
Viewer request volume 视景器请求体

A tile's viewerRequestVolume can be used for combining heterogeneous datasets, and can be combined with external tilesets.


The following example has a building in a b3dm tile and a point cloud inside the building in a pnts tile. The point cloud tile's boundingVolume is a sphere with a radius of 1.25. It also has a larger sphere with a radius of 15 for the viewerRequestVolume. Since the geometricError is zero, the point cloud tile's content is always rendered (and initially requested) when the viewer is inside the large sphere defined by viewerRequestVolume.


"children": [{"transform": [4.843178171884396,   1.2424271388626869, 0,                  0,-0.7993325488216595,  3.1159251367235608, 3.8278032889280675, 0,0.9511533376784163, -3.7077466670407433, 3.2168186118075526, 0,1215001.7612985559, -4736269.697480114,  4081650.708604793,  1],"boundingVolume": {"box": [0,     0,    6.701,3.738, 0,    0,0,     3.72, 0,0,     0,    13.402]},"geometricError": 32,"content": {"url": "building.b3dm"}
}, {"transform": [0.968635634376879,    0.24848542777253732, 0,                  0,-0.15986650990768783,  0.6231850279035362,  0.7655606573007809, 0,0.19023066741520941, -0.7415493329385225,  0.6433637229384295, 0,1215002.0371330238,  -4736270.772726648,   4081651.6414821907, 1],"viewerRequestVolume": {"sphere": [0, 0, 0, 15]},"boundingVolume": {"sphere": [0, 0, 0, 1.25]},"geometricError": 0,"content": {"url": "points.pnts"}



tileset.json defines a tileset. Here is a subset of the tileset.json used for Canary Wharf (also see the complete tileset.json):

tileset.json定义一个瓦片集。下面是Canary Wharf的tileset.json文件中一部分:

{"asset" : {"version": "0.0","tilesetVersion": "e575c6f1-a45b-420a-b172-6449fa6e0a59","gltfUpAxis": "Y"},"properties": {"Height": {"minimum": 1,"maximum": 241.6}},"geometricError": 494.50961650991815,"root": {"boundingVolume": {"region": [-0.0005682966577418737,0.8987233516605286,0.00011646582098558159,0.8990603398325034,0,241.6]},"geometricError": 268.37878244706053,"content": {"url": "0/0/0.b3dm","boundingVolume": {"region": [-0.0004001690908972599,0.8988700116775743,0.00010096729722787196,0.8989625664878067,0,241.6]}},"children": [..]}

The top-level object in tileset.json has four properties: asset, properties, geometricError, and root.


asset is an object containing properties with metadata about the entire tileset. Its version property is a string that defines the 3D Tiles version. The version defines the JSON schema for tileset.json and the base set of tile formats. The tilesetVersion property is an optional string that defines an application-specific version of a tileset, e.g., for when an existing tileset is updated. The gltfUpAxis property is an optional string that specifies the up-axis of glTF models contained in the tileset.

asset对象包含整个瓦片集元数据属性,它的version属性是一个定义3D Tiles版本的字符串。版本定义了tileset.json的JSON模式和瓦片格式的基本集合。tilesetVersion是一个可选的字符串属性,定义瓦片集的专业版本号,例如用于当前瓦片集更新时。gltfUpAxis属性是一个可选的字符串属性,指定瓦片集中glTF模型的向上坐标轴。

properties is an object containing objects for each per-feature property in the tileset. This tileset.json snippet is for 3D buildings, so each tile has building models, and each building model has a Height property (see Batch Table). The name of each object in properties matches the name of a per-feature property, and defines its minimum and maximum numeric values, which are useful, for example, for creating color ramps for styling.


geometricError is a nonnegative number that defines the error, in meters, when the tileset is not rendered.


root is an object that defines the root tile using the JSON described in the above section. root.geometricError is not the same as tileset.json's top-level geometricError. tileset.json's geometricError is the error when the entire tileset is not rendered; root.geometricError is the error when only the root tile is rendered.


root.children is an array of objects that define child tiles. Each child tile has a boundingVolume fully enclosed by its parent tile's boundingVolume and, generally, a geometricError less than its parent tile's geometricError. For leaf tiles, the length of this array is zero, and children may not be defined.


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