙江']])
print("四川 has: ", cities[states['四川']])# print every stste abbrev
print('-' * 10)
for state, abbrev in list(states.items()):print(f"{state} is abbreviated{abbrev}")#print every city in state
print('-' * 10)
for abbrev, city in list(cities_abbrev.items()):print(f"{abbrev} has the city {city}")# now do both at the same time
print('-' * 10)
for state, abbrev in list(states.items()):print(f"{state} is abbreviated{abbrev}")print(f"and has city {cities[abbrev]}")# print every city and  their abbrev
print('-' * 10)
for cities_abbrev, abbrev in list(cities_abbrev.items()):print(f"{city} is abbreviated{abbrev}")print(f"and has city {cities_abbrev}")if not city:print("Sorry, no this.")# get a city with a default value
city = cities.get('TX', 'Does Not Exit')
print(f"The city for the state '桂' is: {city}")


在这里插入代码片SyntaxError: invalid syntax
PS C:\Users\lenovo\1pythonw> python ex39.1.py
粤 State has:  深圳
湘 State has:  长沙
湖北's abbreviation is:  鄂
广东's abbreviation is:  粤
浙江 has:  杭州
四川 has:  成都
湖北 is abbreviated鄂
广东 is abbreviated粤
浙江 is abbreviated浙
四川 is abbreviated川
湖南 is abbreviated湘
武汉 has the city 汉
广州 has the city 穗
杭州 has the city 杭
成都 has the city 成
深圳 has the city 深
长沙 has the city 长
北京 has the city 京
上海 has the city 沪
湖北 is abbreviated鄂
and has city 武汉
广东 is abbreviated粤
and has city 深圳
浙江 is abbreviated浙
and has city 杭州
四川 is abbreviated川
and has city 成都
湖南 is abbreviated湘
and has city 长沙
沪 is abbreviated汉
and has city 武汉
沪 is abbreviated穗
and has city 广州
沪 is abbreviated杭
and has city 杭州
沪 is abbreviated成
and has city 成都
沪 is abbreviated深
and has city 深圳
沪 is abbreviated长
and has city 长沙
沪 is abbreviated京
and has city 北京
沪 is abbreviated沪
and has city 上海
The city for the state '桂' is: Does Not Exit
PS C:\Users\lenovo\1pythonw>以上还是有错,继续改错得ex39.2.py```python
在这里插入代码片# create a mapping of state to abbreviation
states = {'湖北': '鄂','广东': '粤','浙江': '浙','四川': '川','湖南': '湘',
}# create a basic set of states and some cities in them
cities = {'鄂': '武汉','粤': '广州','浙': '杭州','川': '成都'
}# add some more cities
cities['粤'] = '深圳'
cities['湘'] = '长沙'# create a mapping of cities to abbreviation
cities_abbrev = {'武汉': '汉','广州': '穗','杭州': '杭','成都': '成','深圳': '深','长沙': '长','北京': '京','上海': '沪'
}# print some cities
print('-' * 10)
print("粤 State has: ", cities['粤'])
print("湘 State has: ", cities['湘'])# print some states
print('-' * 10)
print("湖北's abbreviation is: ", states['湖北'])
print("广东's abbreviation is: ", states['广东'])# do it by using the stwte then cities dict
print('-' * 10)
print("浙江 has: ", cities[states['浙江']])
print("四川 has: ", cities[states['四川']])# print every stste abbrev
print('-' * 10)
for state, abbrev in list(states.items()):print(f"{state} is abbreviated{abbrev}")#print every city in state
print('-' * 10)
for abbrev, city in list(cities_abbrev.items()):print(f"{abbrev} has abbreviation name {city}")# now do both at the same time
print('-' * 10)
for state, abbrev in list(states.items()):print(f"{state} is abbreviated{abbrev}")print(f"and has city {cities[abbrev]}")if not city:print("Sorry, no this.")# get a city with a default value
city = cities.get('TX', 'Does Not Exit')
print(f"The city for the state '桂' is: {city}")


在这里插入代码片PS C:\Users\lenovo\1pythonw> python ex39.2.py
粤 State has:  深圳
湘 State has:  长沙
湖北's abbreviation is:  鄂
广东's abbreviation is:  粤
浙江 has:  杭州
四川 has:  成都
湖北 is abbreviated鄂
广东 is abbreviated粤
浙江 is abbreviated浙
四川 is abbreviated川
湖南 is abbreviated湘
武汉 has abbreviation name 汉
广州 has abbreviation name 穗
杭州 has abbreviation name 杭
成都 has abbreviation name 成
深圳 has abbreviation name 深
长沙 has abbreviation name 长
北京 has abbreviation name 京
上海 has abbreviation name 沪
湖北 is abbreviated鄂
and has city 武汉
广东 is abbreviated粤
and has city 深圳
浙江 is abbreviated浙
and has city 杭州
四川 is abbreviated川
and has city 成都
湖南 is abbreviated湘
and has city 长沙
The city for the state '桂' is: Does Not Exit
PS C:\Users\lenovo\1pythonw>

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