使用概念模型 和心智模型的

In a former life, I studied critical feminist theory. This included the field of Semiotics — the study of signs and the production of meaning, as well as Deconstruction —the unpacking of meaning to question assumptions.

在过去的生活中,我研究了批判的女权主义理论。 这包括符号学领域-符号和意义产生的研究,以及解构 -将意义分解为疑问假设的领域。

As a Product Designer, I continue this praxis by creating models — visual deconstructions of mental models and concepts.


Models are diagrams that can help designers visualize processes, patterns and relationships. They can be used before you produce a single wireframe — to break down complex problems, to build consensus on your team and bridge gaps in understanding.

模型是可以帮助设计人员可视化流程,模式和关系的图表。 您可以在制作单个线框之前使用它们,以分解复杂的问题,在团队中建立共识并弥合理解上的差距。

“Mapping helps us understand complex systems of interaction, particularly when dealing with abstract concepts like experience.”


O’Reilly “Mapping Experiences”


“Concept models create the conditions to extract people’s disparate mental models of a concept, and enable a shared mental model.”


Mike Aurelio, Gain a Communication Superpower with Concept Models

Mike Aurelio , 通过概念模型获得了沟通超级大国

为什么要使用模型? (Why should I use a model?)

In product design, maps and models can help:


  • Define & refine scope定义和完善范围
  • Identify gaps in the experience找出经验差距
  • Build team alignment建立团队一致性
  • Plan information architecture计划信息架构
  • Connect development to design将开发与设计联系起来
  • Simplify complex flows简化复杂流程
  • Chart omni-channel experiences图表全渠道体验

什么时候是使用模型的最佳时间? (When is the best time to use a model?)

Models are especially useful during the synthesis phase after research and discovery. But they can also be helpful at any part of the design process.

在研究和发现之后的综合阶段,模型特别有用。 但是它们也可以在设计过程的任何部分提供帮助。

Maps and models can used at any stage in the design process

什么时候应该使用哪种类型的图表? (What type of diagram should I use, when?)

Concept models can help us understand the fundamental building blocks of a product or experience — such as data, concepts, or relationships.


Concept models = Seeds

When the elements of your concept model are combined, they make up your design.


Design = Trees

A flow connects your designs together in sequential or divergent steps.


Flows = Roots

And a map provides a birds eye view of a system; series of experiences.

地图提供了系统的鸟瞰图; 一系列的经验。

Map = Forest

There are many names in our field for these diagrams:


  • Customer journey maps客户旅程图
  • Service blueprints服务蓝图
  • Experience maps体验图
  • Mental model maps心理模型图
  • Spatial maps空间图
  • Axis轴
  • Canvases帆布

“The focus should not be on a specific technique but rather on the broader concept of value alignment.”— O’Reilly “Mapping Experiences”

“重点不应放在特定技术上,而应放在价值一致性的更广泛概念上。” - 奥莱利的“地图体验”

What you call them is irrelevant, and there’s no clear rule of what model is best for every scenario. Rather, try using different techniques for different problems, and see what feels right.

您所说的它们是无关紧要的,也没有明确的规则确定哪种模型最适合每种情况。 而是尝试对不同的问题使用不同的技术,然后看看感觉如何。

“There’s no one right way to make a map. It’s just a tool to facilitate a conversation, gain clarity or achieve a goal.” — Moi

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