
MicroSD cards are becoming more widely adopted, on everything from action cameras to phones to video game consoles. But you probably shouldn’t use one in your dedicated camera, at least not if it doesn’t have a MicroSD card slot.

从运动相机到手机到视频游戏机,MicroSD卡已被越来越广泛地采用。 但是,您可能不应该在专用相机中使用一个,至少在没有MicroSD卡插槽的情况下不要使用它。

Why? It’s all about the “sleeve,” the little plastic adapter that comes with almost every single MicroSD card sold at retailers. It’s handy if you need to read the contents of the MicroSD card on a laptop or desktop with no dedicated MicroSD slot, but it isn’t designed for constant use. It is, frankly, cheap, and it’s probably slowing down the write speed of your camera.

为什么? 这与“套管”有关,几乎是零售商出售的每张MicroSD卡都附带的小型塑料适配器。 如果您需要在没有专用MicroSD插槽的笔记本电脑或台式机上读取MicroSD卡的内容,则非常方便,但它并不是为经常使用而设计的。 坦率地说,它很便宜,并且可能会减慢相机的写入速度。

Let’s step back a bit. Modern cameras deal with huge amounts of data: 15+ megapixel images, as well as HD and 4K video at 60 frames per second or higher. Full-sized cameras, unlike smartphones, don’t have much in the way of internal storage—they have to write it all to a flash storage card right away. The more images and video you’re taking every second, the faster you need your camera to write data.

让我们退后一步。 现代相机处理的海量数据:超过15百万像素的图像,以及每秒60帧或更高的高清和4K视频。 与智能手机不同,全尺寸相机没有太多内部存储方式,它们必须立即将其全部写入闪存卡。 每秒拍摄的图像和视频越多,则需要相机更快地写入数据。

That’s why the “performance” of a memory card is so important: those extra labels like “Class 10” and “UHS-3” all deal with the maximum amount of data the card can handle for reading and writing at any given moment. When you buy a speedy and expensive MicroSD card, the card itself can handle that data throughput without any problems, but the same can’t be said for the SD adapter sleeve that came in the package.

这就是存储卡的“性能”如此重要的原因:诸如“ Class 10”和“ UHS-3”之类的额外标签都处理了存储卡在任何给定时刻可以处理的最大数据量。 当您购买快速且昂贵的MicroSD卡时,卡本身可以处理该数据吞吐量而没有任何问题,但是包装中随附的SD适配器套不能说相同。

The sleeve should technically be able to handle the same speedy data transfer as the tiny card—the electrical contacts are basically just miniature extension cables. And indeed, some of the sleeves I’ve tested can score the same on drive speed tests as the unaided MicroSD cards that they’re housing. But when used with a high-performance camera, the extra steps in the writing process slow down the performance.

从技术上讲,该套管应该能够处理与小型卡相同的快速数据传输-电触点基本上只是微型延长电缆。 实际上,我测试过的某些套筒在行驶速度测试中的得分与它们所容纳的独立MicroSD卡的得分相同。 但是,当与高性能相机一起使用时,写入过程中的额外步骤会降低性能。

A practical example: my Sony Alpha A6000 can shoot six 24-megapixel images per second. At high shutter speeds, it sounds like a little plastic machine gun. But that’s an enormous amount of data, somewhere between 20 and 100 megabytes every second, depending on the contents of the image and the quality setting. When the relatively small memory buffer of the camera’s own hardware runs out, it needs a super-fast SD card to take full advantage of the hardware’s capabilities.

一个实际的例子:我的索尼Alpha A6000每秒可以拍摄六张24百万像素的图像。 在高快门速度下,听起来像是一把塑料机枪。 但这是海量数据,每秒20到100兆字节之间,具体取决于图像的内容和质量设置。 当相机自身硬件的相对较小的存储缓冲区用完时,它需要超高速SD卡才能充分利用硬件的功能。

My go-to card is this SanDisk Ultra SDXC. It’s rated for 80MB/s read speed—SanDisk doesn’t advertise the write speed, but testing it on my PC gives me results of around 40 MB/s. With the camera’s shutter speed set below the shots per second maximum, it takes about five to six seconds of maximum speed shooting before the camera has to slow down to keep writing, about 55-60 images.

我要使用的卡是SanDisk Ultra SDXC 。 它的读取速度为80MB / s,SanDisk不会公布其写入速度,但是在我的PC上对其进行测试可以得出大约40 MB / s的结果。 将相机的快门速度设置为低于每秒最大可拍摄的数量,因此相机需要减慢速度才能继续写入约55至60张图像,这需要约5至6秒钟的最大速度拍摄。

I also have a massive Samsung 256 GB EVO Plus MicroSD card, which normally lives in my phone. It’s even faster than the full-sized SanDisk SD card, with a write speed of about 60 MB/s—so technically, if I put it in my camera, I should be able to take even more full-speed shots before seeing a slowdown. But because it’s MicroSD and not SD, it needs the adapter sleeve. Despite the superior write speed thanks to its U3 classification, the camera begins to slow down after just three seconds and about 35 photos. The only variable is the adapter sleeve, which can’t keep up with either the camera or the card it’s holding.

我还有一块巨大的Samsung 256 GB EVO Plus MicroSD卡,通常可以在手机中使用。 它甚至比全尺寸的SanDisk SD卡更快,写入速度约为60 MB / s,因此从技术上讲,如果将其放在相机中,则在看到速度下降之前,我应该能够进行更多的全速拍摄。 但是因为它是MicroSD而不是SD,所以需要适配器套。 尽管归功于其U3分类,其写入速度也非常出色,但在短短三秒钟和约35张照片后,相机开始减速。 唯一的变量是适配器套,它无法跟上相机或所持卡的大小。

There’s nothing wrong with using MicroSD cards in devices that are designed for them. And to be honest, most users who use the smaller cards with adapter sleeves won’t notice the difference, or won’t notice often. But if you bought your DSLR or mirrorless camera for fast, reliable performance, you should buy a separate card that’s made specifically for its format—full-sized SD for most models on the market today. They’re quite inexpensive at the moment, and the more reliable performance is worth it.

在针对MicroSD卡设计的设备中使用MicroSD卡没有任何问题。 老实说,大多数使用带有转接器套的较小卡片的用户不会注意到差异,或者不会经常注意到。 但是,如果您购买了DSLR或无反光镜相机以获得快速,可靠的性能,则应该购买专门针对其格式制作的另一张卡-适用于当今市场上大多数型号的全尺寸SD卡。 目前它们非常便宜,值得拥有更可靠的性能。




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