C prime plus 第六版 课后编程练习 第7章

  • 7.12.1 编写一个程序读取输入,读到#字符停止,然后报告读取的空格数、换行符数和所有其他字符的数量。
  • 7.12.2.编写一个程序读取输入,读到#字符停止。程序要打印每个输入的字符以及对应的ASCII码(十进制)。一行打印8个字符。建议:使用字符计数和求模运算符(%)在每8个循环周期时打印一个换行符。
  • 7.12.3.编写一个程序,读取整数直到用户输入 0。输入结束后,程序应报告用户输入的偶数(不包括 0)个数、这些偶数的平均值、输入的奇数个数及其奇数的平均值。
  • 7.12.4 使用if else语句编写一个程序读取输入,读到#停止。用感叹号替换句号,用两个感叹号替换原来的感叹号,最后报告进行了多少次替换。
  • 7.12.5.使用switch重写练习4。
  • 7.12.6 编写程序读取输入,读到#停止,报告ei出现的次数。注意该程序要记录前一个字符和当前字符。用“Receive your eieio award”这样的输入来测试。
  • 7.12.7 编写一个程序,提示用户输入一周工作的小时数,然后打印工资总额、税金和净收入。
  • 7.12.8 修改练习7的假设a,让程序可以给出一个供选择的工资等级菜单。使用switch完成工资等级选择。
  • 7.12.9 编写一个程序,只接受正整数输入,然后显示所有小于或等于该数的素数
  • 7.12.10 1988年的美国联邦税收计划是近代最简单的税收方案。它分为4个类别,每个类别有两个等级。
  • 7.12.11 ABC 邮购杂货店出售的洋蓟售价为 2.05 美元/磅,甜菜售价为 1.15 美元/磅,胡萝卜售价为 1.09美元/磅。在添加运费之前,100美元的订单有5%的打折优惠。少于或等于5磅的订单收取6.5美元的运费和包装费,5磅~20磅的订单收取14美元的运费和包装费,超过20磅的订单在14美元的基础上每续重1磅增加0.5美元。编写一个程序,在循环中用switch语句实现用户输入不同的字母时有不同的响应,即输入a的响应是让用户输入洋蓟的磅数,b是甜菜的磅数,c是胡萝卜的磅数,q 是退出订购。程序要记录累计的重量。即,如果用户输入 4 磅的甜菜,然后输入 5磅的甜菜,程序应报告9磅的甜菜。然后,该程序要计算货物总价、折扣(如果有的话)、运费和包装费。随后,程序应显示所有的购买信息:物品售价、订购的重量(单位:磅)、订购的蔬菜费用、订单的总费用、折扣(如果有的话)、运费和包装费,以及所有的费用总额。

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7.12.1 编写一个程序读取输入,读到#字符停止,然后报告读取的空格数、换行符数和所有其他字符的数量。

// 7.12.1 字符统计.cpp : 定义控制台应用程序的入口点。
可参考教材 例题7.4 一个统计单词的程序
*/#include "stdafx.h"
#define STOP '#'int _tmain()
{char c_ch;int i_spc_c = 0;        //计数器,计算空格个数int i_nline_c = 0;      //计数器,计算换行符个数int i_other = 0;       //计数器,计算其他字符个数printf("Please enter text to be analyzed(# to quit):\n");//scanf_s("%c", &c_ch,sizeof(c_ch));while ((c_ch = getchar()) != STOP){if (c_ch == '\n')i_nline_c++; elseif (c_ch == ' ')i_spc_c++;elsei_other++;}printf("The number of space is %d, the number of line break is %d, the number of other character is %d.\n", i_spc_c, i_nline_c, i_other);return 0;


// 7.12.2 字符及ASCII码打印.cpp : 定义控制台应用程序的入口点。#include "stdafx.h"
#define STOP '#'int _tmain()
{char c_ch;int i_count = 0;printf("Please enter the text to be analyzed(# to quit):\n");while ((c_ch = getchar()) != STOP){i_count++;printf("%c %d\t", c_ch, c_ch);if (i_count % 8 == 0)printf("\n");}printf("\nDone\n");return 0;

7.12.3.编写一个程序,读取整数直到用户输入 0。输入结束后,程序应报告用户输入的偶数(不包括 0)个数、这些偶数的平均值、输入的奇数个数及其奇数的平均值。

// 7.12.3 数字及平均值.cpp : 定义控制台应用程序的入口点。#include "stdafx.h"int _tmain()
{int i_num;int i_count_even = 0;  //偶数计数int i_count_odd = 0;   //奇数计数float i_total_even = 0;float i_total_odd = 0;printf("Please enter some integer to analyzed (0 to terminate):\n");while (scanf_s("%d", &i_num, sizeof(i_num))){if (i_num == 0){break;}else if (i_num % 2 == 0){ i_count_even++;i_total_even += i_num;}else{ i_count_odd++;i_total_odd += i_num;}} printf("The number of even is %d and the average is %.1f.\n", i_count_even, i_total_even / i_count_even);printf("The number of odd is %d and the average is %.1f.\n", i_count_odd, i_total_odd / i_count_odd);return 0;

7.12.4 使用if else语句编写一个程序读取输入,读到#停止。用感叹号替换句号,用两个感叹号替换原来的感叹号,最后报告进行了多少次替换。

// 7.12.4 符号替换.cpp : 定义控制台应用程序的入口点。#include "stdafx.h"int _tmain()
{char c_stc;                    int i_count = 0;           printf("Please enter a sentence('#' to quit):\n");while ((c_stc = getchar()) != '#'){if (c_stc == '.'){putchar('!');i_count++;}else if (c_stc == '!'){putchar('!');   //putchar()一次只能打印一个字符,如需直接替换为!!,应使用printf().putchar('!');i_count++;}elseputchar(c_stc);}printf("\nThe program had replaced %d Punctuation.\n", i_count);return 0;


// 7.12.5 符号替换switch.cpp : 定义控制台应用程序的入口点。
#include "stdafx.h"int _tmain()
{char c_stc;int i_count = 0;printf("Please enter a sentence('#' to quit):\n");while ((c_stc = getchar()) != '#'){switch (c_stc){case '.':    putchar('!');i_count++;break;case '!':    putchar('!');putchar('!');i_count++;break;default:    putchar(c_stc);break;}}printf("\nThe program had replaced %d Punctuation.\n", i_count);return 0;

7.12.6 编写程序读取输入,读到#停止,报告ei出现的次数。注意该程序要记录前一个字符和当前字符。用“Receive your eieio award”这样的输入来测试。

// 7.12.6 ei次数统计.cpp : 定义控制台应用程序的入口点。#include "stdafx.h"int _tmain()
{char c_stc;char c_prev = 0;       //c_prev初始化为任何非e字符均可。int i_count= 0 ;printf("Please enter the text to be analyzed ('#'to terminate):\n");while ((c_stc = getchar()) != '#'){if (c_prev == 'e' && c_stc == 'i'){i_count++;}c_prev = c_stc;       //将c_prev更新为读取的字符后读取下一个字符。}printf("The \"ei\" appearers %d times.", i_count);return 0;

7.12.7 编写一个程序,提示用户输入一周工作的小时数,然后打印工资总额、税金和净收入。

做如下假设:a.基本工资 = 10.00美元/小时;
b.加班(超过40小时) = 1.5倍的时间;
c.税率: 前300美元为15%;续150美元为20%;余下的为25%

// 7.12.7 收入.cpp : 定义控制台应用程序的入口点。
#include "stdafx.h"#define BSTIME 40
#define MTP 1.5
#define RATE1 0.15
#define RATE2 0.20
#define RATE3 0.25
#define INCOME_PER_HR 10.00
#define LINE1 300
#define LINE2 150int _tmain()
{double d_wktime = 0;double d_money_t = 0;double d_money_l = 0;double d_tax = 0;printf("Please enter how long you work perweek:\n");scanf_s("%lf", &d_wktime, sizeof(d_wktime));if (d_wktime <= BSTIME)d_money_t = d_wktime*INCOME_PER_HR;elsed_money_t = BSTIME*INCOME_PER_HR + (d_wktime - BSTIME)*MTP*INCOME_PER_HR;if (d_money_l <= LINE1)d_tax = d_money_t*RATE1;else if (d_money_t <= (LINE2 + LINE1))d_tax = LINE1*RATE1 + (d_money_t - LINE1)*RATE2;else d_tax = LINE1*RATE1 + LINE2*RATE2 + (d_money_t - LINE1 - LINE2)*RATE3;d_money_l = d_money_t - d_tax;printf("Total income \t%.2f $ \nTax \t\t%.2f $ \nNet income \t%.2f $.\n", d_money_t, d_tax, d_money_l);return 0;

7.12.8 修改练习7的假设a,让程序可以给出一个供选择的工资等级菜单。使用switch完成工资等级选择。


Enter the number corresponding to the desired pay rate or action:

  1. $8.75/hr 2) $9.33/hr
  2. $10.00/hr 4) $11.20/hr
  3. quit

如果选择 1~4 其中的一个数字,程序应该询问用户工作的小时数。程序要通过循环运行,除非用户输入 5。如果输入 1~5 以外的数字,程序应提醒用户输入正确的选项,然后再重复显示菜单提示用户输入。使用#define创建符号常量表示各工资等级和税率。

// 7.12.8 收入升级版.cpp : 定义控制台应用程序的入口点。
#include "stdafx.h"#define BSTIME 40
#define MTP 1.5#define RATE1 0.15
#define RATE2 0.20
#define RATE3 0.25#define LINE1 300
#define LINE2 150#define INCOME_PER_HR1 8.75
#define INCOME_PER_HR2 9.33
#define INCOME_PER_HR3 10.00
#define INCOME_PER_HR4 11.20int _tmain()
{double d_wktime = 0;double d_money_t = 0;double d_money_l = 0;double d_tax = 0;double INCOME_PER_HR = 0;int i_chs = 0;int i_count;for (i_count = 0; i_count <= 65;i_count++){putchar('*');}printf("\nEnter the number corresponding to the desired pay rate or action:\n");printf("1) $8.75/hr\t2) $9.33/hr\n");printf("3) $10.00/hr\t4) $11.20/hr\n");printf("5) quit\n");for (i_count = 0; i_count <= 65; i_count++){putchar('*');}printf("\n");while (scanf_s("%d", &i_chs, sizeof(i_chs))!=0){switch (i_chs){case 1:INCOME_PER_HR = INCOME_PER_HR1;break;case 2:INCOME_PER_HR = INCOME_PER_HR2;break;case 3:INCOME_PER_HR = INCOME_PER_HR3;break;case 4:INCOME_PER_HR = INCOME_PER_HR4;break;}if (i_chs > 0 && i_chs < 5){printf("Your desired pay rate is $ %.2f/hr.\n", INCOME_PER_HR);printf("Please enter how long you work perweek:\n");scanf_s("%lf", &d_wktime, sizeof(d_wktime));if (d_wktime <= BSTIME)d_money_t = d_wktime*INCOME_PER_HR;elsed_money_t = BSTIME*INCOME_PER_HR + (d_wktime - BSTIME)*MTP*INCOME_PER_HR;if (d_money_l <= LINE1)d_tax = d_money_t*RATE1;else if (d_money_t <= (LINE2 + LINE1))d_tax = LINE1*RATE1 + (d_money_t - LINE1)*RATE2;elsed_tax = LINE1*RATE1 + LINE2*RATE2 + (d_money_t - LINE1 - LINE2)*RATE3;d_money_l = d_money_t - d_tax;printf("Total income \t%.2f $ \nTax \t\t%.2f $ \nNet income \t%.2f $.\n", d_money_t, d_tax, d_money_l);}else if (i_chs == 5)  //输入5跳出循环 break;elseprintf("Incorrect input,please choose an option above!\n");continue;}printf("BYE.\n");return 0;

以下代码参考了“我再也不爱zht了” 的文章,链接如下

// 7.12.8 收入升级版.cpp : 定义控制台应用程序的入口点。#include "stdafx.h"#define BSTIME 40
#define MTP 1.5#define RATE1 0.15
#define RATE2 0.20
#define RATE3 0.25#define LINE1 300
#define LINE2 150#define INCOME_PER_HR1 8.75
#define INCOME_PER_HR2 9.33
#define INCOME_PER_HR3 10.00
#define INCOME_PER_HR4 11.20
#define STARS 65void star(char n, int m);
void choose(void);int _tmain()
{double d_wktime = 0;double d_money_t = 0;double d_money_l = 0;double d_tax = 0;double INCOME_PER_HR = 0;int i_chs = 0;choose();while (scanf_s("%d", &i_chs, sizeof(i_chs))!=0){switch (i_chs){case 1:INCOME_PER_HR = INCOME_PER_HR1;break;case 2:INCOME_PER_HR = INCOME_PER_HR2;break;case 3:INCOME_PER_HR = INCOME_PER_HR3;break;case 4:INCOME_PER_HR = INCOME_PER_HR4;break;}if (i_chs > 0 && i_chs < 5){printf("Your desired pay rate is $ %.2f/hr.\n", INCOME_PER_HR);printf("Please enter how long you work perweek:\n");scanf_s("%lf", &d_wktime, sizeof(d_wktime));if (d_wktime <= BSTIME)d_money_t = d_wktime*INCOME_PER_HR;elsed_money_t = BSTIME*INCOME_PER_HR + (d_wktime - BSTIME)*MTP*INCOME_PER_HR;if (d_money_l <= LINE1)d_tax = d_money_t*RATE1;else if (d_money_t <= (LINE2 + LINE1))d_tax = LINE1*RATE1 + (d_money_t - LINE1)*RATE2;elsed_tax = LINE1*RATE1 + LINE2*RATE2 + (d_money_t - LINE1 - LINE2)*RATE3;d_money_l = d_money_t - d_tax;printf("Total income \t%.2f $ \nTax \t\t%.2f $ \nNet income \t%.2f $.\n", d_money_t, d_tax, d_money_l);}else if (i_chs == 5) //输入5跳出循环 break;else{printf("Incorrect input,please choose an option above!\n");choose();}}printf("BYE.\n");return 0;
}void star(char n, int m)
{int count;for (count = 0; count < m; count++)putchar(n);printf("\n");
void choose(void)
{star('*', STARS);printf("Enter the number corresponding to the desired pay rate or action: \n");printf("1) $8.75/hr\t2) $9.33/hr\n3) $10.00/hr\t4) $11.20/hr\n5) quit \n");star('*', STARS);

7.12.9 编写一个程序,只接受正整数输入,然后显示所有小于或等于该数的素数

思路:(1)判断一个整数m是否是素数,只需把 m 被 2 ~ m-1 之间的每一个整数去除,如果都不能被整除,那么 m 就是一个素数。
(2)m 不必被 2 ~ m-1 之间的每一个整数去除,只需被 2 ~ m的二次方根之间的每一个整数去除就可以了。

// 7.12.9 正整数以下的素数.cpp : 定义控制台应用程序的入口点。#include "stdafx.h"
#include <math.h>int IsPrime(int m);
int _tmain()
{int i_num = 0;  //输入的正整数int i_count ; //int i_index = 0; //控制换行printf("Please Enter an Positive Integer:\n");while (scanf_s("%d", &i_num, sizeof(i_num))==1 && i_num > 0){printf("The Prime(s) Less than %d is(are):\n", i_num);for (i_count = 2; i_count < i_num; i_count++){if (IsPrime(i_count) == 1){printf("%d\t", i_count);i_index++;                   //此段代码可有可无,用途主要是控制宽度,一行打印多少个字符。if (i_index % 8 == 0)printf("\n");}}printf("\nPlease Enter an Positive Integer:\n");}printf("INCORRECT.BYE!\n");return 0;
}int IsPrime(int m)  //调用此方法的数n一定大于了2。所以要输出2这个特殊的素数
{int i;if (m <= 1)return 0;for (i = 2; i <= sqrt((double) m); i++){if ( ( m % i ) == 0){return 0;}}return 1;

7.12.10 1988年的美国联邦税收计划是近代最简单的税收方案。它分为4个类别,每个类别有两个等级。


// 7.12.10 税收.cpp : 定义控制台应用程序的入口点。
#include "stdafx.h"
#define TAXRATE1 0.15
#define TAXRATE2 0.28
#define LIMIT1 17850
#define LIMIT2 23900
#define LIMIT3 29750
#define LIMIT4 14875int _tmain()
{float f_income = 0;int i_chs = 0;int limit;float tax;printf("Enter the number corresponding to your situation(0 to quit):\n");printf("1) 单身\t\t2)户主\n3)已婚,共有\t4)已婚,离异\n");while (scanf_s("%d", &i_chs, sizeof(i_chs)) != 0){switch (i_chs){case 1:limit = LIMIT1;break;case 2:limit = LIMIT2;break;case 3:limit = LIMIT3;break;case 4:limit = LIMIT4;break;}if (i_chs > 0 && i_chs < 5){printf("Please enter your income:\n");scanf_s("%f", &f_income, sizeof(f_income));if (f_income <= limit)tax = f_income*TAXRATE1;elsetax = limit*TAXRATE1 + (f_income - limit)*TAXRATE2;printf("Your Income is %.2f.\nThe Tax You Should Pay is:%.2f.\n", f_income, tax);}else if (i_chs >= 5) //跳出循环 {printf("Incorrect input,please choose an option above!\n");continue;}elsebreak;}printf("BYE.\n");return 0;

7.12.11 ABC 邮购杂货店出售的洋蓟售价为 2.05 美元/磅,甜菜售价为 1.15 美元/磅,胡萝卜售价为 1.09美元/磅。在添加运费之前,100美元的订单有5%的打折优惠。少于或等于5磅的订单收取6.5美元的运费和包装费,5磅~20磅的订单收取14美元的运费和包装费,超过20磅的订单在14美元的基础上每续重1磅增加0.5美元。编写一个程序,在循环中用switch语句实现用户输入不同的字母时有不同的响应,即输入a的响应是让用户输入洋蓟的磅数,b是甜菜的磅数,c是胡萝卜的磅数,q 是退出订购。程序要记录累计的重量。即,如果用户输入 4 磅的甜菜,然后输入 5磅的甜菜,程序应报告9磅的甜菜。然后,该程序要计算货物总价、折扣(如果有的话)、运费和包装费。随后,程序应显示所有的购买信息:物品售价、订购的重量(单位:磅)、订购的蔬菜费用、订单的总费用、折扣(如果有的话)、运费和包装费,以及所有的费用总额。

以下代码借鉴了 我再也不爱zht了 博文链接的思路。

// 7.12.11 杂货店.cpp : 定义控制台应用程序的入口点。#include "stdafx.h"
#include <ctype.h>#define ARTICHOKE 2.05          //洋蓟价格
#define SUGARBEET 1.15          //甜菜价格
#define CARROT 1.09             //胡萝卜价格#define PAKAGE1 6.5              //5磅运费和包装费
#define PAKAGE2 14              //5-20磅运费和包装费
#define PAKAGE3 0.5             //20磅以上运费和包装费单价#define DISCOUNT 0.05            //折扣#define mLIMIT 100              //打折价钱
#define wLIMIT1 5               //运费重量线
#define wLIMIT2 20              //运费重量线#define STARS 40void star(char n, int m);        //直接使用7.12.8中设计的函数。
void choose(void);int _tmain()
{float f_wArtichoke = 0;       //洋蓟的重量float f_wSugarbeet = 0;     //甜菜的重量float f_wCarrot = 0;        //胡萝卜的重量float f_wTotal = 0;            //总重量float f_temp = 0;         //重量输入float f_cArtichoke = 0;      //洋蓟的费用float f_cSugarbeet = 0;     //甜菜的费用float f_cCarrot = 0;        //胡萝卜的费用float f_cTotal = 0;            //货品总费用float f_cTras = 0;          //运费和包装费float f_cDiscount = 0;     //折扣float f_Total = 0;         //总费用int i_chs;                 //选项choose();while ((i_chs = getchar()) != 'q'&& i_chs != 'Q'){if (i_chs == '\n')continue;while (getchar() != '\n')continue;i_chs = tolower(i_chs);          //调用大写字母转换小写字母函数,兼容大小写,增加容错率。switch (i_chs){case 'a':                  printf("Please enter the weight of Artichoke:\n");scanf_s("%f\n", &f_temp, sizeof(f_temp));f_wArtichoke += f_temp;break;case 'b':printf("Please enter the weight of Sugarbeet:\n");scanf_s("%f\n", &f_temp, sizeof(f_temp));f_wSugarbeet += f_temp;break;case 'c':printf("Please enter the weight of Carrot:\n");scanf_s("%f\n", &f_temp, sizeof(f_temp));f_wCarrot += f_temp;break;default:  printf("%c is not a valid choice.\n", i_chs);}}f_wTotal = f_wArtichoke + f_wSugarbeet + f_wCarrot;f_cArtichoke = f_wArtichoke*ARTICHOKE;f_cSugarbeet = f_wSugarbeet*SUGARBEET;f_cCarrot = f_wCarrot*CARROT;f_cTotal = f_cArtichoke + f_cSugarbeet + f_cCarrot;if (f_cTotal > mLIMIT)                      //大于100美元时f_cDiscount = f_cTotal*DISCOUNT;     //折扣额elsef_cDiscount = f_cTotal*0;f_cTotal = f_cTotal - f_cDiscount;          //实付额if (f_wTotal > 0 && f_wTotal <= wLIMIT1)      //总重为0到5磅时的运费f_cTras = PAKAGE1;else if (f_wTotal <= wLIMIT2)             //总重为5到20磅时的运费     f_cTras = PAKAGE2;else f_cTras = PAKAGE2 + (f_wTotal - wLIMIT2)*PAKAGE3;  //总重超过20磅时的运费f_Total = f_cTras + f_cTotal;star('*', STARS);                                     //打印星号横线printf("You ordered:\n");printf("GOODS\t\tPRICE\tWEIGHT\tCOST\n");printf("Artichoke\t%.2f\t%.2f\t%.2f\n", ARTICHOKE, f_wArtichoke,f_cArtichoke);printf("Sugarbeet\t%.2f\t%.2f\t%.2f\n", SUGARBEET, f_wSugarbeet,f_cSugarbeet);printf("Carrot\t\t%.2f\t%.2f\t%.2f\n", CARROT, f_wCarrot,f_cCarrot);printf("The Total Cost:\t\t\t%.2f\n", f_cTotal);printf("The Discount:\t\t\t%.2f\n", f_cDiscount);printf("The Trans&pack Cost:\t\t%.2f\n", f_cTras);printf("The Cost Infact:\t\t%.2f\n", f_Total);printf("BYE.\n");star('*', STARS);                                     //打印星号横线return 0;
}void star(char n, int m)
{int count;for (count = 0; count < m; count++)putchar(n);printf("\n");
void choose(void)
{star('*', STARS);printf("Please choose the goods you buy:\n");printf("a.Artichoke\tb.Sugarbeet\nc.Carrot\tq.quit\n");star('*', STARS);

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