

下面你会看到3个向量,每个向量在2D图像中都用一个箭头(x, y)表示。我们在2D图片中展示这些向量,因为这样子会更直观一点。你可以把这些2D向量当做z坐标为0的3D向量。由于向量表示的是方向,起始于何处并不会改变它的值。下图我们可以看到向量v¯v¯和w¯w¯是相等的,尽管他们的起始点不同:

由于向量是一个方向,所以有些时候会很难形象地将它们用位置(Position)表示出来。为了让其更为直观,我们通常设定这个方向的原点为(0, 0, 0),然后指向一个方向,对应一个点,使其变为位置向量(Position Vector)(你也可以把起点设置为其他的点,然后说:这个向量从这个点起始指向另一个点)。比如说位置向量(3, 5)在图像中的起点会是(0, 0),并会指向(3, 5)。我们可以使用向量在2D或3D空间中表示方向位置.

1. 向量与标量的运算


2. 负向量


3. 向量的大小

使用勾股定理(Pythagoras Theorem)来获取向量的长度(Length)/大小(Magnitude)。如果你把向量的x与y分量画出来,该向量会和x与y分量为边形成一个三角形:

4. 向量的加减


向量v = (4, 2)k = (1, 2)可以直观地表示为:



5. 标准化向量

有一个特殊类型的向量叫做单位向量(Unit Vector)。单位向量有一个特别的性质——它的长度是1。我们可以用任意向量的每个分量除以向量的长度得到它的单位向量n^n^:


6. 向量点乘




7. 向量叉乘




#pragma once
#include <math.h>class Vector3 {
public:float x, y, z;//构造函数//默认构造函数,不执行任何操作Vector3() {}//复制构造函数Vector3(const Vector3 &V):x(V.x),y(V.y),z(V.z){}//带参数的构造函数,用三个值完成初始化Vector3(float nx, float ny, float nz):x(nx),y(ny),z(nz){}//重载赋值运算符,并返回引用,以实现左值Vector3 & operator = (const Vector3& v) {x = v.x;y = v.y;z = v.z;return *this;}//重载 == 操作符bool operator == (const Vector3& v) {return x == v.x && y == v.y && z == v.z;}//重载 != 操作符bool operator != (const Vector3 &v) {return x != v.x || y != v.y || z != v.z;}//置为0向量void zero() { x = y = z = 0; }//重载一元“-”操作符Vector3 operator-() const {return Vector3(-x,-y,-z);}//重载+ 和 - 运算符Vector3 operator+(const Vector3& v) {return Vector3(x + v.x, y + v.y, z + v.z);}Vector3 operator-(const Vector3& v) {return Vector3(x - v.x,y - v.y,z - v.z);}//与标量的乘法Vector3 operator*(float a) const{return Vector3(a*x,a*y,a*z);}//与标量的除法Vector3 operator/(float a)const {float oneOverA = 1.0f / a;//这里不对a是否为0 进行检查return Vector3(x*oneOverA,y*oneOverA,z*oneOverA);}//重载自反运算符Vector3& operator +=(const Vector3 &v) {x += v.x;y += v.y;z += v.z;return *this;}Vector3& operator -=(const Vector3 &v){x -= v.x;y -= v.y;z -= v.z;return *this;}Vector3& operator *=(float a){x *= a;y *= a;z *= a;return *this;}Vector3& operator /=(float a){float oneOverA = 1.0f / a;x *= oneOverA;y *= oneOverA;z *= oneOverA;return *this;}//向量标准化void normalize() {float maqSq = x*x + y*y + z*z;if (maqSq > 0.0f) {float oneOverMag = 1.0f / sqrt(maqSq);x *= oneOverMag;y *= oneOverMag;z *= oneOverMag;}}//向量点乘float operator * (const Vector3& v) {return (x*v.x + y*v.y + z*v.z);}};/********************************************************************
inline float vectotMag(const Vector3 &v)
{return sqrt(v.x*v.x + v.y*v.y + v.z*v.z);
inline Vector3 crossProduct(const Vector3& v1, const Vector3& v2)
{return Vector3(v1.y*v2.z - v1.z*v2.y,v1.z*v2.x - v1.x*v2.z,v1.x*v2.y - v1.y*v2.x);
inline Vector3 operator* (float k, const Vector3 &v)
{return Vector3(k*v.x,k*v.y,k*v.z);
inline float distance(const Vector3& a, const Vector3& b)
{float dx = a.x - b.x;float dy = a.y - b.y;float dz = a.z - b.z;return sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy + dz*dz);
extern const  Vector3 kZeroVector;

unreal4 FVector源码

//来自unreal4源码: FVector
// Copyright 1998-2015 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved.#pragma once/*** A vector in 3-D space composed of components (X, Y, Z) with floating point precision.*/
struct FVector
public:/** Vector's X component. */float X;/** Vector's Y component. */float Y;/** Vector's Z component. */float Z;public:/** A zero vector (0,0,0) */static CORE_API const FVector ZeroVector;/** World up vector (0,0,1) */static CORE_API const FVector UpVector;/** Unreal forward vector (1,0,0) */static CORE_API const FVector ForwardVector;/** Unreal right vector (0,1,0) */static CORE_API const FVector RightVector;public:#if ENABLE_NAN_DIAGNOSTICFORCEINLINE void DiagnosticCheckNaN() const{checkf(!ContainsNaN(), TEXT("FVector contains NaN: %s"), *ToString());}
#elseFORCEINLINE void DiagnosticCheckNaN() const {}
#endif/** Default constructor (no initialization). */FORCEINLINE FVector();/*** Constructor initializing all components to a single float value.** @param InF Value to set all components to.*/explicit FORCEINLINE FVector(float InF);/*** Constructor using initial values for each component.** @param InX X Coordinate.* @param InY Y Coordinate.* @param InZ Z Coordinate.*/FORCEINLINE FVector( float InX, float InY, float InZ );/*** Constructs a vector from an FVector2D and Z value.* * @param V Vector to copy from.* @param InZ Z Coordinate.*/explicit FORCEINLINE FVector( const FVector2D V, float InZ );/*** Constructor using the XYZ components from a 4D vector.** @param V 4D Vector to copy from.*/FORCEINLINE FVector( const FVector4& V );/*** Constructs a vector from an FLinearColor.** @param InColor Color to copy from.*/explicit FVector(const FLinearColor& InColor);/*** Constructs a vector from an FIntVector.** @param InVector FIntVector to copy from.*/explicit FVector(FIntVector InVector);/*** Constructs a vector from an FIntPoint.** @param A Int Point used to set X and Y coordinates, Z is set to zero.*/explicit FVector( FIntPoint A );/*** Constructor which initializes all components to zero.** @param EForceInit Force init enum*/explicit FORCEINLINE FVector(EForceInit);#ifdef IMPLEMENT_ASSIGNMENT_OPERATOR_MANUALLY/*** Copy another FVector into this one** @param Other The other vector.* @return Reference to vector after copy.*/FORCEINLINE FVector& operator=(const FVector& Other);
#endif/*** Calculate cross product between this and another vector.** @param V The other vector.* @return The cross product.*/FORCEINLINE FVector operator^( const FVector& V ) const;/*** Calculate the cross product of two vectors.** @param A The first vector.* @param B The second vector.* @return The cross product.*/FORCEINLINE static FVector CrossProduct( const FVector& A, const FVector& B );/*** Calculate the dot product between this and another vector.** @param V The other vector.* @return The dot product.*/FORCEINLINE float operator|( const FVector& V ) const;/*** Calculate the dot product of two vectors.** @param A The first vector.* @param B The second vector.* @return The dot product.*/FORCEINLINE static float DotProduct( const FVector& A, const FVector& B );/*** Gets the result of component-wise addition of this and another vector.** @param V The vector to add to this.* @return The result of vector addition.*/FORCEINLINE FVector operator+( const FVector& V ) const;/*** Gets the result of component-wise subtraction of this by another vector.** @param V The vector to subtract from this.* @return The result of vector subtraction.*/FORCEINLINE FVector operator-( const FVector& V ) const;/*** Gets the result of subtracting from each component of the vector.** @param Bias How much to subtract from each component.* @return The result of subtraction.*/FORCEINLINE FVector operator-( float Bias ) const;/*** Gets the result of adding to each component of the vector.** @param Bias How much to add to each component.* @return The result of addition.*/FORCEINLINE FVector operator+( float Bias ) const;/*** Gets the result of scaling the vector (multiplying each component by a value).** @param Scale What to multiply each component by.* @return The result of multiplication.*/FORCEINLINE FVector operator*( float Scale ) const;/*** Gets the result of dividing each component of the vector by a value.** @param Scale What to divide each component by.* @return The result of division.*/FVector operator/( float Scale ) const;/*** Gets the result of component-wise multiplication of this vector by another.** @param V The vector to multiply with.* @return The result of multiplication.*/FORCEINLINE FVector operator*( const FVector& V ) const;/*** Gets the result of component-wise division of this vector by another.** @param V The vector to divide by.* @return The result of division.*/FORCEINLINE FVector operator/( const FVector& V ) const;// Binary comparison operators./*** Check against another vector for equality.** @param V The vector to check against.* @return true if the vectors are equal, false otherwise.*/bool operator==( const FVector& V ) const;/*** Check against another vector for inequality.** @param V The vector to check against.* @return true if the vectors are not equal, false otherwise.*/bool operator!=( const FVector& V ) const;/*** Check against another vector for equality, within specified error limits.** @param V The vector to check against.* @param Tolerance Error tolerance.* @return true if the vectors are equal within tolerance limits, false otherwise.*/bool Equals(const FVector& V, float Tolerance=KINDA_SMALL_NUMBER) const;/*** Checks whether all components of this vector are the same, within a tolerance.** @param Tolerance Error tolerance.* @return true if the vectors are equal within tolerance limits, false otherwise.*/bool AllComponentsEqual(float Tolerance=KINDA_SMALL_NUMBER) const;/*** Get a negated copy of the vector.** @return A negated copy of the vector.*/FORCEINLINE FVector operator-() const;/*** Adds another vector to this.* Uses component-wise addition.** @param V Vector to add to this.* @return Copy of the vector after addition.*/FORCEINLINE FVector operator+=( const FVector& V );/*** Subtracts another vector from this.* Uses component-wise subtraction.** @param V Vector to subtract from this.* @return Copy of the vector after subtraction.*/FORCEINLINE FVector operator-=( const FVector& V );/*** Scales the vector.** @param Scale Amount to scale this vector by.* @return Copy of the vector after scaling.*/FORCEINLINE FVector operator*=( float Scale );/*** Divides the vector by a number.** @param V What to divide this vector by.* @return Copy of the vector after division.*/FVector operator/=( float V );/*** Multiplies the vector with another vector, using component-wise multiplication.** @param V What to multiply this vector with.* @return Copy of the vector after multiplication.*/FVector operator*=( const FVector& V );/*** Divides the vector by another vector, using component-wise division.** @param V What to divide vector by.* @return Copy of the vector after division.*/FVector operator/=( const FVector& V );/*** Gets specific component of the vector.** @param Index the index of vector component* @return reference to component.*/float& operator[]( int32 Index );/*** Gets specific component of the vector.** @param Index the index of vector component* @return Copy of the component.*/float operator[]( int32 Index )const;/*** Gets a specific component of the vector.** @param Index The index of the component required.** @return Reference to the specified component.*/float& Component(int32 Index);/*** Gets a specific component of the vector.** @param Index The index of the component required.* @return Copy of the specified component.*/float Component(int32 Index) const;// Simple functions./*** Set the values of the vector directly.** @param InX New X coordinate.* @param InY New Y coordinate.* @param InZ New Z coordinate.*/void Set( float InX, float InY, float InZ );/*** Get the maximum value of the vector's components.** @return The maximum value of the vector's components.*/float GetMax() const;/*** Get the maximum absolute value of the vector's components.** @return The maximum absolute value of the vector's components.*/float GetAbsMax() const;/*** Get the minimum value of the vector's components.** @return The minimum value of the vector's components.*/float GetMin() const;/*** Get the minimum absolute value of the vector's components.** @return The minimum absolute value of the vector's components.*/float GetAbsMin() const;/** Gets the component-wise min of two vectors. */FVector ComponentMin(const FVector& Other) const;/** Gets the component-wise max of two vectors. */FVector ComponentMax(const FVector& Other) const;/*** Get a copy of this vector with absolute value of each component.** @return A copy of this vector with absolute value of each component.*/FVector GetAbs() const;/*** Get the length (magnitude) of this vector.** @return The length of this vector.*/float Size() const;/*** Get the squared length of this vector.** @return The squared length of this vector.*/float SizeSquared() const;/*** Get the length of the 2D components of this vector.** @return The 2D length of this vector.*/float Size2D() const ;/*** Get the squared length of the 2D components of this vector.** @return The squared 2D length of this vector.*/float SizeSquared2D() const ;/*** Checks whether vector is near to zero within a specified tolerance.** @param Tolerance Error tolerance.* @return true if the vector is near to zero, false otherwise.*/bool IsNearlyZero(float Tolerance=KINDA_SMALL_NUMBER) const;/*** Checks whether all components of the vector are exactly zero.** @return true if the vector is exactly zero, false otherwise.*/bool IsZero() const;/*** Normalize this vector in-place if it is large enough, set it to (0,0,0) otherwise.** @param Tolerance Minimum squared length of vector for normalization.* @return true if the vector was normalized correctly, false otherwise.*/bool Normalize(float Tolerance=SMALL_NUMBER);/*** Checks whether vector is normalized.** @return true if Normalized, false otherwise.*/bool IsNormalized() const;/*** Util to convert this vector into a unit direction vector and its original length.** @param OutDir Reference passed in to store unit direction vector.* @param OutLength Reference passed in to store length of the vector.*/void ToDirectionAndLength(FVector &OutDir, float &OutLength) const;/*** Get a copy of the vector as sign only.* Each component is set to +1 or -1, with the sign of zero treated as +1.** @param A copy of the vector with each component set to +1 or -1*/FORCEINLINE FVector GetSignVector() const;/*** Projects 2D components of vector based on Z.** @return Projected version of vector based on Z.*/FVector Projection() const;/*** Calculates normalized version of vector without checking for zero length.** @return Normalized version of vector.* @see GetSafeNormal()*/FORCEINLINE FVector GetUnsafeNormal() const;DEPRECATED(4.7, "Deprecated due to unclear name, use GetUnsafeNormal instead.")FORCEINLINE FVector UnsafeNormal() const;/*** Gets a copy of this vector snapped to a grid.** @param GridSz Grid dimension.* @return A copy of this vector snapped to a grid.* @see FMath::GridSnap()*/FVector GridSnap( const float& GridSz ) const;/*** Get a copy of this vector, clamped inside of a cube.** @param Radius Half size of the cube.* @return A copy of this vector, bound by cube.*/FVector BoundToCube( float Radius ) const;/** Create a copy of this vector, with its magnitude clamped between Min and Max. */FVector GetClampedToSize(float Min, float Max) const;DEPRECATED(4.7, "Deprecated due to unclear name, use GetClampedToSize instead.")FVector ClampSize(float Min, float Max) const;/** Create a copy of this vector, with the 2D magnitude clamped between Min and Max. Z is unchanged. */FVector GetClampedToSize2D(float Min, float Max) const;DEPRECATED(4.7, "Deprecated due to unclear name, use GetClampedToSize2D instead.")FVector ClampSize2D(float Min, float Max) const;/** Create a copy of this vector, with its maximum magnitude clamped to MaxSize. */FVector GetClampedToMaxSize(float MaxSize) const;DEPRECATED(4.7, "Deprecated due to unclear name, use GetClampedToMaxSize instead.")FVector ClampMaxSize(float MaxSize) const;/** Create a copy of this vector, with the maximum 2D magnitude clamped to MaxSize. Z is unchanged. */FVector GetClampedToMaxSize2D(float MaxSize) const;DEPRECATED(4.7, "Deprecated due to unclear name, use GetClampedToMaxSize2D instead.")FVector ClampMaxSize2D(float MaxSize) const;/*** Add a vector to this and clamp the result in a cube.** @param V Vector to add.* @param Radius Half size of the cube.*/void AddBounded( const FVector& V, float Radius=MAX_int16 );/*** Gets the reciprocal of this vector, avoiding division by zero.* Zero components are set to BIG_NUMBER.** @return Reciprocal of this vector.*/FVector Reciprocal() const;/*** Check whether X, Y and Z are nearly equal.** @param Tolerance Specified Tolerance.* @return true if X == Y == Z within the specified tolerance.*/bool IsUniform(float Tolerance=KINDA_SMALL_NUMBER) const;/*** Mirror a vector about a normal vector.** @param MirrorNormal Normal vector to mirror about.* @return Mirrored vector.*/FVector MirrorByVector( const FVector& MirrorNormal ) const;/*** Mirrors a vector about a plane.** @param Plane Plane to mirror about.* @return Mirrored vector.*/FVector MirrorByPlane( const FPlane& Plane ) const;/*** Rotates around Axis (assumes Axis.Size() == 1).** @param Angle Angle to rotate (in degrees).* @param Axis Axis to rotate around.* @return Rotated Vector.*/FVector RotateAngleAxis( const float AngleDeg, const FVector& Axis ) const;/*** Gets a normalized copy of the vector, checking it is safe to do so based on the length.* Returns zero vector if vector length is too small to safely normalize.** @param Tolerance Minimum squared vector length.* @return A normalized copy if safe, (0,0,0) otherwise.*/FVector GetSafeNormal(float Tolerance=SMALL_NUMBER) const;DEPRECATED(4.7, "Deprecated due to unclear name, use GetSafeNormal instead.")FVector SafeNormal(float Tolerance = SMALL_NUMBER) const;/*** Gets a normalized copy of the 2D components of the vector, checking it is safe to do so. Z is set to zero. * Returns zero vector if vector length is too small to normalize.** @param Tolerance Minimum squared vector length.* @return Normalized copy if safe, otherwise returns zero vector.*/FVector GetSafeNormal2D(float Tolerance=SMALL_NUMBER) const;DEPRECATED(4.7, "Deprecated due to unclear name, use GetSafeNormal2D instead.")FVector SafeNormal2D(float Tolerance = SMALL_NUMBER) const;/*** Returns the cosine of the angle between this vector and another projected onto the XY plane (no Z).** @param B the other vector to find the 2D cosine of the angle with.* @return The cosine.*/FORCEINLINE float CosineAngle2D(FVector B) const;/*** Gets a copy of this vector projected onto the input vector.** @param A   Vector to project onto, does not assume it is normalized.* @return Projected vector.*/FORCEINLINE FVector ProjectOnTo( const FVector& A ) const ;/*** Gets a copy of this vector projected onto the input vector, which is assumed to be unit length.* * @param  Normal Vector to project onto (assumed to be unit length).* @return Projected vector.*/FORCEINLINE FVector ProjectOnToNormal(const FVector& Normal ) const;/*** Return the FRotator corresponding to the direction that the vector* is pointing in.  Sets Yaw and Pitch to the proper numbers, and sets* roll to zero because the roll can't be determined from a vector.** @return The FRotator from the vector's direction.*/CORE_API FRotator Rotation() const;/*** Find good arbitrary axis vectors to represent U and V axes of a plane,* using this vector as the normal of the plane.** @param Axis1 Reference to first axis.* @param Axis2 Reference to second axis.*/CORE_API void FindBestAxisVectors( FVector& Axis1, FVector& Axis2 ) const;/** When this vector contains Euler angles (degrees), ensure that angles are between +/-180 */CORE_API void UnwindEuler();/*** Utility to check if there are any NaNs in this vector.** @return true if there are any NaNs in this vector, false otherwise.*/bool ContainsNaN() const;/*** Check if the vector is of unit length, with specified tolerance.** @param LengthSquaredTolerance Tolerance against squared length.* @return true if the vector is a unit vector within the specified tolerance.*/FORCEINLINE bool IsUnit(float LengthSquaredTolerance = KINDA_SMALL_NUMBER ) const;/*** Get a textual representation of this vector.** @return A string describing the vector.*/FString ToString() const;/*** Get a locale aware textual representation of this vector.** @return A string describing the vector.*/FText ToText() const;/** Get a short textural representation of this vector, for compact readable logging. */FString ToCompactString() const;/** Get a short locale aware textural representation of this vector, for compact readable logging. */FText ToCompactText() const;/*** Initialize this Vector based on an FString. The String is expected to contain X=, Y=, Z=.* The FVector will be bogus when InitFromString returns false.** @param   InSourceString  FString containing the vector values.* @return true if the X,Y,Z values were read successfully; false otherwise.*/bool InitFromString( const FString& InSourceString );/** * Converts a Cartesian unit vector into spherical coordinates on the unit sphere.* @return Output Theta will be in the range [0, PI], and output Phi will be in the range [-PI, PI]. */FVector2D UnitCartesianToSpherical() const;/*** Convert a direction vector into a 'heading' angle.** @return 'Heading' angle between +/-PI. 0 is pointing down +X.*/float HeadingAngle() const;/*** Create an orthonormal basis from a basis with at least two orthogonal vectors.* It may change the directions of the X and Y axes to make the basis orthogonal,* but it won't change the direction of the Z axis.* All axes will be normalized.** @param XAxis The input basis' XAxis, and upon return the orthonormal basis' XAxis.* @param YAxis The input basis' YAxis, and upon return the orthonormal basis' YAxis.* @param ZAxis The input basis' ZAxis, and upon return the orthonormal basis' ZAxis.*/static CORE_API void CreateOrthonormalBasis(FVector& XAxis,FVector& YAxis,FVector& ZAxis);/*** Compare two points and see if they're the same, using a threshold.** @param P First vector.* @param Q Second vector.* @return Whether points are the same within a threshold. Uses fast distance approximation (linear per-component distance).*/static bool PointsAreSame( const FVector &P, const FVector &Q );/*** Compare two points and see if they're within specified distance.** @param Point1 First vector.* @param Point2 Second vector.* @param Dist Specified distance.* @return Whether two points are within the specified distance. Uses fast distance approximation (linear per-component distance).*/static bool PointsAreNear( const FVector &Point1, const FVector &Point2, float Dist );/*** Calculate the signed distance (in the direction of the normal) between a point and a plane.** @param Point The Point we are checking.* @param PlaneBase The Base Point in the plane.* @param PlaneNormal The Normal of the plane (assumed to be unit length).* @return Signed distance between point and plane.*/static float PointPlaneDist( const FVector &Point, const FVector &PlaneBase, const FVector &PlaneNormal );/*** Calculate the projection of a point on the given plane.** @param Point The point to project onto the plane* @param Plane The plane* @return Projection of Point onto Plane*/static FVector PointPlaneProject(const FVector& Point, const FPlane& Plane);/*** Calculate the projection of a point on the plane defined by counter-clockwise (CCW) points A,B,C.** @param Point The point to project onto the plane* @param A 1st of three points in CCW order defining the plane * @param B 2nd of three points in CCW order defining the plane* @param C 3rd of three points in CCW order defining the plane* @return Projection of Point onto plane ABC*/static FVector PointPlaneProject(const FVector& Point, const FVector& A, const FVector& B, const FVector& C);/*** Calculate the projection of a point on the plane defined by PlaneBase and PlaneNormal.** @param Point The point to project onto the plane* @param PlaneBase Point on the plane* @param PlaneNorm Normal of the plane (assumed to be unit length).* @return Projection of Point onto plane*/static FVector PointPlaneProject(const FVector& Point, const FVector& PlaneBase, const FVector& PlaneNormal);/*** Calculate the projection of a vector on the plane defined by PlaneNormal.* * @param  V The vector to project onto the plane.* @param  PlaneNormal Normal of the plane (assumed to be unit length).* @return Projection of V onto plane.*/static FVector VectorPlaneProject(const FVector& V, const FVector& PlaneNormal);/*** Euclidean distance between two points.** @param V1 The first point.* @param V2 The second point.* @return The distance between two points.*/static FORCEINLINE float Dist( const FVector &V1, const FVector &V2 );/*** Squared distance between two points.** @param V1 The first point.* @param V2 The second point.* @return The squared distance between two points.*/static FORCEINLINE float DistSquared( const FVector &V1, const FVector &V2 );/*** Compute pushout of a box from a plane.** @param Normal The plane normal.* @param Size The size of the box.* @return Pushout required.*/static FORCEINLINE float BoxPushOut( const FVector& Normal, const FVector& Size );/*** See if two normal vectors are nearly parallel, meaning the angle between them is close to 0 degrees.** @param  Normal1 First normalized vector.* @param  Normal1 Second normalized vector.* @param  ParallelCosineThreshold Normals are parallel if absolute value of dot product (cosine of angle between them) is greater than or equal to this. For example: cos(1.0 degrees).* @return true if vectors are nearly parallel, false otherwise.*/static bool Parallel(const FVector& Normal1, const FVector& Normal2, float ParallelCosineThreshold = THRESH_NORMALS_ARE_PARALLEL);/*** See if two normal vectors are coincident (nearly parallel and point in the same direction).* * @param  Normal1 First normalized vector.* @param  Normal2 Second normalized vector.* @param  ParallelCosineThreshold Normals are coincident if dot product (cosine of angle between them) is greater than or equal to this. For example: cos(1.0 degrees).* @return true if vectors are coincident (nearly parallel and point in the same direction), false otherwise.*/static bool Coincident(const FVector& Normal1, const FVector& Normal2, float ParallelCosineThreshold = THRESH_NORMALS_ARE_PARALLEL);/*** See if two normal vectors are nearly orthogonal (perpendicular), meaning the angle between them is close to 90 degrees.* * @param  Normal1 First normalized vector.* @param  Normal2 Second normalized vector.* @param  OrthogonalCosineThreshold Normals are orthogonal if absolute value of dot product (cosine of angle between them) is less than or equal to this. For example: cos(89.0 degrees).* @return true if vectors are orthogonal (perpendicular), false otherwise.*/static bool Orthogonal(const FVector& Normal1, const FVector& Normal2, float OrthogonalCosineThreshold = THRESH_NORMALS_ARE_ORTHOGONAL);/*** See if two planes are coplanar. They are coplanar if the normals are nearly parallel and the planes include the same set of points.** @param Base1 The base point in the first plane.* @param Normal1 The normal of the first plane.* @param Base2 The base point in the second plane.* @param Normal2 The normal of the second plane.* @param ParallelCosineThreshold Normals are parallel if absolute value of dot product is greater than or equal to this.* @return true if the planes are coplanar, false otherwise.*/static bool Coplanar(const FVector& Base1, const FVector& Normal1, const FVector& Base2, const FVector& Normal2, float ParallelCosineThreshold = THRESH_NORMALS_ARE_PARALLEL);/*** Triple product of three vectors: X dot (Y cross Z).** @param X The first vector.* @param Y The second vector.* @param Z The third vector.* @return The triple product: X dot (Y cross Z).*/static float Triple( const FVector& X, const FVector& Y, const FVector& Z );/*** Generates a list of sample points on a Bezier curve defined by 2 points.** @param ControlPoints    Array of 4 FVectors (vert1, controlpoint1, controlpoint2, vert2).* @param NumPoints Number of samples.* @param OutPoints Receives the output samples.* @return The path length.*/static CORE_API float EvaluateBezier(const FVector* ControlPoints, int32 NumPoints, TArray<FVector>& OutPoints);/*** Converts a vector containing radian values to a vector containing degree values.** @param RadVector Vector containing radian values* @return Vector  containing degree values*/static FVector RadiansToDegrees(const FVector& RadVector);/*** Converts a vector containing degree values to a vector containing radian values.** @param DegVector Vector containing degree values* @return Vector containing radian values*/static FVector DegreesToRadians(const FVector& DegVector);/*** Given a current set of cluster centers, a set of points, iterate N times to move clusters to be central. ** @param Clusters Reference to array of Clusters.* @param Points Set of points.* @param NumIterations Number of iterations.* @param NumConnectionsToBeValid Sometimes you will have long strings that come off the mass of points* which happen to have been chosen as Cluster starting points.  You want to be able to disregard those.*/static CORE_API void GenerateClusterCenters(TArray<FVector>& Clusters, const TArray<FVector>& Points, int32 NumIterations, int32 NumConnectionsToBeValid);/*** Serializer.** @param Ar Serialization Archive.* @param V Vector to serialize.* @return Reference to Archive after serialization.*/friend FArchive& operator<<( FArchive& Ar, FVector& V ){// @warning BulkSerialize: FVector is serialized as memory dump// See TArray::BulkSerialize for detailed description of implied limitations.return Ar << V.X << V.Y << V.Z;}/** * Network serialization function.* FVectors NetSerialize without quantization (ie exact values are serialized).** @see FVector_NetQuantize, FVector_NetQuantize10, FVector_NetQuantize100, FVector_NetQuantizeNormal*/CORE_API bool NetSerialize(FArchive& Ar, class UPackageMap* Map, bool& bOutSuccess);
};/* FVector inline functions*****************************************************************************//*** Multiplies a vector by a scaling factor.** @param Scale Scaling factor.* @param V Vector to scale.* @return Result of multiplication.*/
FORCEINLINE FVector operator*( float Scale, const FVector& V )
{return V.operator*( Scale );
}/*** Creates a hash value from a FVector. ** @param Vector the vector to create a hash value for* @return The hash value from the components*/
FORCEINLINE uint32 GetTypeHash(const FVector& Vector)
{// Note: this assumes there's no padding in FVector that could contain uncompared data.return FCrc::MemCrc_DEPRECATED(&Vector,sizeof(Vector));
}/*** Creates a hash value from a FVector2D. ** @param Vector the vector to create a hash value for* @return The hash value from the components*/
FORCEINLINE uint32 GetTypeHash(const FVector2D& Vector)
{// Note: this assumes there's no padding in FVector2D that could contain uncompared data.return FCrc::MemCrc_DEPRECATED(&Vector,sizeof(Vector));
#endif/** * Util to calculate distance from a point to a bounding box ** @param Mins 3D Point defining the lower values of the axis of the bound box* @param Max 3D Point defining the lower values of the axis of the bound box* @param Point 3D position of interest* @return the distance from the Point to the bounding box.*/
FORCEINLINE float ComputeSquaredDistanceFromBoxToPoint( const FVector& Mins, const FVector& Maxs, const FVector& Point )
{// Accumulates the distance as we iterate axisfloat DistSquared = 0.f;// Check each axis for min/max and add the distance accordingly// NOTE: Loop manually unrolled for > 2x speed upif (Point.X < Mins.X){DistSquared += FMath::Square(Point.X - Mins.X);}else if (Point.X > Maxs.X){DistSquared += FMath::Square(Point.X - Maxs.X);}if (Point.Y < Mins.Y){DistSquared += FMath::Square(Point.Y - Mins.Y);}else if (Point.Y > Maxs.Y){DistSquared += FMath::Square(Point.Y - Maxs.Y);}if (Point.Z < Mins.Z){DistSquared += FMath::Square(Point.Z - Mins.Z);}else if (Point.Z > Maxs.Z){DistSquared += FMath::Square(Point.Z - Maxs.Z);}return DistSquared;
}FORCEINLINE FVector::FVector( const FVector2D V, float InZ ): X(V.X), Y(V.Y), Z(InZ)
}inline FVector FVector::RotateAngleAxis( const float AngleDeg, const FVector& Axis ) const
{float S, C;FMath::SinCos(&S, &C, FMath::DegreesToRadians(AngleDeg));const float XX = Axis.X * Axis.X;const float YY   = Axis.Y * Axis.Y;const float ZZ   = Axis.Z * Axis.Z;const float XY   = Axis.X * Axis.Y;const float YZ   = Axis.Y * Axis.Z;const float ZX   = Axis.Z * Axis.X;const float XS   = Axis.X * S;const float YS    = Axis.Y * S;const float ZS    = Axis.Z * S;const float OMC   = 1.f - C;return FVector((OMC * XX + C ) * X + (OMC * XY - ZS) * Y + (OMC * ZX + YS) * Z,(OMC * XY + ZS) * X + (OMC * YY + C ) * Y + (OMC * YZ - XS) * Z,(OMC * ZX - YS) * X + (OMC * YZ + XS) * Y + (OMC * ZZ + C ) * Z);
}inline bool FVector::PointsAreSame( const FVector &P, const FVector &Q )
{float Temp;Temp=P.X-Q.X;if( (Temp > -THRESH_POINTS_ARE_SAME) && (Temp < THRESH_POINTS_ARE_SAME) ){Temp=P.Y-Q.Y;if( (Temp > -THRESH_POINTS_ARE_SAME) && (Temp < THRESH_POINTS_ARE_SAME) ){Temp=P.Z-Q.Z;if( (Temp > -THRESH_POINTS_ARE_SAME) && (Temp < THRESH_POINTS_ARE_SAME) ){return true;}}}return false;
}inline bool FVector::PointsAreNear( const FVector &Point1, const FVector &Point2, float Dist )
{float Temp;Temp=(Point1.X - Point2.X); if (FMath::Abs(Temp)>=Dist) return false;Temp=(Point1.Y - Point2.Y); if (FMath::Abs(Temp)>=Dist) return false;Temp=(Point1.Z - Point2.Z); if (FMath::Abs(Temp)>=Dist) return false;return true;
}inline float FVector::PointPlaneDist
(const FVector &Point,const FVector &PlaneBase,const FVector &PlaneNormal
{return (Point - PlaneBase) | PlaneNormal;
}inline FVector FVector::PointPlaneProject(const FVector& Point, const FVector& PlaneBase, const FVector& PlaneNorm)
{//Find the distance of X from the plane//Add the distance back along the normal from the pointreturn Point - FVector::PointPlaneDist(Point,PlaneBase,PlaneNorm) * PlaneNorm;
}inline FVector FVector::VectorPlaneProject(const FVector& V, const FVector& PlaneNormal)
{return V - V.ProjectOnToNormal(PlaneNormal);
}inline bool FVector::Parallel(const FVector& Normal1, const FVector& Normal2, float ParallelCosineThreshold)
{const float NormalDot = Normal1 | Normal2;return FMath::Abs(NormalDot) >= ParallelCosineThreshold;
}inline bool FVector::Coincident(const FVector& Normal1, const FVector& Normal2, float ParallelCosineThreshold)
{const float NormalDot = Normal1 | Normal2;return NormalDot >= ParallelCosineThreshold;
}inline bool FVector::Orthogonal(const FVector& Normal1, const FVector& Normal2, float OrthogonalCosineThreshold)
{const float NormalDot = Normal1 | Normal2;return FMath::Abs(NormalDot) <= OrthogonalCosineThreshold;
}inline bool FVector::Coplanar(const FVector &Base1, const FVector &Normal1, const FVector &Base2, const FVector &Normal2, float ParallelCosineThreshold)
{if      (!FVector::Parallel(Normal1,Normal2,ParallelCosineThreshold)) return false;else if (FVector::PointPlaneDist (Base2,Base1,Normal1) > THRESH_POINT_ON_PLANE) return false;else return true;
}inline float FVector::Triple( const FVector& X, const FVector& Y, const FVector& Z )
{return(    (X.X * (Y.Y * Z.Z - Y.Z * Z.Y))+   (X.Y * (Y.Z * Z.X - Y.X * Z.Z))+   (X.Z * (Y.X * Z.Y - Y.Y * Z.X)) );
}inline FVector FVector::RadiansToDegrees(const FVector& RadVector)
{return RadVector * (180.f / PI);
}inline FVector FVector::DegreesToRadians(const FVector& DegVector)
{return DegVector * (PI / 180.f);
}FORCEINLINE FVector::FVector()
{}FORCEINLINE FVector::FVector(float InF): X(InF), Y(InF), Z(InF)
}FORCEINLINE FVector::FVector( float InX, float InY, float InZ ): X(InX), Y(InY), Z(InZ)
}FORCEINLINE FVector::FVector(const FLinearColor& InColor): X(InColor.R), Y(InColor.G), Z(InColor.B)
}FORCEINLINE FVector::FVector(FIntVector InVector): X(InVector.X), Y(InVector.Y), Z(InVector.Z)
}FORCEINLINE FVector::FVector( FIntPoint A ): X(A.X), Y(A.Y), Z(0.f)
}FORCEINLINE FVector::FVector(EForceInit): X(0.0f), Y(0.0f), Z(0.0f)
FORCEINLINE FVector& FVector::operator=(const FVector& Other)
{this->X = Other.X;this->Y = Other.Y;this->Z = Other.Z;DiagnosticCheckNaN();return *this;
#endifFORCEINLINE FVector FVector::operator^( const FVector& V ) const
{return FVector(Y * V.Z - Z * V.Y,Z * V.X - X * V.Z,X * V.Y - Y * V.X);
}FORCEINLINE FVector FVector::CrossProduct( const FVector& A, const FVector& B )
{return A ^ B;
}FORCEINLINE float FVector::operator|( const FVector& V ) const
{return X*V.X + Y*V.Y + Z*V.Z;
}FORCEINLINE float FVector::DotProduct( const FVector& A, const FVector& B )
{return A | B;
}FORCEINLINE FVector FVector::operator+( const FVector& V ) const
{return FVector( X + V.X, Y + V.Y, Z + V.Z );
}FORCEINLINE FVector FVector::operator-( const FVector& V ) const
{return FVector( X - V.X, Y - V.Y, Z - V.Z );
}FORCEINLINE FVector FVector::operator-( float Bias ) const
{return FVector( X - Bias, Y - Bias, Z - Bias );
}FORCEINLINE FVector FVector::operator+( float Bias ) const
{return FVector( X + Bias, Y + Bias, Z + Bias );
}FORCEINLINE FVector FVector::operator*( float Scale ) const
{return FVector( X * Scale, Y * Scale, Z * Scale );
}FORCEINLINE FVector FVector::operator/( float Scale ) const
{const float RScale = 1.f/Scale;return FVector( X * RScale, Y * RScale, Z * RScale );
}FORCEINLINE FVector FVector::operator*( const FVector& V ) const
{return FVector( X * V.X, Y * V.Y, Z * V.Z );
}FORCEINLINE FVector FVector::operator/( const FVector& V ) const
{return FVector( X / V.X, Y / V.Y, Z / V.Z );
}FORCEINLINE bool FVector::operator==( const FVector& V ) const
{return X==V.X && Y==V.Y && Z==V.Z;
}FORCEINLINE bool FVector::operator!=( const FVector& V ) const
{return X!=V.X || Y!=V.Y || Z!=V.Z;
}FORCEINLINE bool FVector::Equals(const FVector& V, float Tolerance) const
{return FMath::Abs(X-V.X) <= Tolerance && FMath::Abs(Y-V.Y) <= Tolerance && FMath::Abs(Z-V.Z) <= Tolerance;
}FORCEINLINE bool FVector::AllComponentsEqual(float Tolerance) const
{return FMath::Abs( X - Y ) < Tolerance && FMath::Abs( X - Z ) < Tolerance && FMath::Abs( Y - Z ) < Tolerance;
}FORCEINLINE FVector FVector::operator-() const
{return FVector( -X, -Y, -Z );
}FORCEINLINE FVector FVector::operator+=( const FVector& V )
{X += V.X; Y += V.Y; Z += V.Z;DiagnosticCheckNaN();return *this;
}FORCEINLINE FVector FVector::operator-=( const FVector& V )
{X -= V.X; Y -= V.Y; Z -= V.Z;DiagnosticCheckNaN();return *this;
}FORCEINLINE FVector FVector::operator*=( float Scale )
{X *= Scale; Y *= Scale; Z *= Scale;DiagnosticCheckNaN();return *this;
}FORCEINLINE FVector FVector::operator/=( float V )
{const float RV = 1.f/V;X *= RV; Y *= RV; Z *= RV;DiagnosticCheckNaN();return *this;
}FORCEINLINE FVector FVector::operator*=( const FVector& V )
{X *= V.X; Y *= V.Y; Z *= V.Z;DiagnosticCheckNaN();return *this;
}FORCEINLINE FVector FVector::operator/=( const FVector& V )
{X /= V.X; Y /= V.Y; Z /= V.Z;DiagnosticCheckNaN();return *this;
}FORCEINLINE float& FVector::operator[]( int32 Index )
{check(Index >= 0 && Index < 3);if( Index == 0 ){return X;}else if( Index == 1){return Y;}else{return Z;}
}FORCEINLINE float FVector::operator[]( int32 Index )const
{check(Index >= 0 && Index < 3);if( Index == 0 ){return X;}else if( Index == 1){return Y;}else{return Z;}
}FORCEINLINE void FVector::Set( float InX, float InY, float InZ )
{X = InX;Y = InY;Z = InZ;DiagnosticCheckNaN();
}FORCEINLINE float FVector::GetMax() const
{return FMath::Max(FMath::Max(X,Y),Z);
}FORCEINLINE float FVector::GetAbsMax() const
{return FMath::Max(FMath::Max(FMath::Abs(X),FMath::Abs(Y)),FMath::Abs(Z));
}FORCEINLINE float FVector::GetMin() const
{return FMath::Min(FMath::Min(X,Y),Z);
}FORCEINLINE float FVector::GetAbsMin() const
{return FMath::Min(FMath::Min(FMath::Abs(X),FMath::Abs(Y)),FMath::Abs(Z));
}FORCEINLINE FVector FVector::ComponentMin(const FVector& Other) const
{return FVector(FMath::Min(X, Other.X), FMath::Min(Y, Other.Y), FMath::Min(Z, Other.Z));
}FORCEINLINE FVector FVector::ComponentMax(const FVector& Other) const
{return FVector(FMath::Max(X, Other.X), FMath::Max(Y, Other.Y), FMath::Max(Z, Other.Z));
}FORCEINLINE FVector FVector::GetAbs() const
{return FVector(FMath::Abs(X), FMath::Abs(Y), FMath::Abs(Z));
}FORCEINLINE float FVector::Size() const
{return FMath::Sqrt( X*X + Y*Y + Z*Z );
}FORCEINLINE float FVector::SizeSquared() const
{return X*X + Y*Y + Z*Z;
}FORCEINLINE float FVector::Size2D() const
{return FMath::Sqrt( X*X + Y*Y );
}FORCEINLINE float FVector::SizeSquared2D() const
{return X*X + Y*Y;
}FORCEINLINE bool FVector::IsNearlyZero(float Tolerance) const
{returnFMath::Abs(X)<Tolerance&& FMath::Abs(Y)<Tolerance&&    FMath::Abs(Z)<Tolerance;
}FORCEINLINE bool FVector::IsZero() const
{return X==0.f && Y==0.f && Z==0.f;
}FORCEINLINE bool FVector::Normalize(float Tolerance)
{const float SquareSum = X*X + Y*Y + Z*Z;if( SquareSum > Tolerance ){const float Scale = FMath::InvSqrt(SquareSum);X *= Scale; Y *= Scale; Z *= Scale;return true;}return false;
}FORCEINLINE bool FVector::IsNormalized() const
{return (FMath::Abs(1.f - SizeSquared()) < THRESH_VECTOR_NORMALIZED);
}FORCEINLINE void FVector::ToDirectionAndLength(FVector &OutDir, float &OutLength) const
{OutLength = Size();if (OutLength > SMALL_NUMBER){float OneOverLength = 1.0f/OutLength;OutDir = FVector(X*OneOverLength, Y*OneOverLength,Z*OneOverLength);}else{OutDir = FVector::ZeroVector;}
}FORCEINLINE FVector FVector::GetSignVector() const
{return FVector(FMath::FloatSelect(X, 1.f, -1.f), FMath::FloatSelect(Y, 1.f, -1.f), FMath::FloatSelect(Z, 1.f, -1.f));
}FORCEINLINE FVector FVector::Projection() const
{const float RZ = 1.f/Z;return FVector( X*RZ, Y*RZ, 1 );
}FORCEINLINE FVector FVector::GetUnsafeNormal() const
{const float Scale = FMath::InvSqrt(X*X+Y*Y+Z*Z);return FVector( X*Scale, Y*Scale, Z*Scale );
}FORCEINLINE FVector FVector::UnsafeNormal() const
{return GetUnsafeNormal();
}FORCEINLINE FVector FVector::GridSnap( const float& GridSz ) const
{return FVector( FMath::GridSnap(X, GridSz),FMath::GridSnap(Y, GridSz),FMath::GridSnap(Z, GridSz) );
}FORCEINLINE FVector FVector::BoundToCube( float Radius ) const
{return FVector(FMath::Clamp(X,-Radius,Radius),FMath::Clamp(Y,-Radius,Radius),FMath::Clamp(Z,-Radius,Radius));
}FORCEINLINE FVector FVector::GetClampedToSize(float Min, float Max) const
{float VecSize = Size();const FVector VecDir = (VecSize > SMALL_NUMBER) ? (*this/VecSize) : FVector::ZeroVector;VecSize = FMath::Clamp(VecSize, Min, Max);return VecSize * VecDir;
}FORCEINLINE FVector FVector::ClampSize(float Min, float Max) const
{return GetClampedToSize(Min, Max);
}FORCEINLINE FVector FVector::GetClampedToSize2D(float Min, float Max) const
{float VecSize2D = Size2D();const FVector VecDir = (VecSize2D > SMALL_NUMBER) ? (*this/VecSize2D) : FVector::ZeroVector;VecSize2D = FMath::Clamp(VecSize2D, Min, Max);return FVector(VecSize2D * VecDir.X, VecSize2D * VecDir.Y, Z);
}FORCEINLINE FVector FVector::ClampSize2D(float Min, float Max) const
{return GetClampedToSize2D(Min, Max);
}FORCEINLINE FVector FVector::GetClampedToMaxSize(float MaxSize) const
{if (MaxSize < KINDA_SMALL_NUMBER){return FVector::ZeroVector;}const float VSq = SizeSquared();if (VSq > FMath::Square(MaxSize)){const float Scale = MaxSize * FMath::InvSqrt(VSq);return FVector(X*Scale, Y*Scale, Z*Scale);}else{return *this;}
}FORCEINLINE FVector FVector::ClampMaxSize(float MaxSize) const
{return GetClampedToMaxSize(MaxSize);
}FORCEINLINE FVector FVector::GetClampedToMaxSize2D(float MaxSize) const
{if (MaxSize < KINDA_SMALL_NUMBER){return FVector(0.f, 0.f, Z);}const float VSq2D = SizeSquared2D();if (VSq2D > FMath::Square(MaxSize)){const float Scale = MaxSize * FMath::InvSqrt(VSq2D);return FVector(X*Scale, Y*Scale, Z);}else{return *this;}
}FORCEINLINE FVector FVector::ClampMaxSize2D(float MaxSize) const
{return GetClampedToMaxSize2D(MaxSize);
}FORCEINLINE void FVector::AddBounded( const FVector& V, float Radius )
{*this = (*this + V).BoundToCube(Radius);
}FORCEINLINE float& FVector::Component( int32 Index )
{return (&X)[Index];
}FORCEINLINE float FVector::Component( int32 Index ) const
{return (&X)[Index];
}FORCEINLINE FVector FVector::Reciprocal() const
{FVector RecVector;if (X!=0.f){RecVector.X = 1.f/X;}else {RecVector.X = BIG_NUMBER;}if (Y!=0.f){RecVector.Y = 1.f/Y;}else {RecVector.Y = BIG_NUMBER;}if (Z!=0.f){RecVector.Z = 1.f/Z;}else {RecVector.Z = BIG_NUMBER;}return RecVector;
}FORCEINLINE bool FVector::IsUniform(float Tolerance) const
{return (FMath::Abs(X-Y) < Tolerance) && (FMath::Abs(Y-Z) < Tolerance);
}FORCEINLINE FVector FVector::MirrorByVector( const FVector& MirrorNormal ) const
{return *this - MirrorNormal * (2.f * (*this | MirrorNormal));
}FORCEINLINE FVector FVector::GetSafeNormal(float Tolerance) const
{const float SquareSum = X*X + Y*Y + Z*Z;// Not sure if it's safe to add tolerance in there. Might introduce too many errorsif( SquareSum == 1.f ){return *this;}     else if( SquareSum < Tolerance ){return FVector::ZeroVector;}const float Scale = FMath::InvSqrt(SquareSum);return FVector(X*Scale, Y*Scale, Z*Scale);
}FORCEINLINE FVector FVector::SafeNormal(float Tolerance) const
{return GetSafeNormal(Tolerance);
}FORCEINLINE FVector FVector::GetSafeNormal2D(float Tolerance) const
{const float SquareSum = X*X + Y*Y;// Not sure if it's safe to add tolerance in there. Might introduce too many errorsif( SquareSum == 1.f ){if( Z == 0.f ){return *this;}else{return FVector(X, Y, 0.f);}}else if( SquareSum < Tolerance ){return FVector::ZeroVector;}const float Scale = FMath::InvSqrt(SquareSum);return FVector(X*Scale, Y*Scale, 0.f);
}FORCEINLINE FVector FVector::SafeNormal2D(float Tolerance) const
{return GetSafeNormal2D(Tolerance);
}FORCEINLINE float FVector::CosineAngle2D(FVector B) const
{FVector A(*this);A.Z = 0.0f;B.Z = 0.0f;A.Normalize();B.Normalize();return A | B;
}FORCEINLINE FVector FVector::ProjectOnTo( const FVector& A ) const
{ return (A * ((*this | A) / (A | A)));
}FORCEINLINE FVector FVector::ProjectOnToNormal(const FVector& Normal) const
{return (Normal * (*this | Normal));
}FORCEINLINE bool FVector::ContainsNaN() const
{return (FMath::IsNaN(X) || !FMath::IsFinite(X) || FMath::IsNaN(Y) || !FMath::IsFinite(Y) ||FMath::IsNaN(Z) || !FMath::IsFinite(Z));
}FORCEINLINE bool FVector::IsUnit(float LengthSquaredTolerance ) const
{return FMath::Abs(1.0f - SizeSquared()) < LengthSquaredTolerance;
}FORCEINLINE FString FVector::ToString() const
{return FString::Printf(TEXT("X=%3.3f Y=%3.3f Z=%3.3f"), X, Y, Z);
}FORCEINLINE FText FVector::ToText() const
{FFormatNamedArguments Args;Args.Add(TEXT("X"), X);Args.Add(TEXT("Y"), Y);Args.Add(TEXT("Z"), Z);return FText::Format(NSLOCTEXT("Core", "Vector3", "X={X} Y={Y} Z={Z}"), Args);
}FORCEINLINE FText FVector::ToCompactText() const
{if (IsNearlyZero()){return NSLOCTEXT("Core", "Vector3_CompactZeroVector", "V(0)");}const bool XIsNotZero = !FMath::IsNearlyZero(X);const bool YIsNotZero = !FMath::IsNearlyZero(Y);const bool ZIsNotZero = !FMath::IsNearlyZero(Z);FNumberFormattingOptions FormatRules;FormatRules.MinimumFractionalDigits = 2;FormatRules.MinimumIntegralDigits = 0;FFormatNamedArguments Args;Args.Add(TEXT("X"), FText::AsNumber(X, &FormatRules));Args.Add(TEXT("Y"), FText::AsNumber(Y, &FormatRules));Args.Add(TEXT("Z"), FText::AsNumber(Z, &FormatRules));if (XIsNotZero && YIsNotZero && ZIsNotZero){return FText::Format(NSLOCTEXT("Core", "Vector3_CompactXYZ", "V(X={X}, Y={Y}, Z={Z})"), Args);}else if (!XIsNotZero && YIsNotZero && ZIsNotZero){return FText::Format(NSLOCTEXT("Core", "Vector3_CompactYZ", "V(Y={Y}, Z={Z})"), Args);}else if (XIsNotZero && !YIsNotZero && ZIsNotZero){return FText::Format(NSLOCTEXT("Core", "Vector3_CompactXZ", "V(X={X}, Z={Z})"), Args);}else if (XIsNotZero && YIsNotZero && !ZIsNotZero){return FText::Format(NSLOCTEXT("Core", "Vector3_CompactXY", "V(X={X}, Y={Y})"), Args);}else if (!XIsNotZero && !YIsNotZero && ZIsNotZero){return FText::Format(NSLOCTEXT("Core", "Vector3_CompactZ", "V(Z={Z})"), Args);}else if (XIsNotZero && !YIsNotZero && !ZIsNotZero){return FText::Format(NSLOCTEXT("Core", "Vector3_CompactX", "V(X={X})"), Args);}else if (!XIsNotZero && YIsNotZero && !ZIsNotZero){return FText::Format(NSLOCTEXT("Core", "Vector3_CompactY", "V(Y={Y})"), Args);}return NSLOCTEXT("Core", "Vector3_CompactZeroVector", "V(0)");
}FORCEINLINE FString FVector::ToCompactString() const
{if( IsNearlyZero() ){return FString::Printf(TEXT("V(0)"));}FString ReturnString(TEXT("V("));bool bIsEmptyString = true;if( !FMath::IsNearlyZero(X) ){ReturnString += FString::Printf(TEXT("X=%.2f"), X);bIsEmptyString = false;}if( !FMath::IsNearlyZero(Y) ){if( !bIsEmptyString ){ReturnString += FString(TEXT(", "));}ReturnString += FString::Printf(TEXT("Y=%.2f"), Y);bIsEmptyString = false;}if( !FMath::IsNearlyZero(Z) ){if( !bIsEmptyString ){ReturnString += FString(TEXT(", "));}ReturnString += FString::Printf(TEXT("Z=%.2f"), Z);bIsEmptyString = false;}ReturnString += FString(TEXT(")"));return ReturnString;
}FORCEINLINE bool FVector::InitFromString( const FString& InSourceString )
{X = Y = Z = 0;// The initialization is only successful if the X, Y, and Z values can all be parsed from the stringconst bool bSuccessful = FParse::Value( *InSourceString, TEXT("X=") , X ) && FParse::Value( *InSourceString, TEXT("Y="), Y ) && FParse::Value( *InSourceString, TEXT("Z="), Z );return bSuccessful;
}FORCEINLINE FVector2D FVector::UnitCartesianToSpherical() const
{checkSlow(IsUnit());const float Theta = FMath::Acos(Z / Size());const float Phi = FMath::Atan2(Y, X);return FVector2D(Theta, Phi);
}FORCEINLINE float FVector::HeadingAngle() const
{// Project Dir into Z plane.FVector PlaneDir = *this;PlaneDir.Z = 0.f;PlaneDir = PlaneDir.GetSafeNormal();float Angle = FMath::Acos(PlaneDir.X);if(PlaneDir.Y < 0.0f){Angle *= -1.0f;}return Angle;
}FORCEINLINE float FVector::Dist( const FVector &V1, const FVector &V2 )
{return FMath::Sqrt( FMath::Square(V2.X-V1.X) + FMath::Square(V2.Y-V1.Y) + FMath::Square(V2.Z-V1.Z) );
}FORCEINLINE float FVector::DistSquared( const FVector &V1, const FVector &V2 )
{return FMath::Square(V2.X-V1.X) + FMath::Square(V2.Y-V1.Y) + FMath::Square(V2.Z-V1.Z);
}FORCEINLINE float FVector::BoxPushOut( const FVector& Normal, const FVector& Size )
{return FMath::Abs(Normal.X*Size.X) + FMath::Abs(Normal.Y*Size.Y) + FMath::Abs(Normal.Z*Size.Z);
}/** Component-wise clamp for FVector */
FORCEINLINE FVector ClampVector( const FVector& V, const FVector& Min, const FVector& Max )
{return FVector(FMath::Clamp(V.X,Min.X,Max.X),FMath::Clamp(V.Y,Min.Y,Max.Y),FMath::Clamp(V.Z,Min.Z,Max.Z));
}template <> struct TIsPODType<FVector> { enum { Value = true }; };


  • 3D数学基础:图形与游戏开发
  • https://learnopengl.com/
  • unreal4 源码


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