
这篇关于Rough Set的整理主要是wiki上面的内容,因为找了好几个讲解Rough Set的资料感觉都不是很清晰,看到wiki上面的内容到时清楚明白,所以打算根据wiki上面的内容总结一下。

原文链接:点击打开链接 (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rough_set)

1. Definitions

1.1 Information system framework

Let  be an information system (attribute-value system).

 is a non-empty set of finite objects (the universe)   = { ~ }

 is a non-empty, finite set of attributes           = { ~ }

Such that  for every .

 is the set of values that attribute  may take.    = {0, 1, 2} if  = 

 is the value of object  's attribute  's value.  = 1 if  =  and  = 

An example of Information system table:

With any  there is an associated equivalence relation :

The relation  is called a -indiscernibility relation.

The partition of  is a family of all equivalence classes of  and is denoted by  (or ).

If , then  and  are indiscernible (or indistinguishable) by attributes from  .

For example:


so the equivalence classes:

if attribute  alone is selected

so the equivalence classes:

1.2 Definition of a Rough Set

Let  be a target set that we wish to represent using attribute subset .

For example

consider the target set , and let attribute subset , the full available set of features. It will be noted that the set  cannot be expressed exactly, because in , objects  are indiscernible. Thus, there is no way to represent any set  which includes  but excludes objects  and .

However, the target set  can be approximated using only the information contained within  by constructing the -lower and -upper approximations of :

Lower approximation and positive region

is the union of all equivalence classes in  which are contained by (i.e., are subsets of) the target set.
The lower approximation is the complete set of objects in  that can be positively (i.e., unambiguously) classified as belonging to target set .

Upper approximation and negative region

is the union of all equivalence classes in  which have non-empty intersection with the target set.

The upper approximation is the complete set of objects that in  that cannot be positively (i.e., unambiguously) classified as belonging to the complement () of the target set . In other words, the upper approximation is the complete set of objects that are possibly members of the target set . The set  therefore represents the negative region, containing the set of objects that can be definitely ruled out as members of the target set.

Boundary region

The boundary region, given by set difference , consists of those objects that can neither be ruled in nor ruled out as members of the target set .

The rough set

The tuple  composed of the lower and upper approximation is called a rough set; thus, a rough set is composed of two crisp sets, one representing a lower boundary of the target set , and the other representing an upper boundary of the target set .

The accuracy of the rough-set representation of the set  :

That is, the accuracy of the rough set representation of , is the ratio of the number of objects which can positively be placed in  to the number of objects that can possibly be placed in  – this provides a measure of how closely the rough set is approximating the target set.

1.3 Definability

if , we say the  is definable on attribute set  , otherwise, it's undefinable.

  • Set  is internally undefinable if  and . This means that on attribute set , there are objects which we can be certain belong to target set , but there are no objects which we can definitively exclude from set .
  • Set  is externally undefinable if  and . This means that on attribute set , there are no objects which we can be certain belong to target set , but there are objects which we can definitively exclude from set .
  • Set  is totally undefinable if  and . This means that on attribute set , there are no objects which we can be certain belong to target set , and there are no objects which we can definitively exclude from set . Thus, on attribute set , we cannot decide whether any object is, or is not, a member of .

    1.4 Reduct and core

    Formally, a reduct is a subset of attributes  such that

    •  = , that is, the equivalence classes induced by the reduced attribute set  are the same as the equivalence class structure induced by the full attribute set .
    • the attribute set  is minimal, in the sense that  for any attribute ; in other words, no attribute can be removed from set  without changing the equivalence classes .
    So, for example:

    attribute set  is a reduct, and the equivalence class structure is

    and same with the  .So we can say the former one is a reduct of the latter one. Moreover, the reduct is not unique and for this instance,  is also a reduct for the  .

    The set of attributes which is common to all reducts is called the core

    for the two reducts  and , the common attribute is  ,which is the core of equivalence-class structure. If  is drop out of the attribute set, the equivalence-class structure will be changed.

    Note that it is possible for the core to be empty, whicn means that there is no indispensable attribute:any single attribute in such an information system can be deleted without altering the equivalence-class structure. In such cases, there is no essential or necessary attribute which is required for the class structure to be represented.

    后面还有Attribute dependency, Rule extraction, Incomplete data三部分,待以后再看。


    时隔多日,终于又可以开始搞自己的小研究了,最近读了一篇Rough set 和 DS evidence 相结合文章,其中利用Rough set做权值计算,在这里整理一下:





    是一个非空的对象集,也就是说上面的O1, O2,...

    是条件属性集,一共有m个条件属性(Condition Attribute)

    是决定属性集,一共有n个决定属性(Decision Attribute),但通常我们只有一个







    根据上面的等价条件公式,我们可以得到针对不同条件下的知识系统(Knowledge system)

    主体对象们 U 对于条件属性全集 C 的知识系统,等价于上文中的




    Definition 1:决定属性 D 对于条件属性全集 C 的依赖度

    表示在考虑决策属性与条件属性的关系时,中的一个子集[x] 与中的一个子集[y] 所相交的部分的占[x]的百分比。

    Definition 2:第 j个条件属性的显著性(significance)的计算


    Definition 3:计算权值(归一化)

    通过上面的Definition 2我们可以计算出所有的条件变量的显著性,根据所得到的显著性,通过归一化得到每个条件属性的权重值


    company Export 1 Export 2 Export 3 Actual financial condition
     1 1 0 1 1
    2 1 1 1 1
    3 0 1 1 0
    4 1 1 1 1
    5 0 0 0 0
    6 0 0 0 0
    7 0 0 0 1


    1. 首先,根据基本概念,我们要计算出要用的各个等价关系和知识系统。

    根据我们计算权重的原理(熵理论),我们要首先计算出在有所有专家都参与的系统中的熵是多少,根据Definition 1,我们可以计算得到:

    根据Definition 2,我们可以计算得到:

    这里需要注意的一点是关于计算公式中 0×ln0 的值的问题,在信息熵(Information Entropy)理论中,0×ln0的值为0。可以参考wiki,传送门:点击打开链接这里贴上这段话:

    根据Definition 3,我们可以得到:


    Expert 1在决策时的权重为1,而Expert 2和Expert 3的决策权重均为零(也就是说Expert 1说的靠谱,而Expert 2 和 3都不靠谱(相比较Expert 1而言))。

    OK, that's all.

    Thanks for your watching!

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