
贪吃蛇,大家应该都玩过。当初第一次接触贪吃蛇的时候 ,还是我爸的数字手机,考试成绩比较好,就会得到一些小奖励,玩手机游戏肯定也在其中首位,毕竟小孩子天性都喜欢~




#Snake Tutorial Pythonimport math
import random
import pygame
import tkinter as tk
from tkinter import messageboxclass cube(object):rows = 20w = 500def __init__(self,start,dirnx=1,dirny=0,color=(255,0,0)):passdef move(self, dirnx, dirny):passdef draw(self, surface, eyes=False):passclass snake(object):def __init__(self, color, pos):passdef move(self):passdef reset(self, pos):passdef addCube(self):passdef draw(self, surface):passdef drawGrid(w, rows, surface):passdef redrawWindow(surface):passdef randomSnack(rows, item):passdef message_box(subject, content):passdef main():passmain()




def main(): global width, rows, swidth = 500  # Width of our screenheight = 500  # Height of our screenrows = 20  # Amount of rowswin = pygame.display.set_mode((width, height))  # Creates our screen objects = snake((255,0,0), (10,10))  # Creates a snake object which we will code laterclock = pygame.time.Clock() # creating a clock objectflag = True# STARTING MAIN LOOPwhile flag:pygame.time.delay(50)  # This will delay the game so it doesn't run too quicklyclock.tick(10)  # Will ensure our game runs at 10 FPSredrawWindow(win)  # This will refresh our screen  


def redrawWindow(surface):surface.fill((0,0,0))  # Fills the screen with blackdrawGrid(surface)  # Will draw our grid linespygame.display.update()  # Updates the screen


def drawGrid(w, rows, surface):sizeBtwn = w // rows  # Gives us the distance between the linesx = 0  # Keeps track of the current xy = 0  # Keeps track of the current yfor l in range(rows):  # We will draw one vertical and one horizontal line each loopx = x + sizeBtwny = y + sizeBtwnpygame.draw.line(surface, (255,255,255), (x,0),(x,w))pygame.draw.line(surface, (255,255,255), (0,y),(w,y))



class snake(object):body = []turns = {}def __init__(self, color, pos):self.color = colorself.head = cube(pos)  # The head will be the front of the snakeself.body.append(self.head)  # We will add head (which is a cube object)# to our body list# These will represent the direction our snake is movingself.dirnx = 0 self.dirny = 1


class snake(object):...def move(self):for event in pygame.event.get():if event.type == pygame.QUIT:pygame.quit()keys = pygame.key.get_pressed()for key in keys:if keys[pygame.K_LEFT]:self.dirnx = -1self.dirny = 0self.turns[self.head.pos[:]] = [self.dirnx, self.dirny]elif keys[pygame.K_RIGHT]:self.dirnx = 1self.dirny = 0self.turns[self.head.pos[:]] = [self.dirnx, self.dirny]elif keys[pygame.K_UP]:self.dirnx = 0self.dirny = -1self.turns[self.head.pos[:]] = [self.dirnx, self.dirny]elif keys[pygame.K_DOWN]:self.dirnx = 0self.dirny = 1self.turns[self.head.pos[:]] = [self.dirnx, self.dirny]for i, c in enumerate(self.body):  # Loop through every cube in our bodyp = c.pos[:]  # This stores the cubes position on the gridif p in self.turns:  # If the cubes current position is one where we turnedturn = self.turns[p]  # Get the direction we should turnc.move(turn[0],turn[1])  # Move our cube in that directionif i == len(self.body)-1:  # If this is the last cube in our body remove the turn from the dictself.turns.pop(p)else:  # If we are not turning the cube# If the cube reaches the edge of the screen we will make it appear on the opposite sideif c.dirnx == -1 and c.pos[0] <= 0: c.pos = (c.rows-1, c.pos[1])elif c.dirnx == 1 and c.pos[0] >= c.rows-1: c.pos = (0,c.pos[1])elif c.dirny == 1 and c.pos[1] >= c.rows-1: c.pos = (c.pos[0], 0)elif c.dirny == -1 and c.pos[1] <= 0: c.pos = (c.pos[0],c.rows-1)else: c.move(c.dirnx,c.dirny)  # If we haven't reached the edge just move in our current direction


class snake(object):...def draw(self):for i, c in enumerate(self.body):if i == 0:  # for the first cube in the list we want to draw eyesc.draw(surface, True)  # adding the true as an argument will tell us to draw eyeselse:c.draw(surface)  # otherwise we will just draw a cube 


for x in range(len(s.body)):if s.body[x].pos in list(map(lambda z:z.pos,s.body[x+1:])): # This will check if any of the positions in our body list overlapprint('Score: ', len(s.body))message_box('You Lost!', 'Play again...')s.reset((10,10))break


class snake():...def reset(self, pos):self.head = cube(pos)self.body = []self.body.append(self.head)self.turns = {}self.dirnx = 0self.dirny = 1




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