下载 , 解压后运行 cmd

cd D:\rhino\rhino1_7R5

先测试最简单的: java -jar js.jar swing1.js

var SwingGui = new JavaImporter(javax.swing, javax.swing.event, javax.swing.border, java.awt.event);
with (SwingGui) { var frame = new JFrame("test");frame.setSize(300,200);var pane = frame.getContentPane();var button1 = new JButton("button1"); pane.add(button1);frame.setVisible(true);    frame.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE);

测试发行版中例子: java -jar js.jar examples/SwingApplication.js 居然报错了

js: Cannot convert function to interface java.awt.event.WindowListener since it
contains methods with different names

看了书【Java 程序设计】,明白了,改一处即可。

with (swingNames) {try {UIManager.setLookAndFeel(UIManager.getCrossPlatformLookAndFeelClassName());} catch (e) { }//Create the top-level container and add contents to it.var frame = new swingNames.JFrame("SwingApplication");frame.getContentPane().add(createComponents(), BorderLayout.CENTER);// Pass JS function as implementation of WindowListener. It is allowed since // all methods in WindowListener have the same signature. To distinguish // between methods Rhino passes to JS function the name of corresponding // method as the last argument
/*frame.addWindowListener(function(event, methodName) {if (methodName == "windowClosing") {     java.lang.System.exit(0);}});
*///Finish setting up the frame, and show it.frame.pack();frame.setVisible(true);frame.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE);

一个较复杂的例子: 来自参考书【JavaScript 权威指南】第12章

java -jar js.jar  rhinoURLFetcher.js

/** A download manager application with a simple Java GUI*/
var swingNames = new JavaImporter(javax.swing, javax.swing.event, javax.swing.border, java.awt,java.awt.event); importClass(;
importClass(java.lang.Thread);with (swingNames) {
var frame = new JFrame("Rhino URL Fetcher");     // The application window
var urlfield = new JTextField(30);               // URL entry field
var button = new JButton("Download");            // Button to start download
var filechooser = new JFileChooser();            // A file selection dialog
var row = Box.createHorizontalBox();             // A box for field and button
var col = Box.createVerticalBox();               // For the row & progress bars
var padding = new EmptyBorder(3,3,3,3);          // Padding for rows// Put them all together and display the GUI
row.add(urlfield);                               // Input field goes in the row
row.add(button);                                 // Button goes in the row
col.add(row);                                    // Row goes in the column
frame.add(col);                                  // Column goes in the frame
row.setBorder(padding);                          // Add some padding to the row
frame.pack();                                    // Set to minimum size
frame.visible = true;                            // Make the window visible
frame.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE);// When the user clicks the button, call this function
button.addActionListener(function() {try {// Create a to represent the source URL.// (This will check that the user's input is well-formed)var url = new URL(urlfield.text);// Ask the user to select a file to save the URL contents to.var response = filechooser.showSaveDialog(frame);// Quit now if they clicked Cancelif (response != JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION) return;// Otherwise, get the that represents the destination filevar file = filechooser.getSelectedFile();// Now start a new thread to download the urlnew java.lang.Thread(function() { download(url,file); }).start();}    catch(e) {// Display a dialog box if anything goes wrongJOptionPane.showMessageDialog(frame, e.message, "Exception",JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);}
});// Use, etc. to download the content of the URL and use
//, etc. to save that content to a file.  Display download
// progress in a JProgressBar component.  This will be invoked in a new thread.
function download(url, file) {try {// Each time we download a URL we add a new row to the window// to display the url, the filename, and the download progressvar row = Box.createHorizontalBox();     // Create the rowrow.setBorder(padding);                  // Give it some paddingvar label = url.toString() + ": ";       // Display the URL row.add(new JLabel(label));              //   in a JLabelvar bar = new JProgressBar(0, 100);      // Add a progress barbar.stringPainted = true;                // Display filename inbar.string = file.toString();            //   the progress barrow.add(bar);                            // Add bar to this new rowcol.add(row);                            // Add row to the columnframe.pack();                            // Resize window// We don't yet know the URL size, so bar starts just animatingbar.indeterminate = true; // Now connect to the server and get the URL length if we canvar conn = url.openConnection();         // Get;                          // Connect and wait for headersvar len = conn.contentLength;            // See if we have URL lengthif (len) {                               // If length known, then bar.maximum = len;                   //   set the bar to display bar.indeterminate = false;           //   the percent downloaded}// Get input and output streamsvar input = conn.inputStream;            // To read bytes from servervar output = new FileOutputStream(file); // To write bytes to file// Create an array of 4k bytes as an input buffervar buffer = java.lang.reflect.Array.newInstance(java.lang.Byte.TYPE,4096);var num;while(( != -1) {  // Read and loop until EOFoutput.write(buffer, 0, num);        // Write bytes to filebar.value += num;                    // Update progress bar}output.close();                          // Close streams when doneinput.close();}catch(e) { // If anything goes wrong, display error in progress barif (bar) {bar.indeterminate = false;           // Stop animatingbar.string = e.toString();           // Replace filename with error}}

cd D:\rhino\rhino1_7R5\examples
java -cp ..\js.jar;. unique.js test1.txt
编写 rhino.bat

@echo off
java -cp D:/rhino/rhino1_7R5/js.jar;. %*

rhino.bat swing1.js

rhino.bat  rhinoURLFetcher.js

彩蛋 : [ mozilla rhino js Test URL or Socket ]

mozilla rhino 用 jsc 编译 *.js 
编写 jsc.bat 
@echo off  
java -cp D:/rhino/rhino1_7R5/js.jar;. %*

编写 run.bat 
@echo off  
java -cp D:/rhino/rhino1_7R5/js.jar;. %*

编译 jsc.bat chat.js 生成 chat.class 
运行 run.bat chat

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