






通讯录汉字转拼音(首个字符当考虑姓氏多音字), 现在转换拼音常见的有pinyin4j和tinypinyin, pinyin4j的功能强大,包含声调多音字,tinypinyin执行快占用内存少, 如果只是简单匹配通讯录,建议使用tinypinyin,用法也很简单这里不详细介绍


public class CNPinyin implements Serializable, Comparable> {


* 对应首字首拼音字母


char firstChar;


* 所有字符中的拼音首字母


String firstChars;


* 对应的所有字母拼音


String[] pinyins;


* 拼音总长度


int pinyinsTotalLength;

public final T data;

CNPinyin(T data) {

this.data = data;


public char getFirstChar() {

return firstChar;



public String toString() {

StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder().append("--firstChar--").append(firstChar).append("--pinyins:");

for (String str : pinyins) {



return sb.toString();


int compareValue() {

if (firstChar == DEF_CHAR) {

return 'Z' + 1;


return firstChar;



public int compareTo(CNPinyin tcnPinyin) {

int compare = compareValue() - tcnPinyin.compareValue();

if (compare == 0) {

String chinese1 = data.chinese();

String chinese2 = tcnPinyin.data.chinese();

return chinese1.compareTo(chinese2);


return compare;



2:定义索引栏 a~z,#控件



搜索匹配才是核心, 以下匹配原则,有优先顺序如果有匹配成功不执行后面的匹配原则

a:匹配原字符 并找出所匹配的起始位置与结束位置,如有中文匹配将不执行后面的拼音匹配原则

static CNPinyinIndex matcherChinese(CNPinyin cnPinyin, String keyword) {

if (keyword.length() < cnPinyin.data.chinese().length()) {

Matcher matcher = Pattern.compile(keyword, Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE).matcher(cnPinyin.data.chinese());

if (matcher.find()) {

return new CNPinyinIndex(cnPinyin, matcher.start(), matcher.end());



return null;


b:匹配单个字符拼音的首个字母(例如"游小陈"可以匹配y, x, c, yx, xc, yxc)

static CNPinyinIndex matcherFirst(CNPinyin cnPinyin, String keyword) {

if (keyword.length() <= cnPinyin.pinyins.length) {

Matcher matcher = Pattern.compile(keyword, Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE).matcher(cnPinyin.firstChars);

if (matcher.find()) {

return new CNPinyinIndex(cnPinyin, matcher.start(), matcher.end());



return null;


c:所有字符拼音的匹配, 且第一个匹配位置的拼音必须一致(例如"游小陈 youxiaochen", 必须匹配yo, you, xi, xia, xiao, ch, che, chen开头等 例如 yo youx, youxi, youxiao, xiaoc, xiaoch, xiaochen等等)


* 所有拼音匹配

* @param cnPinyin

* @param keyword

* @return


static CNPinyinIndex matchersPinyins(CNPinyin cnPinyin, String keyword) {

if (keyword.length() > cnPinyin.pinyinsTotalLength) return null;

int start = -1;

int end = -1;

for (int i = 0; i < cnPinyin.pinyins.length; i++) {

String pat = cnPinyin.pinyins[i];

if (pat.length() >= keyword.length()) {//首个位置索引

Matcher matcher = Pattern.compile(keyword, Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE).matcher(pat);

if (matcher.find() && matcher.start() == 0) {

start = i;

end = i + 1;



} else {

Matcher matcher = Pattern.compile(pat, Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE).matcher(keyword);

if (matcher.find() && matcher.start() == 0) {//全拼匹配第一个必须在0位置

start = i;

String left = matcher.replaceFirst("");

end = end(cnPinyin.pinyins, left, ++i);





if (start >= 0 && end >= start) {

return new CNPinyinIndex(cnPinyin, start, end);


return null;



* 根据匹配字符递归查找下一结束位置

* @param pinyinGroup

* @param pattern

* @param index

* @return -1 匹配失败


private static int end(String[] pinyinGroup, String pattern, int index) {

if (index < pinyinGroup.length) {

String pinyin = pinyinGroup[index];

if (pinyin.length() >= pattern.length()) {//首个位置索引

Matcher matcher = Pattern.compile(pattern, Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE).matcher(pinyin);

if (matcher.find() && matcher.start() == 0) {

return index + 1;


} else {

Matcher matcher = Pattern.compile(pinyin, Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE).matcher(pattern);

if (matcher.find() && matcher.start() == 0) {//全拼匹配第一个必须在0位置

String left = matcher.replaceFirst("");

return end(pinyinGroup, left, index + 1);




return -1;


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