
Siemens Star CCM+ 2019.2.0 (14.04.011-R8 double precision) | 2.7 Gb

The Simcenter product team is pleased to announce the availability of Simcenter STAR-CCM+ 2019.2.0. The latest release will not only increase your productivity through powerful native automation but also gives you the ability to instantly communicate the results of your simulations with information-rich videos.

Simcenter STAR-CCM+ 2019.2: What's New:

Instantly create information-rich videos

Improve the quality of your engineering communication with the new Screenplay feature, which allows you to quickly and easily create pervasive information-rich videos from any Simcenter STAR-CCM+ scene. Using an intuitive “drag and drop” interface, you can now quickly animate and interpolate simulation views and visualizations. Screenplay brings your models to life and allows you to convey the context of simulations better, adding impact and improving communication of results to colleagues, clients, and leadership.

Script-free automation

Take automation to a whole new level using Simulation Operations, which allow you to build and execute a series of automation actions directly from the Simcenter STAR-CCM+ interface, without requiring the use of macros or external programming scripts. By making execution intelligence an integral part of the simulation pipeline, you can now seamlessly orchestrate the various execution aspects of simulation into a robust and repeatable process, and even drive complex simulations with the single click of a button.

Faster transient simulation

Halve the time of your transient simulations using the PISO solver. Transient CFD simulations of flow phenomena with small time scales, such as in-cylinder simulations, typically require a restrictively small timestep when using the SIMPLE algorithm. For these types of applications, the PISO algorithm brings a significant performance advantage, allowing you to maintain stability with a much larger time-step. In 2019.2, PISO has been enabled for in-cylinder simulations, delivering at least 2x faster run-times while retaining the same solution accuracy as previously achieved using SIMPLE.

Robust and efficient new adjoint solver

One of the most significant challenges of engineering is being able to understand how potential changes in geometry or flow features might influence the performance of your product or design. The new adjoint solver grants you unprecedented insight into the sensitivity of engineering objectives to changes in inputs, without the need to run multiple simulations. The 2019.2 adjoint solver delivers 2nd order accuracy, reducing memory requirements, improving convergence, and increasing robustness. Adjoint enables the optimization of heavy industrial applications such as automotive and turbomachinery.

Quickly assess combustion emission levels

Reactor networks are used to quickly determine the emission levels in applications such as gas turbine combustors, burners, and furnaces. First, a CFD simulation with a simple combustion model is run to determine the correct flame position and flow pattern. Next, detailed chemistry is applied to a reduced set of interconnected zones (reactor networks). This makes it possible to capture the long time-scales of emission production without having to run the full chemistry in all CFD cells, resulting in a 3-4x speed-up while delivering sufficient accuracy.

Couple to any 1D or System Simulation Tool

Bringing together system-level modeling with CFD allows engineers to leverage the best of both worlds: simulate a system’s behavior over a wide range of operating conditions while at the same time accounting for the detailed 3D component behavior using CFD. Version 2019.2 now supports the Functional Mock-up Unit format (FMU) to enable co-simulation with any system modeling code/tool which supports the export of co-simulation FMUs according to the FMI standard 1.0 or 2.0 (including Simcenter Amesim).

Improved NX CAD connectivity

Expressions in NX that contain information about the CAD model relevant for your simulation (e.g., the center of gravity, surface area, etc.) can now directly be passed to Simcenter STAR-CCM+ using the Client for NX. This increases productivity with reduced reliance on scripts and broadens access to all expressions to extend the range of applications for both single point simulations and design exploration campaigns.

About Simcenter STAR-CCM+.To accurately predict real-world performance of your product you need simulation tools that capture all of the physics that will influence its performance during its operational life, including those that cross the boundaries of traditional engineering disciplines. To improve your product you need to be able to predict how performance changes in response to multiple parametric design changes.

Simcenter STAR-CCM+ is a complete multiphysics solution for the simulation of products and designs operating under real-world conditions. Uniquely, Simcenter STAR-CCM+ brings automated design exploration and optimization to the simulation toolkit of every engineer, allowing you to efficiently explore the entire design space instead of focusing on single point design scenarios.

The additional insight gained by using Simcenter STAR-CCM+ to guide your design process ultimately leads to more innovative products that exceed customer expectations.

About Siemens PLM Software.Siemens PLM Software, a business unit of the Siemens Digital Factory Division, is a leading global provider of software solutions to drive the digital transformation of industry, creating new opportunities for manufacturers to realize innovation. With headquarters in Plano, Texas, and over 140,000 customers worldwide, Siemens PLM Software works with companies of all sizes to transform the way ideas come to life, the way products are realized, and the way products and assets in operation are used and understood.

Product:Siemens Simcenter Star CCM+

Version:2019.2.0 (build 14.02.012 double precision)

Supported Architectures:x64

Website Home Page :http://mdx.plm.automation.siemens.com/


System Requirements:Linux *

Supported Operating Systems:*

Size:2.7 Gb


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