原文: Installing Informix On Linux

Here I'll go through the steps to install the Informix (http://www.informix.com/) RDBMS on Linux.

This guide is based on http://webxpert.wordpress.com/how-to-install-informix-dynamic-server-in-redhat-linux/.

Download Informix

On the informix website go to: Support & Downloads -> Downloads -> Trials and Demos
Under I click on Informix Dynamic Server.
Download either IBM Informix Dynamic Server Express Edition or IBM Informix
Dynamic Server Developer Edition.

Create Informix User and Group

addgroup informix
adduser --ingroup informix informix

Run GUI Installer

Extract the tarball, then as root (with a working X $DISPLAY) run:

./ids_install -i console

Choose /home/informix as the installation path.
Do not create the sample database, it will likely fail anyway, we will do that later.

Configure 'informix' User Environment

Log in as the informix user:

sudo su - informix

Edit the .bashrc and add the following at the bottom:

export INFORMIXDIR=/home/informix
export INFORMIXSERVER=demo_on
export ONCONFIG=onconfig
export INFORMIXTERM=terminfo


Configure Informix

Copy etc/onconfig.std to etc/onconfig and make the following changes:

--- onconfig.std        2009-04-14 23:02:02.000000000 -0400
+++ onconfig    2010-03-26 04:00:41.000000000 -0400
@@ -40,11 +40,11 @@###################################################################ROOTNAME rootdbs
-ROOTPATH $INFORMIXDIR/tmp/demo_on.rootdbs
+ROOTPATH /home/informix/dbspaces/online_rootROOTOFFSET 0ROOTSIZE 200000MIRROR 0
-MIRRORPATH $INFORMIXDIR/tmp/demo_on.root_mirror
+MIRRORPATH /home/informix/mirrors/root_mirrorMIRROROFFSET 0###################################################################
@@ -123,7 +123,7 @@# CONSOLE      - The path of the IDS console message file###################################################################-MSGPATH $INFORMIXDIR/tmp/online.log
+MSGPATH /home/informix/logs/online.logCONSOLE $INFORMIXDIR/tmp/online.con###################################################################
@@ -198,7 +198,7 @@###################################################################SERVERNUM 0
+DBSERVERNAME demo_onDBSERVERALIASES###################################################################
@@ -398,7 +398,7 @@#                positive integral multiple of LTAPEBLK.###################################################################-LTAPEDEV /dev/tapedev

Copy etc/sqlhosts.std to etc/sqlhosts and add the following line:

demo_on         onipcshm        localhost           demo_on

Change localhost to the host name of the machine. (可以通过hostname命令查看服务器name)
Make some directories and files:

cd ~
mkdir dbspaces mirrors logs
cd dbspaces
touch online_root
chmod 660 online_root

Create and start the instance:

oninit -iv

To optionally create a sample database, run dbaccessdemo7 or dbaccessdemo9. (这里没有写错,确实有这两个命令)

Starting and Stopping

To start the instance, run:


To stop, run:

onmode -ky

An init script I wrote is here:

Create a Database

The sample database is not created with logging, this makes it not very useful for use with e.g. DBD::Informix.
To create a database, first log in as informix and run the dbaccess command.
Go to Database -> Create, type in the name you want; then go to Log -> Buffered_log; then Exit -> Create-new-database .
Configure your User Environment
In your .bashrc or whatever, put:

export INFORMIXDIR=/home/informix
export INFORMIXSERVER=demo_on
export INFORMIXTERM=terminfo
export DBD_INFORMIX_DATABASE=stores_demo
export DELIMIDENT=yexport LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/home/informix/lib:/home/informix/lib/esql
export PATH=$PATH:/home/informix/bin

You can now use the dbaccess command as a shell to run SQL queries. Unfortunately, it's a menu-driven program.

Build DBD::Informix for Perl

With the environment set as above, just install DBD::Informix as normally from  CPAN. Or just perl Makefile.PL; make; sudo make install. The DBD_INFORMIX_DATABASE environment variable should be set to a database that exists, you have stores_demo if you ran dbaccessdemo7 or 9.

Verify that it works:

perl -MDBI -le 'my $dbh = DBI->connect("dbi:Informix:stores_demo", "", ""); print for $dbh->selectrow_array("select today from sysmaster:sysdual")'

Replace stores_demo with the name of the logged database you created earlier.

Setting up TCP Connection Support

This information taken from http://database.itags.org/informix/57440/.
Login as the user informix.
Edit etc/onconfig.
Find the DBSERVERALIASES line and change it to:


Edit etc/sqlhosts and add the line:

hlaghdb_tcp    onsoctcp    localhost    informix_tcp

replace localhost with your hostname.
As root, edit /etc/services and add:

informix_tcp   33333/tcp

or whatever port you want to use.
Restart informix:

onmode -ky

Your DBI DSN becomes:


SQL Shell

You can use the dbaccess program to run SQL statements against your DBs, but it's some sort of very cumbersome, ancient terminal GUI.
I use the DBI::Shell CPAN module: http://search.cpan.org/perldoc?DBI::Shell.
Unfortunately DBI::Shell does not have history support, so I use rlwrap to add one.
Putting it all together:

alias informix="rlwrap -a -N -t dumb -i -f ~/.informix_dbish_history -H ~/.informix_dbish_history -s 30000 dbish dbi:Informix:hlaghdb@hlaghdb_tcp"

Statements end with ; like in SQL*Plus, use /quit to quit. Readline uses emacs keybindings by default, but you can change this in your ~/.inputrc.


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