每个ocd数据对应一个索引值。 您可以使用index获取ocd数据。 OCD指标值

enum ocd_lockable_table
{magic_number = 0, //ocd.index.0
magic_number_factory = 1, //ocd.index.1
revision = 2, //ocd.index.2 and so on...
system_ocd = 3,
modem = 4,
gps = 5,
module_sn = 6,
board_sn = 8,
product_sn = 10,
wifi_mac_ap = 12,
wifi_mac_sta = 13,
wifi_mac_p2p = 14,
wifi_cy_code = 15,
bt_mac = 16,
barcode = 17,
wifi_mac_go = 18,
ocd_last_stc, //Hold this in the last item


Get OCD in adb console terminal
getprop ro.ocd.index.5
Set OCD in adb console terminal (no need prefix ro.)
setprop ocd.index.5 123
Get OCD in framework layer
SystemProperties.get(“ro.ocd.index.5”, “0”)


Member name Significance
magic_number This magic number represents the existence of a successfully programmed OEM configuration data
magic_number_factory This magic number indicate factory mode flag present or not. If this item equal 0x 5A12E7A5 then go to normal mode, otherwise go to factory mode
revision OEM configuration data version If the table format changes or if add more member into structure, this version number can be incremented to keeptrack of the changes.
system Reserved.
modem Indicate which types of modem to be used. Zero means that ignore this item.
gps Indicate which types of GPS to be used. Zero means that ignore this item.
module_sn Module serial number. It is a one-dimensional array of characters which is terminated by a null character ‘\0’. Zero means that ignore this item.
board_sn Board/PCB serial number. It is a one-dimensional array of characters which is terminated by a null character ‘\0’. Zero means that ignore this item.
product_sn Product serial number. It is a one-dimensional array of characters which is terminated by a null character ‘\0’. Zero means that ignore this item.
wifi_mac_ap Wi-Fi MAC address for AP/STATION/P2P mode. It is a one-dimensional array of characters which is terminated by a null character ‘\0’. Zero means that ignore this item. Example: 001345B9860D
wifi_mac_sta 同上
wifi_mac_p2p 同上
wifi_cy_code Wi-Fi Country Code. Example: TW , US , BE …
bt_mac Bluetooth MAC address. Example: 003A856D7F90
barcode Indicate which types of barcode to be used. Zero means that ignore this item.
wifi_mac_go P2P group mac.

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