用 WP7开发包 安装 WP7程序(XAP文件)
我们的HD2既然直刷了WP7 当然就需要安装软件了 不然刷他有什么意思。下面就介绍软件安装方法。 大家注意 在安装所需软件前请确认你的手机是否解锁。 如果没有解锁。请参考此贴http://www.dospy.com/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=10393354&extra=page%3D1&bbsid=337&frombbs=1 这个是镜像地址镜像地址.txt (98 Bytes)

解锁的请看下面:首先必须安装 Windows Phone Developer Tools 微软开发包,这是在线安装地址http://www.microsoft.c我是透明的, 就当没看到om/downloads/en/details.aspx?FamilyID=04704acf-a63a-4f97-952c-8b51b34b00ce


错误代码的含义 仅供参考

0x8973180E : Zune software is not installed. Please install the latest version of Zune software.
没有安装Zune software,请安装最新版Zune software。

0x8973180F : Incorrect version of the Zune softeware installed. Please download the latest version.
Zune software版本不正确,请安装最新版。

0×89731810 Corrupted device configuration. To correct this problem, reinstall Visual Studio 2010 Express for Windows Phone.
配置设备失败,欲解决此问题请重新安装Visual Studio 2010 Express for Windows Phone

0×89731811 : Zune software is not started. Please try again from the Zune to ensure that the software is running.
Zune software未启动,请重启动Zune software一次确保其正在运行。

0×89731812 : Connection to device failed. Please ensure the phone is connected and the not on the lock screen.

0×89731813 : Application failed to start. Please ensure that the device has been registered and unlocked. Explanation on how to register can be found here http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=195284.

0×81030110 : Failed to install the application. Runtime error has occurred. Capabilities WMAppManifest.xml file located in the attribute content is incorrect. (This link might help)

0×81030118 : Installation of the application failed. Device is developer locked. Register for the developer unlock program before deploying the application.

0×81030119 : You cannot install the application. You have reached the maximum number of applications being developed for the device can be installed on this development. Please uninstall a previous developer application.


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