
再订购点 = 安全库存 + 提前期的预测需求

“再订购点计划”程序使用预测信息来计算经济订单数量 (EOQ) 和再订购点数量。以下等式分别用于计算这两个值:
• EOQ = SQRT {[2 ×(年度需求)×(订单成本)] /(年度存储成本)}
• 再订购点 = 安全库存 + [(提前期)×(平均需求)]

• 可以为整个组织执行再订购点计划。
• 可以对独立需求的物料使用再订购点计划。
• 定义物料时,可以将再订购点计划指定为库存计划方法。
• 对于不需要进行非常严格的控制,且在库存中的存储成本不太昂贵的物料,可以使用再订购点计划。
• 使用安全库存之前,可以使用再订购点计划来确定何时订购一批新物料。


1. 输入物料计划属性

(N)Inventory->Items->Master Items

(T)General planning中的“Inventory Planning Method”设置为"Reorder Point".

(T)Lead Times中的Preprocessing, Processiong, Postprocessing中输入时间。


为了保证可以自动生成requisition,需要在(T)“Purchasing”中的list price输入数值。

2. 预测物料需求




3. 定义安全库存



(N)Inventory>planning>safety stock手工设置安全库存数字。


(N)Inventory>Planning>Safety Stock Updates生成某些时间段的安全库存。

Specific inventory itm
User-defined percentage





4. 运行在订购点报表

(N)Inventory>Planning>Reorder Point Planning



Safety Stock Bucket Days(天数)
Safety Stock Percent(安全库存百分比)


11/09 at 260
            11/10 at 160
            11/11 at  90
     Bucket Days=3
     Safety Stock Percent=20%(0.2)
则需求量 11/09 为:
  (260+160+90)/3 * 0.2=34---(安全库存)
  260 +34=294 ***
  需求量 11/10 为:
  (160+90)/3 * 0.2=16.6=17
  160+17-34(之前剩余之安全库存)=143 **** 
  需求量 11/11 为:
   (90/3) *0.2=6


refer UG P453 for more detail information:

Reorder point planning uses demand forecasts to decide when to order a new quantity to avoid dipping into safety stock. Reorder point planning suggests a new order for an item when the available quantity-on-hand quantity plus planned receipts-drops below the item’s safety stock level plus forecast demand for the item during its replenishment lead time. The suggested order quantity is an economic order quantity that minimizes the total cost of ordering and carrying inventory. Oracle Inventory can automatically generate requisitions to inform. your purchasing department that a replenishment order is required to supply your organization.
Order lead time is the total of the item’s processing, preprocessing, and postprocessing lead times. If the forecast is correct and the order arrives on time, the inventory level should be right at the safety stock level at the time of receipt. In cases where the desired safety stock level changes during the order lead time, Oracle Inventory uses the largest safety stock quantity during the lead time. When an order is triggered, the economic order quantity is the size of the triggered order. Economic order quantity (EOQ) is a fixed order quantity calculated to minimize the combined costs of acquiring and carrying inventory. The formula for EOQ is:
The EOQ increases as demand increases, since the cost of carrying a larger order is smaller because the inventory is not carried as long. EOQ also increases when the cost of preparing an order increases. This is to avoid making too many orders and thus incurring this cost more often than necessary. On the other hand, the more it costs to carry inventory, the smaller the EOQ since it costs more to carry the excess inventory.
Oracle Inventory calculates annual demand as the current demand rate annualized by multiplying the current period demand forecast by the number of periods per year (12 or 13).

来自 “ ITPUB博客 ” ,链接:http://blog.itpub.net/15225049/viewspace-627158/,如需转载,请注明出处,否则将追究法律责任。


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