
If you are new to using Wi-Fi in your home, then you may find yourself curious about how it all works when your devices are connected to your router. With that in mind, today’s SuperUser Q&A post has the answers to a curious reader’s questions.

如果您不在家中使用Wi-Fi,那么您可能会对自己将设备连接到路由器时这一切如何工作感到好奇。 考虑到这一点,今天的SuperUser Q&A帖子回答了好奇的读者的问题。

Today’s Question & Answer session comes to us courtesy of SuperUser—a subdivision of Stack Exchange, a community-driven grouping of Q&A web sites.

今天的“问答”环节由SuperUser提供,它是Stack Exchange的一个分支,该社区是由社区驱动的Q&A网站分组。

Photo courtesy of Scott Beale (Flickr).

图片由Scott Beale(Flickr)提供。

问题 (The Question)

SuperUser reader 1.21 gigawatts wants to know if Wi-Fi router antennas ‘rotate’ in relation to the Wi-Fi devices connected to them:


Do Wi-Fi router antennas rotate their direction based on the location of the device they are talking to (i.e. based on MIMO, triangulation, and other factors)?


For example, if I keep my device still and in one location, will the transfer rate go up?


Do Wi-Fi router antennas ‘rotate’ in relation to the Wi-Fi devices connected to them?


答案 (The Answer)

SuperUser contributor JakeGould has the answer for us:


Shorter Answer


Physically, router antennas do not rotate. But logically, beamforming technology allows some MIMO routers to shape the transmission/reception power from the router to your device that is connected via 802.11n or 802.11ac.

从物理上讲,路由器天线不会旋转。 但从逻辑上讲,波束成形技术允许某些MIMO路由器调整从路由器到通过802.11n或802.11ac连接的设备的发送/接收功率。

If you are concerned about whether the act of physically moving connected devices around affects data transmission/reception, it might theoretically affect speeds in some way, but on a practical level it might not be worth being concerned about. More details below.

如果您担心物理移动连接的设备的行为是否会影响数据的传输/接收,则理论上它可能会以某种方式影响速度,但是从实际的角度来看,它不值得关注。 下面有更多详细信息。

Longer Answer


Do Wi-Fi router antennas ‘rotate’ their direction based on the location of the device they are talking to (i.e. based on MIMO, triangulation, and other factors)?


Do Wi-Fi router antennas rotate? Well, I am not aware of any that physically rotate like the ears of a cat, dog, or even Robby the Robot from Forbidden Planet.

Wi-Fi路由器天线是否旋转? 好吧,我不知道有谁会像猫,狗的耳朵,甚至是《禁忌星球》中的机器人罗比那样旋转。

That said, if the Wi-Fi router uses a multiple antenna array, it can use beamforming technology to effectively “shape” the way data is received and transmitted from the router’s antenna array. As Wikipedia explains (bold emphasis is mine):

也就是说,如果Wi-Fi路由器使用多天线阵列,则可以使用波束成形技术来有效地“塑造”从路由器天线阵列接收和发送数据的方式。 正如Wikipedia解释的那样(粗体是我的):

  • Beamforming or spatial filtering is a signal processing technique used in sensor arrays for directional signal transmission or reception. This is achieved by combining elements in a phased array in such a way that signals at particular angles experience constructive interference while others experience destructive interference. Beamforming can be used at both the transmitting and receiving ends in order to achieve spatial selectivity. The improvement compared with omnidirectional reception/transmission is known as the receive/transmit gain (or loss).

    波束成形或空间滤波是传感器阵列中用于定向信号传输或接收的信号处理技术。 这是通过将相控阵中的元素组合在一起的方式来实现的,以使特定角度的信号遭受相长干扰,而其他角度的信号遭受相长干扰。 波束成形可以在发射端和接收端使用,以实现空间选择性。 与全向接收/发送相比的改进被称为接收/发送增益(或损耗)。

This general concept is used in MIMO-based networking techniques as explained in O’Reilly’s “802.11ac: A Survival Guide” (again, bold emphasis is mine):

如O'Reilly的“ 802.11ac:生存指南”中所述,该通用概念用于基于MIMO的联网技术中(再次,粗体强调是我的意思):

  • An alternative method of transmission is to focus energy toward a receiver, a process called beamforming. Provided the AP has sufficient information to send the radio energy preferentially in one direction, it is possible to reach farther. The overall effect is illustrated in Figure 4-1 (pictured here). Beamforming focuses energy toward a client, such as to the laptop computer at the right side of the figure. The wedges illustrate the areas where the beamforming focus increases power, and therefore the signal-to-noise ratio and data rates. The mirrored preferential transmission to the left is a common effect of focusing energy in a system with limited antenna elements. However, focusing the energy toward the left and right sides of the figure means that the AP’s range in other directions is smaller.

    传输的另一种方法是将能量聚焦到接收器上,这一过程称为波束成形。 如果AP具有足够的信息来优先向一个方向发送无线电能量,则可以到达更远的地方。 总体效果如图4-1所示(如图所示)。 波束成形将能量聚焦于客户端,例如图右侧的便携式计算机。 楔形图显示了波束成形焦点增加功率的区域,并因此说明了信噪比和数据速率。 向左镜像的优先传输是在天线元件有限的系统中聚焦能量的常见效果。 但是,将能量聚焦在图的左侧和右侧意味着AP在其他方向上的范围较小。

That said, beamforming is not a magical cure for Wi-Fi signal loss/strength and works best at medium ranges (once again, bold emphasis is mine):


  • Beamforming increases the performance of wireless networks at medium ranges. At short ranges, the signal power is high enough that the SNR will support the maximum data rate. At long ranges, beamforming does not offer a substantial gain over an omnidirectional antenna, and data rates will be identical to non-beamformed transmissions. Beamforming works by improving what is called the rate over range—at a given distance from the AP, a client device will have better performance.

    波束成形可提高中等范围的无线网络性能。 在短范围内,信号功率足够高,以至于SNR将支持最大数据速率。 在长距离上,波束成形不能在全向天线上提供实质性的增益,并且数据速率将与非波束成形的传输相同。 波束成形通过改善所谓的范围速率来工作,在距AP一定距离的情况下,客户端设备将具有更好的性能。

So when you ask the following question:


For example, if I keep my device still and in one location, will the transfer rate go up?


Maybe it will, maybe it will not. You can experiment, if you wish, with moving around a room versus standing still. First, check to see if your router actually has beamforming capabilities and if they are enabled. But honestly, you might be trying to squeeze blood from a stone here for minimal gains.

也许会,也许不会。 如果愿意,您可以尝试在房间中移动而不是静止不动。 首先,检查路由器是否真正具有波束成形功能以及是否已启用它们。 但老实说,您可能正在尝试从这里的石头中榨取血液,以获取最小的收益。

Have something to add to the explanation? Sound off in the comments. Want to read more answers from other tech-savvy Stack Exchange users? Check out the full discussion thread here.

有什么补充说明吗? 在评论中听起来不错。 是否想从其他精通Stack Exchange的用户那里获得更多答案? 在此处查看完整的讨论线程。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/229959/do-wi-fi-router-antennas-rotate-in-relation-to-the-wi-fi-devices-connected-to-them/



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