入学要求 Requirement:

学术要求: 2:1 honours UK BSc degree, or equivalent, in computer science, mathematics, physics, chemistry, electrical engineering, or a joint degree in two such subjects. Competence in a high level programming language such as Pascal, C, C++, Java, etc, to the level expected at the end of the first year of a BSc honours degree in computer science. We may lower entry qualifications for students with substantial relevant work experience.

英语要求:IELTS 7.0 overall; minimum 7.0 in all four skills

TOEFL 100 + minimum 24 in all skills

学费 Tuition Fee:2011/2012    £19,100

课程特征 Course Features:

For students with computer science, mathematics, science or engineering backgrounds and good knowledge of computer programming. To improve ability to solve advanced computational problems by providing a thorough knowledge of data structures, design, quantitative analysis of algorithms and algorithmic applications and impart skills necessary for algorithm implementation within the overall context of software development.

课程内容 Course Content :

Core programme contentIndividual Project

Indicative non-core content

Compulsory modules:•Algorithm Design and Analysis

•Data Structures and their Implementation in C++

•Parallel and Distributed Algorithms

Optional modules:•Advanced Research Topics

•Cryptography and Information Security

•Algorithmic Issues in the World Wide Web

•Algorithms for Computational Molecular Biology

•Computational Models

•Multimedia Compression Methods and Systems

•Optimisation Methods

•Text Searching and Processing


More information on typical programme modules.

NB it cannot be guaranteed that all modules are offered in any particular academic year.

Algorithm Design And Analysis - Required

Data Structures and their Implementation in C++ - Required

Parallel And Distributed Algorithms - Required

Advanced Research Topics - Optional

Algorithmic Issues in the World Wide Web - Optional

Algorithms For Computational Molecular Biology - Optional

Computational Models - Optional

Cryptography And Information Security - Optional

Multimedia Compression Methods And Systems - Optional

Optimisation Methods - Optional

Text Searching And Processing - Option

教学与评估 Teaching and Assessment:Eight taught modules assessed by written examinations. The modules may contain an obligatory coursework component. Assessment of written final project. Candidates who fail to complete the project dissertation successfully may be considered for the award of a PG Dip.

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