
输入流向数据的 asc文件,附网盘测试链接


#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include <string.h>
#include <sstream>
#include "ogrsf_frmts.h"
#include "gdal.h"
#include "gdal_priv.h"
#include "gdal_alg.h"
using namespace std;//ToString该函数转载自他人
template<typename T> string toString(const T& t)
{ostringstream oss;  //创建一个格式化输出流oss << t;             //把值传递如流中return oss.str();
void Draw_arrow(int fd, int row, int col, int fd_row, int fd_col, double fd_xll, double fd_yll, double fd_res, double &x1, double &x2, double &y1, double &y2);void main()
{int i, j, k;int fd_row = 359;int fd_col = 719;double fd_xll = 112.6;double fd_yll = 32.500277777778;double fd_res = 0.00027777777799999;string flow_path_file = "E:\\arcgis\\fdr.asc";string line_shp_path = "E:\\arcgis\\fdr.shp";string flow_file_path;int **fd_value = new int*[fd_row*fd_col];for (i = 0; i < fd_row*fd_col; i++){fd_value[i] = new int[8];}int **order = new int*[fd_row*fd_col];for (i = 0; i < fd_row; i++){order[i] = new int[fd_col];}for (i = 0; i < fd_row*fd_col; i++)for (j = 0; j < 8; j++)fd_value[i][j] = 0;ifstream FDR(flow_path_file.c_str());if (!FDR){cout << "no in FDR" << endl;system("pause");}string str;for (i = 0; i < 6; i++)getline(FDR, str);//cout << "1" << endl;//system("pause");int tmp;for (i = 0; i < fd_row; i++){for (j = 0; j < fd_col; j++){FDR >> tmp;if (tmp == -9999 || tmp == 0){continue;}// 这里根据ArcGIS的D8算法流向修改了一下,不过问题不大,个人比较喜欢这么计算if (tmp == 32){fd_value[i*fd_col + j][0] = 1;}else if (tmp == 64){fd_value[i*fd_col + j][1] = 1;}else if (tmp == 128){fd_value[i*fd_col + j][2] = 1;}else if (tmp == 16){fd_value[i*fd_col + j][3] = 1;}else if (tmp == 1){fd_value[i*fd_col + j][4] = 1;}else if (tmp == 8){fd_value[i*fd_col + j][5] = 1;}else if (tmp == 4){fd_value[i*fd_col + j][6] = 1;}else if (tmp == 2){fd_value[i*fd_col + j][7] = 1;}}}GDALAllRegister();const char * pFileName = line_shp_path.c_str();const char * pszDriverName = "ESRI Shapefile";GDALDriver * poDriver = GetGDALDriverManager()->GetDriverByName(pszDriverName);if (poDriver == NULL)return;GDALDataset * poDs = poDriver->Create(pFileName, 0, 0, 0, GDT_Unknown, NULL);if (poDs == NULL)return;//wkbPolygon表示绘制多边形;wkbLinearRing表示绘制线环OGRLayer * poLayer = poDs->CreateLayer("ring", NULL, wkbLineString, NULL);//不删if (poLayer == NULL){return;}int line_num;int count_line;double x1, x2, y1, y2;//   system("pause");for (i = 0; i < fd_row; i++){for (j = 0; j < fd_col; j++){count_line = 0;for (k = 0; k < 8; k++){if (fd_value[i*fd_col + j][k] == 1)count_line++;}if (count_line == 0)continue;if (count_line == 1){for (k = 0; k < 8; k++){if (fd_value[i*fd_col + j][k] == 1){Draw_arrow(k + 1, i, j, fd_row, fd_col, fd_xll, fd_yll, fd_res, x1, x2, y1, y2);OGRFeature * poFeature = OGRFeature::CreateFeature(poLayer->GetLayerDefn());OGRLineString line;line.setNumPoints(2);line.setPoint(0, x1, y1, 0);//第一个输入变量是序号,第二、三、四分别是线XYZ坐标line.setPoint(1, x2, y2, 0);poFeature->SetGeometry(&line);if (poLayer->CreateFeature(poFeature) != OGRERR_NONE){return;}OGRFeature::DestroyFeature(poFeature);}}}else if (count_line > 1){for (k = 0; k < 8; k++){if (fd_value[i*fd_col + j][k] == 1){    // k+1Draw_arrow(k + 1 + 8, i, j, fd_row, fd_col, fd_xll, fd_yll, fd_res, x1, x2, y1, y2);OGRFeature * poFeature = OGRFeature::CreateFeature(poLayer->GetLayerDefn());OGRLineString line;line.setNumPoints(2);line.setPoint(0, x1, y1, 0);//第一个输入变量是序号,第二、三、四分别是线XYZ坐标line.setPoint(1, x2, y2, 0);poFeature->SetGeometry(&line);if (poLayer->CreateFeature(poFeature) != OGRERR_NONE){return;}OGRFeature::DestroyFeature(poFeature);}}}}}GDALClose(poDs);OGRCleanupAll();for (i = 0; i < fd_row; i++)delete[]fd_value[i];delete[]fd_value;cout << "***** Finished *****" << endl;//system("pause");
}void Draw_arrow(int fd, int row, int col, int fd_row, int fd_col, double fd_xll, double fd_yll, double fd_res, double &x1, double &x2, double &y1, double &y2)
{int i = row;int j = col;if (fd == 1){x1 = fd_xll + (j + 1)* fd_res;x2 = fd_xll + (j)*fd_res;y1 = fd_yll + (fd_row - i - 1)*fd_res;y2 = fd_yll + (fd_row - i) * fd_res;}else if (fd == 2){x1 = fd_xll + (2 * j + 1)* fd_res / 2.0;x2 = fd_xll + (2 * j + 1)*fd_res / 2.0;y1 = fd_yll + (fd_row - i - 1)*fd_res;y2 = fd_yll + (fd_row - i) * fd_res;}else if (fd == 3){x1 = fd_xll + (j)* fd_res;x2 = fd_xll + (j + 1)*fd_res;y1 = fd_yll + (fd_row - i - 1)*fd_res;y2 = fd_yll + (fd_row - i) * fd_res;}else if (fd == 4){x1 = fd_xll + (j)*fd_res;x2 = fd_xll + (j + 1)* fd_res;y1 = fd_yll + (fd_row - (2 * i + 1) / 2.0)*fd_res;y2 = fd_yll + (fd_row - (2 * i + 1) / 2.0) * fd_res;}else if (fd == 8){x1 = fd_xll + (j + 1)* fd_res;x2 = fd_xll + (j)*fd_res;y1 = fd_yll + (fd_row - (2 * i + 1) / 2.0)*fd_res;y2 = fd_yll + (fd_row - (2 * i + 1) / 2.0) * fd_res;}else if (fd == 5){x1 = fd_xll + (j)*fd_res;x2 = fd_xll + (j + 1)* fd_res;y1 = fd_yll + (fd_row - i) * fd_res;y2 = fd_yll + (fd_row - i - 1)*fd_res;}else if (fd == 6){x1 = fd_xll + (2 * j + 1)*fd_res / 2.0;x2 = fd_xll + (2 * j + 1)* fd_res / 2.0;y1 = fd_yll + (fd_row - i) * fd_res;y2 = fd_yll + (fd_row - i - 1)*fd_res;}else if (fd == 7){x1 = fd_xll + (j + 1)*fd_res;x2 = fd_xll + (j)* fd_res;y1 = fd_yll + (fd_row - i) * fd_res;y2 = fd_yll + (fd_row - i - 1)*fd_res;}//以下是别的,可忽略;else if (fd == 9){x1 = fd_xll + (j + 1)* fd_res - 0.5*fd_res;x2 = fd_xll + (j)*fd_res;y1 = fd_yll + (fd_row - (i + 1))*fd_res + 0.5*fd_res;y2 = fd_yll + (fd_row - i) * fd_res;}else if (fd == 10){x1 = fd_xll + (2 * j + 1)* fd_res / 2.0;x2 = fd_xll + (2 * j + 1)*fd_res / 2.0;y1 = fd_yll + (fd_row - (i + 1))*fd_res + 0.5*fd_res;y2 = fd_yll + (fd_row - i) * fd_res;}else if (fd == 11){x1 = fd_xll + (j)* fd_res + 0.5*fd_res;x2 = fd_xll + (j + 1)*fd_res;y1 = fd_yll + (fd_row - i - 1)*fd_res + 0.5*fd_res;y2 = fd_yll + (fd_row - i) * fd_res;}else if (fd == 12){x1 = fd_xll + (j)*fd_res + 0.5*fd_res;x2 = fd_xll + (j + 1)* fd_res;y1 = fd_yll + (fd_row - (2 * i + 1) / 2.0)*fd_res;y2 = fd_yll + (fd_row - (2 * i + 1) / 2.0) * fd_res;}else if (fd == 16){x1 = fd_xll + (j + 1)* fd_res - 0.5*fd_res;x2 = fd_xll + (j)*fd_res;y1 = fd_yll + (fd_row - (2 * i + 1) / 2.0)*fd_res;y2 = fd_yll + (fd_row - (2 * i + 1) / 2.0) * fd_res;}else if (fd == 13){x1 = fd_xll + (j)*fd_res + 0.5*fd_res;x2 = fd_xll + (j + 1)* fd_res;y1 = fd_yll + (fd_row - i) * fd_res - 0.5*fd_res;y2 = fd_yll + (fd_row - i - 1)*fd_res;}else if (fd == 14){x1 = fd_xll + (2 * j + 1)*fd_res / 2.0;x2 = fd_xll + (2 * j + 1)* fd_res / 2.0;y1 = fd_yll + (fd_row - i) * fd_res - 0.5*fd_res;y2 = fd_yll + (fd_row - i - 1)*fd_res;}else if (fd == 15){x1 = fd_xll + (j + 1)*fd_res - 0.5*fd_res;x2 = fd_xll + (j)* fd_res;y1 = fd_yll + (fd_row - i) * fd_res - 0.5*fd_res;y2 = fd_yll + (fd_row - i - 1)*fd_res;}




生成有箭头的流向Line.shp 并通过ArcMap绘制带箭头的图,根据D8算法,输入Flow Direction相关推荐

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