xplorer 使用

"The Norton Commander is the most useful DOS program ever written" says the Commander Homepage, a site dedicated to Norton Commander. And true it is. NC was flippin' fabulous. I used the crap out of that program. You think I'm fast now, back in day™ I was fast as lightning on a stac'ered 386sx. Those were the days.

诺顿指挥官是有史以来编写的最有用的DOS程序”,专用于诺顿指挥官的Commander主页说。 的确如此。 NC非常出色。 我用了那个程序的废话。 您认为我现在快了,回到过去™时,我的速度就像一架散布在386sx上的闪电。 那些日子。

Misha Bergal emailed me recently reminding me of FAR, a text-mode Norton Commander clone with Windows long filename support. Wow, takes me back.

Misha Bergal最近给我发送了电子邮件,使我想起了FAR , FAR是文本模式的Norton Commander克隆,具有Windows长文件名支持。 哇,带我回来

Sure, PowerShell is a better shell. The best ever, even, there's no question of that (Seriously, get on board, the PowerShell is poised to take over the planet, but I digress...) but if you really want to stop dragging files around in Explorer and start doing some serious damage, take a look at these potential additions to your tools list.

当然, PowerShell是更好的外壳。 甚至有史以来最好的情况(认真地讲,PowerShell准备接管这个星球,但是我离题了……),但是如果您真的想停止在资源管理器中拖动文件并开始做一些严重的损坏,请查看这些可能添加到您的工具列表中的内容。

The first is FAR and the real story is it's plugin support. Some of my favorite features? Start it up and press Ctrl-UpArrow for a while, then Ctrl-DownArrow. Now try Alt-F9. Try Ctrl-W. It'll take a while to get used to, but wow, you can fly once you've taken off.

首先是FAR ,真正的故事是它的插件支持。 我最喜欢的一些功能? 启动它,然后按Ctrl-UpArrow一会儿,然后按Ctrl-DownArrow。 现在尝试Alt-F9。 尝试按Ctrl-W。 这需要一段时间才能习惯,但是哇,一旦起飞,您就可以飞翔。

My other favorite Explorer Replacement is xplorer2 from Zabkat. There's so much goodness in xplorer2 I will have to blog about it separately. It's got the same familiar Norton Command dual-pane view with the quick switching with "Tab" feature. It has integrated file preview and all the things you'd expect, but also throws in a great folder synchronizer, an amazing "mass file rename" token language for those large tricking bulk renames, rule-based file section, a macro language and it starts up faster than a new explorer window.

我另一个喜欢的资源管理器替换是Zabkat的xplorer 2 。 xplorer 2有很多优点,我将不得不单独撰写博客。 它具有与“ Tab”功能的快速切换相同的熟悉的Norton Command双窗格视图。 它集成了文件预览和所有您期望的功能,而且还集成了出色的文件夹同步器,令人惊叹的“大量文件重命名”令牌语言,用于那些大的欺骗性批量重命名,基于规则的文件部分,宏语言及其比新的资源管理器窗口启动更快。

Both of these great tools are bound to hotkeys on my systems and make my life easier.


翻译自: https://www.hanselman.com/blog/replacing-explorerexe-the-return-of-norton-commander-with-xplorer2-and-far

xplorer 使用

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