$flash_tool_path/flash_tool -d $flash_tool_path/MTK_AllInOne_DA.bin -s /path/to/MT6580_Android_scatter.txt -c format-download -t auto -b;-d 指定 DownloadAgent 的路径
-s 指定 Android_scatter.txt 的路径
-c 指定下载方式,我这个使用 format-download 来做格式化下载
-t auto 指定是否上电
-b 下载之后自动开机

各个参数的详细介绍可以使用 flashtool --help命令进行查看

flashtool --helpArgument instructions:-i, --config    console mode configuration file, mandatory with config.xml.flash_tool -i config.xml-s, --scatter    scatter file path, mandatory without config.xml.flash_tool -c download -s MT6575_Anroid_scatter.txt-c, --operation    flash tool features, mandatory without config.xml, just support:formatdownloadformat-downloadfirmware-upgradecert-downloadefusedram-repairflash_tool -c download -s MT6575_Anroid_scatter.txt-d, --da_agent    download agent file path.flash_tool -d MTK_AllInOne_DA.bin -s MT6575_Anroid_scatter.txt -c download-e, --cert_file    certification file path.flash_tool -e cert_file.cert -s MT6575_Anroid_scatter.txt -c cert-download-p, --com_port    com port, format is as COM4+COM6 (BROM download), COM5 (preloader download) on Windows and format is as 5-2+1-6(BROM download), 5-1(preloader download) on Linux.flash_tool -p COM4+COM6 -i config.xmlflash_tool -p COM4+COM6 -s MT6575_Anroid_scatter.txt -c download-r, --redirect    redirect debug log to parent process.flash_tool -r -i config.xml-t, --battery_mode    Specify battery mode. with, without and auto are available. if no specify the -t argument, the auto mode used.        Only valid without config.xml.flash_tool -d MTK_AllInOne_DA.bin  -s MT6575_Anroid_scatter.txt  -c download -t without-b, --reboot    reboot the device.flash_tool -b -i config.xml-o, --efuse_read_only    efuse read only, ONLY on windows.flash_tool -o -i config.xml--disable_storage_life_cycle_check  disable storage life cycle check feature.flash_tool -s MT6575_Anroid_scatter.txt -c download --disable_storage_life_cycle_check-a, --auth_file    authentication file path.flash_tool -a auth_file.auth -s MT6575_Anroid_scatter.txt

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