
The Search box to the right of the address bar in Firefox allows you to quickly search the web without opening a search engine website on a tab. Yahoo is now the default search engine when you install Firefox, but that’s easily changed.

在Firefox中,地址栏右侧的“搜索”框可让您快速搜索网络,而无需在标签上打开搜索引擎网站。 当您安装Firefox时,雅虎现在是默认的搜索引擎,但这很容易更改。

We’ll show you how to change the default search engine for the Search box and address bar using Google as an example, but you can choose whichever search engine you like.


To change the default search engine used in the Search box, click the magnifying glass on the left side of the box.


Then, click “Change Search Settings” at the bottom of the popup.


The Search page displays on a new Options tab. Under Default Search Engine, select “Google” (or whichever search engine you want) from the drop-down list.

“搜索”页面显示在新的“选项”选项卡上。 在“默认搜索引擎”下,从下拉列表中选择“ Google”(或所需的任何搜索引擎)。

If the search engine you want is not in the list on the Search Options screen, you can easily add it to the list of available search engines in Firefox.

如果所需的搜索引擎不在“搜索选项”屏幕上的列表中,则可以轻松地将其添加到Firefox中的可用搜索引擎列表中 。

Click the “X” on the tab, or press Ctrl+W, to close the Options tab.

单击选项卡上的“ X”,或按Ctrl + W,以关闭“选项”选项卡。

Now, when you enter a search term in the Search box, the search engine you selected will be automatically used to perform the search.


Now Firefox’s search box and address bar will use your favorite search engine instead of Yahoo.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/290578/how-to-change-the-firefoxs-default-search-engine-back-to-google/



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