命令行 上下箭头符号

Symbolic links allow you to links files and directories to other files and directories. They go by many names including symlinks, shell links, soft links, shortcuts, and aliases. At a glance, a symbolic link looks like just a file or directory, but when you interact with them, they will actually interact with the target at the other end. Think of them like worm holes for your file system.

使用符号链接可以将文件和目录链接到其他文件和目录。 它们有很多名称,包括符号链接,shell链接,软链接,快捷方式和别名。 乍一看,符号链接看起来就像一个文件或目录,但是当您与它们交互时,它们实际上将与另一端的目标交互。 将它们视为文件系统的蠕虫Kong。

入门 (Getting started)

The system call necessary to create symbolic links tends to be readily available on Unix-like and POSIX-compliant operating systems. The command we’ll be using to create the links is the ln command.

创建符号链接所需的系统调用通常可以在类似Unix且兼容POSIX的操作系统上使用。 我们将用来创建链接的命令是ln命令。

You’re welcome to use the files on your system to mess around with, but I thought it would be nice to provide a few lines of code to setup an environment for following along with this post:


$ mkdir -p /tmp/symlinks/{one,two}
$ cd /tmp/symlinks
$ echo "one" > ./one/one.txt
$ echo "two" > ./two/two.txt

If you were to run tree, it should look like this:

如果要运行tree ,则应如下所示:

$ tree
├── one
│   └── one.txt
└── two└── two.txt2 directories, 2 files

Perfect, let’s get to linking!


硬连结 (Hard linking)

By default, the ln command will make hard links instead of symbolic, or soft, links.

默认情况下, ln命令将建立硬链接,而不是符号链接或软链接。

To ensure that we’re creating symbolic links, we’ll want to pass the -s or --symbolic argument to the ln command.


What’s a hard link anyway?


Hard links link directly to the inode where the item resides on the disk, instead of acting as a pointer to the original file, the way symbolic links do. What you end up with is a copy of the original and any changes to the original will not be reflected.

硬链接直接链接到项目在磁盘上所在的索引节点,而不是像符号链接那样充当指向原始文件的指针。 您最终得到的是原件的副本,对原件的任何更改都不会反映出来。

Hard links serve their purpose in the world, but should be avoided when linking inside of of a git repository as they cause a ton of confusion.


From my own experience, I’m always using symbolic links, but never hard links. As I write this, I’m wondering why I have yet to alias ln to ln -s to save a few keystrokes:

根据我自己的经验,我一直使用符号链接,但从未使用硬链接。 在撰写本文时,我想知道为什么我还没有将ln别名为ln -s来保存一些击键:

alias ls="ln -s"

符号链接 (Symbolic linking)

As mentioned, symbolic linking is effectively like creating a file that contains the target’s filename and path.


Because it’s simply a reference to the original file, any changes that are made to the original will be immediately available via the symbolic link.


Some of my favorite uses for symbolic links are to create local directories in my home directory that point to files being synchronized by Dropbox or to link current to the latest build of a project in a directory that is dynamically named and includes a date and time.


Given the files we created earlier in the getting started section, let’s go ahead and try linking the one directory to the three directory:


$ ln -s one three

Now we should have 3 directories, one of which is pointing back to another. To see things in more detail, we can use the ls command:

现在我们应该有3个目录,其中一个指向另一个。 要更详细地了解事物,我们可以使用ls命令:

$ ls
one/  three@  two/

Notice the @ symbol? That indicates that the file is a symbolic link!

注意@符号吗? 这表明该文件是符号链接!

For even greater detail, we can pass in the -l argument and see where the symbolic link is actually pointed:


$ ls -l
total 0
drwxr-xr-x 2 josh josh 60 Sep 13 17:18 one/
lrwxrwxrwx 1 josh josh  3 Sep 13 17:34 three -> one/
drwxr-xr-x 2 josh josh 60 Sep 13 17:18 two/

As expected, the three link is pointed to the one directory.


Symbolic links can also contain symbolic links, so we could go ahead and link the one.txt file from three to the two directory:


$ ln -s three/one.txt two/one.txt

We should now have a file named one.txt inside of the two directory. Depending on your terminal configuration, this file very well may be blinking red.

现在,我们应该在two目录中有一个名为one.txt的文件。 根据您的终端配置,此文件可能会闪烁红色。

Even though the symbolic link was created, the way we specified the path was relative and thus, the link is broken because the two directory doesn’t contain a three directory with the one.txt file in it.


Fortunately, we can remedy this situation but telling ln to create the symbolic link relative to the link location using the -r or --relative argument.


Not so fast though, because the symbolic link already exists, we can’t overwrite it without passing in the -f or --force argument as well:


$ ln -srf three/one.txt two/one.txt

Great! We now have two/one.txt which was linked to three/one.txt which is a link to one/one.txt.

大! 现在,我们有two/one.txt链接到three/one.txt ,后者是一个链接到one/one.txt

Phew, what a mouthful.


Funny enough, your file system thinks it’s a mouthful as well. When we run tree, the link target being shown is actually that of our original location and not to the link itself:

有趣的是,您的文件系统也认为这很麻烦。 当我们运行tree ,显示的链接目标实际上是我们原始位置的目标,而不是链接本身:

$ tree
├── one
│   └── one.txt
├── three -> one
└── two├── one.txt -> ../one/one.txt└── two.txt3 directories, 3 files

Now that things are linked up nice, we can really see how symbolic links work by messing with the file contents.


Here’s what all of our one.txt files look like right now:


$ cat {one,two,three}/one.txt

And if we were to update the contents of the original file and check again:


$ echo "1. One" > one/one.txt
$ cat {one,two,three}/one.txt
1. One
1. One
1. One

Or even if we changed the contents via one of the symbolic links:


$ echo "One and done" > three/one.txt
$ cat {one,two,three}/one.txt
One and done
One and done
One and done

Because symbolic links are simply pointers to files, any change we make, to the original file or the symbolic links will be immediately reflected in the original file or any symbolic links to the file.


结论 (Conclusion)

I hope you enjoyed this introduction to symbolic links. I do want to leave you with one word of caution though.

希望您喜欢符号链接的介绍。 不过,我确实想提醒您。

While linking is pretty great, and can make your life a ton easier, keep in mind that if you were to move or delete the original file or directory, all of your existing symbolic links pointed to it will become broken. There’s no automatic updating in that scenario.

虽然链接非常棒,并且可以使您的生活更轻松,但是请记住,如果要移动或删除原始文件或目录,则指向该文件或目录的所有现有符号链接都将断开。 在这种情况下,没有自动更新。

Hopefully this small short coming doesn’t scare you off from using this powerful command-line functionality!


翻译自: https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/workflow-symbolic-links

命令行 上下箭头符号

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