本文为《Linear algebra and its applications》的读书笔记


  • Linearly independent sets
  • 基 / 极大线性无关组 / 极小生成集
  • The Spanning Set Theorem
  • Two Views of a Basis
  • Bases for N u l A Nul\ A Nul A and C o l A Col\ A Col A
  • In this section we identify and study the subsets that span a vector space V V V or a subspace H H H as “efficiently” as possible. The key idea is that of linear independence.

Linearly independent sets

  • The definition of linear independence in a vector space is just the same as in R n \mathbb R^n Rn.

  • The main difference between linear dependence in R n \mathbb R^n Rn and in a general vector space is that when the vectors are not n n n-tuples, the homogeneous equation
    usually cannot be written as a system of n n n linear equations. That is, the vectors cannot be made into the columns of a matrix A A A in order to study the equation A x = 0 A\boldsymbol x = \boldsymbol 0 Ax=0. We must rely instead on the definition of linear dependence and on Theorem 4.


  • Let p 1 ( t ) = 1 , p 2 ( t ) = t \boldsymbol p_1(t)= 1, \boldsymbol p_2(t)= t p1​(t)=1,p2​(t)=t , and p 3 ( t ) = 4 − t \boldsymbol p_3(t)= 4 - t p3​(t)=4−t. Then { p 1 , p 2 , p 3 } \{\boldsymbol p_1,\boldsymbol p_2,\boldsymbol p_3\} {p1​,p2​,p3​} is linearly dependent in P \mathbb P P because p 3 = 4 p 1 − p 2 \boldsymbol p_3 = 4\boldsymbol p_1 - \boldsymbol p_2 p3​=4p1​−p2​.

基 / 极大线性无关组 / 极小生成集

Observe that when H ≠ V H \neq V H​=V , condition ( i i ) (ii) (ii) includes the requirement that each of the vectors { b 1 , . . . , b p } \{\boldsymbol b_1,...,\boldsymbol b_p\} {b1​,...,bp​} must belong to H H H


  • Let A A A be an invertible n × n n \times n n×n matrix. Then the columns of A A A form a basis for R n \mathbb R^n Rn.


  • Let { e 1 , . . . , e n } \{\boldsymbol e_1,...,\boldsymbol e_n\} {e1​,...,en​} be the columns of the n × n n \times n n×n identity matrix, I n I_n In​. The set { e 1 , . . . , e n } \{\boldsymbol e_1,...,\boldsymbol e_n\} {e1​,...,en​} is called the standard basis (标准基) for R n \mathbb R^n Rn (Figure 1).


  • Let S = { 1 , t , t 2 , . . . , t n } S = \{1, t, t^2,..., t^n\} S={1,t,t2,...,tn}. S S S is is called the standard basis for P n \mathbb P^n Pn.

The Spanning Set Theorem


  • As we will see, a basis is an “efficient” spanning set that contains no unnecessary vectors.
  • In fact, a basis can be constructed from a spanning set by discarding unneeded vectors.

Two Views of a Basis

  • When the Spanning Set Theorem is used, the deletion of vectors from a spanning set must stop when the set becomes linearly independent. Thus a basis is a spanning set that is as small as possible.
  • A basis is also a linearly independent set that is as large as possible. If S S S is a basis for V V V, and if S S S is enlarged by one vector—say, w \boldsymbol w w—from V V V , then the new set cannot be linearly independent, because S S S spans V V V , and w \boldsymbol w w is therefore a linear combination of the elements in S S S.

Bases for N u l A Nul\ A Nul A and C o l A Col\ A Col A

  • We already know how to find vectors that span the null space of a matrix A A A. The discussion in Section 4.2 pointed out that our method always produces a linearly independent set when N u l A Nul\ A Nul A contains nonzero vectors. So, in this case, that method produces a basis for N u l A Nul\ A Nul A.
  • The next two examples describe a simple algorithm for finding a basis for the column space.


  • Find a basis for C o l B Col\ B Col B, where


  • Each nonpivot column of B B B is a linear combination of the pivot columns. By the Spanning Set Theorem, we may discard b 2 \boldsymbol b_2 b2​ and b 4 \boldsymbol b_4 b4​, and S = { b 1 , b 3 , b 5 } S=\{\boldsymbol b_1,\boldsymbol b_3,\boldsymbol b_5\} S={b1​,b3​,b5​} will still span C o l B Col\ B Col B. S S S is a basis for C o l B Col\ B Col B.

  • What about a matrix A A A that is not in reduced echelon form? Recall that any linear dependence relationship among the columns of A A A can be expressed in the form A x = 0 A\boldsymbol x =\boldsymbol 0 Ax=0, where x \boldsymbol x x is a column of weights. When A A A is row reduced to a matrix B B B, the columns of B B B are often totally different from the columns of A A A. However, the equations A x = 0 A\boldsymbol x =\boldsymbol 0 Ax=0 and B x = 0 B\boldsymbol x =\boldsymbol 0 Bx=0 have exactly the same set of solutions. Then the vector equations
    also have the same set of solutions.
  • That is, the columns of A A A have exactly the same linear dependence relationships as the columns of B B B.


It can be shown that the matrix
is row equivalent to the matrix B B B in Example 8. Find a basis for C o l A Col\ A Col A.


  • In Example 8 we saw that
    so we can expect that
    Thus { a 1 , a 3 , a 5 } \{\boldsymbol a_1,\boldsymbol a_3,\boldsymbol a_5\} {a1​,a3​,a5​} is a basis for C o l A Col\ A Col A. The columns we have used for this basis are the pivot columns of A A A.

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